
时间:2020-10-11 06:54:13 | 来源:互联网


Watch a painless movie, talk about a aimless love.


May the world turn into the sea, and may you and I return to the first sight.


Tell me when you want to marry, I will marry you!


No one has real love, only love at first sight.


I love you, for your happiness, I am willing to give up everything, including you.


I don't like you so much, but I'm full of you.


No matter how warm the heart can stand indifference, no matter who loves you, you can't stand coldness.


Meeting you has spent all my life's luck. Falling in love with you is the luckiest thing in my life.


As long as men and women really love each other, even if the end is not a family, it is still sweet.


When I feel lonely, you are always the first person I think of.


We can't do without and can't get along with each other.


Love is love, which promotes the development of the world.


About you, thousands of troops, the tide of the world, you smile, my heart is sweet.


Meeting you is the beginning of all my wonderful stories.


Can you tell me a little bit, you miss me, keep your voice down.


No one in this world is qualified to be with you except me.


There is a difference between love and dependence. Dependence is inseparable, but love does not leave.


You run through my mountains and rivers, like the dusk, if the dark spark.


It seems that suddenly there is armor, but also suddenly there are soft ribs.


Now I am very good, not in love, still waiting for you.


I can not give much, but at least I can give you a dedicated me.


If there was happiness. Happiness is just a fraction of an instant, a small segment.


There are many things in this world that we can't control.


In my heart, nothing is more important than you.


As long as you are always with me, other things are no longer important.


Don't be afraid that love will bring harm, but believe that what he hurt is love, not you.


I don't know why I like you, but if I do it again, I will still choose you.


About you, I never need to remember, because, never forget.


What I want is simple, time is still there, you are still there.


I'd rather cover your quilt than say good night across the screen.


How can I worry about the South and the north? My two hearts talk about life and death.


I like you, like your eyebrows and eyes, like your temper, not you.


Only when you are drunk can you know who you love the most. When you are sick, you will know who loves you most.


Husband, I love you, thank you for playing with me, flowers are so happy.


At any time for love to pay everything will not be wasted.


It is absolutely true that love makes all men eloquent.


Meeting you is fate's arrangement, and falling in love with you is beyond my control.


When a girl falls in love with a man, she will never see his faults.


When you are in, you are everything; when you are not, everything is you!


The most selfish, but also the warmest word for you. you are mine.


In this life, I only have a true love, just for the sake of being with you forever and forever.


I don't want to be the interlude of your life, just want to be the most perfect ending of your life.


Simple joy filled with a glimmer of happiness, this moment, throbbing and shining.


No matter how many beautiful scenery in the world, you can't look back at me.


Lend me seven seconds time, three seconds said I love you, four seconds let me embrace you.


I can't give you the whole world, but my world is all for you.


Now you, will you go to the beautiful path you said?


Your address is up to me. okay? Just call her husband.


So many twists and turns, it's better to say you like it.


Just because I saw you more in the crowd, my whole life fell into your eyes.


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