
时间:2020-10-11 06:53:00 | 来源:互联网


I have stars and flames in my eyes, but without you. Because you are in my heart.


I will not ask you how you are in the future, I will accompany you to the old.


The monkey in love is beautiful, and the deer in love is also a fairy.


The future I want is to wake up every morning and see you and the sunshine.


I've been looking for it. When I find you, I'll find the whole world.


Waiting, not for you to come back, but to find an excuse not to leave.


I, even after the year will not change, I will still love you like now!


I like the wind in March, the rain in April, the sun that doesn't set, and the best of you.


You are like a bowl of soup, let my heart never cold.


Water will run away, fire will go out, but love can contend with fate.


The wicked obey because of fear, and the good obey because of love.


Time to you, is to cherish; this heart to you, will never change.


Wake up in the morning and see you and the sunshine are there. That's the future I want.


Love is more difficult to hide than a felony of murder; the night of love has the sun at noon.


You didn't come back on time, and that's what parting means.


Every time I drink too much, I miss you very much. Later I found that I miss you very much.


The first time I met you, like the breeze, like the warm sun, like a girl's dream.


My cat is very skinny. Can you help me with it.


You don't know how to cook. Stay with me and I'll make it for you later!


I still love you, but less than some must be together persistent.


I'm not a gentle person, but I'm willing to do everything gentle for you.


Stay with me and let me take care of you. It doesn't matter who you love.


Loyalty is the bridge of love, fraud is the enemy of friendship.


The meaning of love is to help the other party improve, but also to improve themselves.


Give me a lipstick and I'll give you a little bit every day.


I'm lazy and I don't have any special skills, but I love you very well.


You laugh heartless, but I hurt the heart.


I played a joke, hidden a lot of many, I love you.


Smoke less and drink less wine. I want to stay with you for more years.


Parting makes love warm, but meeting makes it firm.


Missing is like a river, flowing to the sea and my heart.


Love, until after injury is always sorry, even if you can't feel me.


Honey, you're really great. This life can marry you is my happiness!


True love is based on the mutual understanding and understanding between two free people.


Marriage is the most difficult love, because we must talk about it while eating bread!


My love for you is just like a tractor going up the mountain.


Walking together is fate. Walking together is happiness.


Lovers live by love, just as larks live by leeks.


Love is a lovely tyranny, and lovers are willing to suffer from it.


No matter how good others are, I'm different. I'm yours.


The reason why I live to the present is that I can meet you at this moment.


For me, you are all the love of my life.


You love me most. I can't think when I say it, but after thinking about it, I still say it like this.


How much he loves you depends on the way he mentions you in front of others.


Husband, I love you very much. I will never give up you.


Learn to love, learn to understand love, learn to be a happy person.


White like an open wound, naked, so it hurts.


Are you far away from me? Not at all, hidden in my heart.


I don't want a brief warmth, as long as you accompany me all my life.


Someone asked me what spring is, so I remember meeting you for the first time.


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