
时间:2020-04-02 10:11:46 | 来源:互联网


All things think of you less than I think of you, and all things like you less than I like you.


The day I met you, I didn't want to separate.


Simplicity is not less, but there is no redundancy, enough is not more, but just you.


The past is not read, the heart only read you, sorrow and joy are not talked about, only talk about you.


If you love each other, carry your hand to old age. If you miss it, protect him.


No matter how good others are, I'm not the same. I only belong to you.


I don't want much, just you. I don't have much, all for you.


I will always be loyal to myself, running to the ideal and you.


Everything I do, I try to change myself, is for you.


You are a thousand piles of snow, I am long street. Afraid of the sunrise, each other collapse.


Also want not to love, can avoid love. Several times of careful consideration, willing to Acacia bitter.


Who's eyes will touch your lost back, spend a lifetime for your obsession!


I once wanted to be loved, but I chose to love you.


I can't love while walking. You stand in the way of people.


Don't torture me any more. My heart has been cut. It's not the blood that runs out. It's the fault of loving you.


As soon as I think of spending the rest of my life with you, I am full of expectation for the rest of my life.


The world is changing and the flow of people is endless. I just want every sunset with you.


The brain is amazing. Even if you are too busy, you can leave a little gap to think of you.


I like you, like the cloud wandering 90000 miles, never rest.


I don't know where to start. I'll go deep.


You are my first choice, my last choice, and my eternal choice in this life.


Do you touch the fabric I wear today to see if it's for your girlfriend?


You are my short and long rainy season, and the clear sky for the rest of my life.


If you want, I love you. If you don't want, I just love you.


The best happiness is the care you give. The most beautiful time is to have your company.


For the rest of your life, please give me more advice.


In fact, I can't imagine how life would be without you.


I refused everyone's invitation and didn't want to see the scenery with people other than you.


I want to hold your hand, from the heart to the antique.


You are my unexpected meeting, but also my sudden joy.


When I look at you, the world is warm.


Whether it's sunny, cloudy or rainy, the day to see you is the most brilliant day.


No matter how beautiful the spring breeze is, it can't compare with your smile. People who haven't seen you won't understand.


I have not participated in your past, and I am willing to accompany you to the end in your future.


If you like, I want to hold your hand and go to the end of my life.


I still love you, but with less persistence.


Like the song quiet listening, like the people from afar.


It's my simplest and most lasting happiness to hear you say good night before going to bed every night.


As long as you are around me, rich or not, I am the happiest person in the world.


The world is so big, and the place I really want to stay is your side.


The best feeling, you are waiting for me in that place, silently missing me.


Even if life is not so easy, I hope you are in my future.


It's worth sharing with you, three meals and four seasons.


How dare I grow old before you come.


You can't have both fish and bear paw, but you and I want freedom.


Not that you have all the looks I like, but that I like all the looks you have.


I haven't changed my phone, just waiting for you to find me.


One room for two, three meals a day, four seasons with you, this is the best destination of love.


I still like you very much, like the wind has gone eight thousand miles, do not ask the return date.


Everything in the world is suffering. Can you do my salvation.


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