
时间:2020-08-18 09:26:53 | 来源:互联网


Who said that sad painting can not be achieved, painting people's hearts, human feelings.


Youth can not be prosperous, middle-aged can not be idle, old age can not be adversity.


On the night of the moon, who is waiting for me.


Its rain, its rain, the sun. I would like to say that I would like to think of Bo, and I would like to be the first to suffer.


You live in the head of the Yangtze River, I live in the end of the Yangtze River, thinking about you every day, but not seeing you, drinking the water of the Yangtze River.


The tears in front of the pillow are the rain before the steps, and drips to the light through a window.


The number of hand written, warm and sincere feelings, beyond the words.


Love one person, years also need to be courteous three fly.


Under the shadow of the brocade Acacia building, the mother of heaven hairpin is dark about the small curtain.


Fortunately, I met you at the beginning of my life.


Wild geese in cloud fish in water, melancholy this feeling hard to send.


Fate to meet, no fate to get together, the ends of the earth, I hope to remember.


Night cold dream long, long but boundless sea of people; people walk tea cool, cool but green silk into frost.


Falling moon, silent shadow.


It is said that the young lady manages her family well and is more auspicious than the rest of her life.


From hate but like spring grass, even further away still alive.


The wind chases the fallen leaves, the leaves chase the dust, and the colorful clouds chase the moon.


I hope all sentient beings are mediocre in your eyes, only I am the star in the world.


Ice jade thread cluster green red, has teased the flower tip a trade wind.


Deep sea water, not half Acacia. There is still a limit to the sea, acacia is boundless.


He smiles, destroying himself in the loss of years.


There is love and infatuation in the world. This hatred has nothing to do with the wind and the moon.


A misty rain red, white moonlight, add melancholy, spare branches no flower fragrance.


Phoenix pair, fly to fly to the misty rain autumn.


According to the water, you can talk about the whole temples, lean on the fence without thread, and you will come back with lazy eyes.


I don't know what is youth frivolity, I only know what is the winner is king.


The up and coming lotus just bud; a dragonfly has already stood on it.


When will this water cease, when will this hate be. I only wish that your heart is like my heart, and I will not lose my love.


My lips are parched and my mouth is dry. I can't breathe.


With a wave of ink, a letter of divorce was handed to me.


Life is only a hundred years of desolation, what about forgetting everything?


Plum powder heap steps languid not to sweep, so leisurely but early spring.


It's better to seize the day and the evening, after the appointment.


I take the world as a gift, and take you as my wife all my life.


I have also been young in white, and have promised a person in his old age.


Courteous flowers hand in hand. More wine in the cup. Beauty does not have to close her eyebrows.


The cloud can block out the sun, Chang'an is sad.


I wake up to turn, you must be on my left bank, holding hands, waiting for a peach blossom tree.


Having no friends in the country is the first thing to hate.


If you want to send color paper and ruler, where do you know?


There are no words but tears. It's expected that every year the intestines are broken, and the moon is bright, and the pines are short.


It's hard for people's livelihood.


Wind blowing sand into the desert, you wait for me, waiting for ten years of long meditation.


Werewolf month, Yi people haggard, you raise a glass, drink the wind and snow.


The peach blossom is burning with love and music, and the flower is like a beautiful woman's wish and inclination.


It's more than enough for me to support you.


Now all of us are from other places, so we have no reason to meet each other.


It's not a bitter cold, how to get plum blossom fragrance.


I'd like to wander first and meet you later.


Before the end of the song, people have dispersed, wine is not drunk, the heart has been broken.


The world is too cold, feeling slightly hurt. Smile has disappeared, reduced to vicissitudes.


He is a man of the world, and he is also a man of the world.


If asked how to agglutinate, the ancestor of humanity is Xuanyuan.


Day by day, horse riding, cloaks in the wind, when the year of wax, how to bear the beauty of evil spirits.


Let go of your hand, open your mind and never look back.


On the top of Fenghua, we talk about Sansheng with tears and blood. When we leave, we will leave for thousands of years.


The passage of time, the scenery of retrogression, the people met by chance, are gradually drifting away.


As soon as he entered the palace wall, he became a passer-by.


Who said that the feeling is so heavy, how can you wet the whole dress.


Full of flowers and curtains do not roll, heartbroken grass far.


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