
时间:2021-03-05 07:23:12 | 来源:互联网


Once we vowed, now we get married.


Because not worthy, suddenly inferiority, say excuse me.


At first they said they would not put in, but in the end they were doomed.


Do not mix arrogance with your wisdom, and do not make your modesty lack wisdom.


Always miss you, although we can't share every minute.


I hope you can love me to the bone, deep love not tired, like I pet you general pet me.


Next life, I want to be your tooth; at least, I feel bad, you will also hurt.


You just appeared in my world, and then suddenly disappeared all the news.


The most frustrating thing in the world is that the more people you love, the more rain you wait.


The world owes you tenderness, I give you.


When you want to shed tears, sweat and tears taste the same, salty.


Life has a lot of things, go around, maybe still back to the origin.


Ideal is always full, reality is always backbone.


People not only live for themselves, but also for those who love themselves.


You let me practice smiling, I'm thinking about who I smile to.


There are always some people, who were originally passers-by of life, but later became frequent visitors of memory.


Thank those who know me, see through me, and now still accompany me.


Don't always look at AV, you don't look at the keyboard, mother a and V behind what is.


Those who believe in fate follow fate, while those who do not believe in fate are dragged by fate.


If you love someone without response, it's better to walk away with pride than to beg for love.


If I think about it, I will say it, but if I put it in my heart, the interest will not rise.


My heart tells me that I can only do this, so that those memories will survive.


Everything can be delayed. There's no need to be in such a hurry.


I love him. I love him from everyone.


Everything about you disappeared, no longer remember!


If a pair of eyes shed tears for me, I would like to believe this sad life again.


Once expected, now no longer expected, memories become a luxury, even endless.


I thought I had seen enough sunshine, until I met you, I knew that I had never really seen sunshine.


When there is no way to be single-minded, don't hurt others.


At first, it was the apricot blossom in spring, whose family was young and romantic.


Sometimes, can't accept a person, because can't forget another person.


When you are remembering the past, it can only show that you are not doing well at the moment.


People always pursue happiness and escape from pain.


If you lose money, you can earn it again; if you lose your life, you can never look back.


If you had known so much, why did you not know each other at the beginning.


In no one's tuyere, bury all the memories related to you.


You deserve all your pain. You can't think of it.


I'll walk around the world with you.


Since you have identified a road, why ask how long it will take.


We are not good actors emotionally. I can't hide my enthusiasm. You can't act like that.


A man has two selves, one awake in the dark and one asleep in the light.


It's better to live a beautiful life than not to be beautiful, but how can you live a beautiful life.


Live like the wind, no home, but as cool.


No matter how disgusting life is, you have to live by yourself. No one can carry it for you.


If one day, I am old and helpless, please bury me in your time.


You think it's humorous to make fun of other people's pain. In fact, it's a lack of smoking.


As for what will happen in the future, we have to go on to know. Anyway, the road is still very long, and the day will always be bright.


In my life, the two most heartbreaking words are your name.


Wait for those who pour cold water on me. One day I'll bring it back to you.


I want to raise a cat, a dog and another one. You tease the cat, abuse the dog and sleep with you.


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