
时间:2020-12-10 07:30:47 | 来源:互联网


Not in the best time to meet you, but after meeting you are the best time.


I would like to offer you in the prime of life, can you accompany me to be old.


I just want to hold on to one hand and not abandon each other in old age; I only want to get a heart and never leave each other.


People should only forget themselves and love others, so as to be quiet, happy and noble.


Want to be a very cool person to turn around and leave, more cruel than you, more cruel than you, but I advise.


Spring breeze ten li love hundred Li, thousand peach blossom is inferior to you.


A heart belongs to you for a long time, separated still love.


I'll take you to see the whales in the sky, and then dive into the sea with you.


The moment I saw you, God said four words in my ear: doomed.


There is no constant commitment, only endless lies.


Come to me when you are tired. I want whatever you want.


It's not when you are in the best time, but when you are there, I have the best time.


My happiness is to have a warm life with you.


Only if you are cruel enough to yourself, you can say in the future, I can't help it. I tried my best.


You can get love by any means, but it takes wisdom to keep love.


Love should be an oath, only one-sided, faithful love, is the real love.


You'd better have nothing and let me do all of you.


So we fell in love, hands wet like the sea.


The body has no Phoenix wings, and the heart has a good connection.


Once I thought that the heart can be compared with the heart, now I know that it is not true that can change to the true meaning.


When you really come to a person's heart, will you give up the ambiguity you shouldn't have?


I met you in summer, you are more brilliant than the sun, you are more gentle than white clouds.


Even if the whole world leaves you, there is still a me to accompany.


At the beginning, we are all children, and in the end we desire to be angels.


Blush is you, heartbeat is you, my eyes only you.


I have a long story, which needs a lifetime to tell to you.


I can't give you the whole world, but my whole world can give you.


Lend me seven seconds time, three seconds said I love you, four seconds let me embrace you.


No problem. Love you so long. All of them. So it doesn't matter.


You are my boy, I am your universe.


This world April days, all are miss you day and night.


Love sequel is about to be staged, and the definition of happiness is composed by myself.


Choose what you like and love what you choose.


We never understand each other's feelings, but we are willing to deliver each other.


I think the deepest love is that after I separated, I will live as you.


I still like you, like spring green leaves, summer sunshine, are not as good as you.


You are going to leave tomorrow. Don't forget to take away my love and leave your heart.


A good way to cherish everything is to realize that you may lose it.


Have you ever seen a heartbeat? So you know how I feel about you? palpitate with excitement.


You only pay attention to your brother's hesitation. Have you ever noticed that I grieve for you.


The world is messy, and you can be the sun and the moon in my heart.


The person who loves you most in the world is the one who is willing to spend time with you.


When you are twice my age, I don't love you


People who truly loved once are far more likely to love again.


The so-called fate is, I want to kiss, and you happen to have a mouth, you said coincidentally.


Next life, you don't like me.


With the people you like, your smile will be lower, your tears will be lower, even your IQ will be lower.


I know that there is a kind of love, called with your white head, there is a kind of happiness, called accompany with you.


Love words hidden in the wind, like the people hidden in the dream, you are still in my heart.


I will personally give you happiness, others I do not trust.


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