
时间:2020-03-19 08:54:01 | 来源:互联网


A temporary setback can often be transformed into knowledge and insight through unyielding fighting.


Others can only give you directions, but not help you walk. You need to walk your own life.


What makes people tired is not the mountains far away, but a grain of sand in their shoes.


Smile is a kind of attitude, running is a kind of posture, which is indispensable for a positive life!


There is a gap between you and your ambition and your suffering.


If you are tired, look at the sky and see where the dream started.


Irony is a kind of power, a negative power. Praise is also a force, but it is a positive force.


The older the time, the less popular the heart. Once said good life and death with the same person, to the end of old death do not contact.


Money, let how many people can't love together; money, let how many people don't love sleep together.


Now that you have identified a path, why do you need to ask how long it will take.


Never be contented with your study; never be impatient with your teaching.


Living in the same environment, the boundary between the strong and the weak lies in who can change it.


When a person has a dream to fly, even if climbing, there is no reason not to stand up.


Do not want to be able to leap thousands of miles, only hope to move forward every day.


Tears do not mean whose failure, smile does not mean whose success.


The day you like is the most beautiful day, and the living method that suits you is the best living method.


Don't waste your life where you will regret it.


There is no failure unless you stop trying.


Passers-by, use foot sound instead of sigh!


This game is not up to you to decide whether to win or not. It's up to you to decide our destiny.


The lost mulberry and elm, the east corner of the harvest.


It rained yesterday, blew today, and the sun will come out tomorrow.


Only those who dare to try, dare to do and dare to break will succeed!


Those who bow their heads will never bump into the low gate.


There is indeed a high wall on the way to dream, but it only blocks those who do not love enough.


Success is standing up more than falling down.


I will take every change as growth, even pain is worth it.


Life has honed life. Along the way, we have learned to accept.


Life is not to surpass others, but to surpass oneself.


No matter what you do, don't rush to repay, because sowing and harvesting are not in the same season!


Courage is the control of fear, not the absence of fear.


Character decides fate, choice changes life.


Every day just look at the goal, don't think about obstacles.


Every night when I get tired of sitting on the chair, I feel that I have really passed the day.


The end of the road is still the road, as long as you are willing to go.


To overcome the anxiety and depression of life, you must learn to be your own master.


If there is a dream, go after it. If there is no dream, the soul is empty.


It doesn't matter if you don't play well in the first half of your life, and in the second half, just work hard.


To die, one can realize one's will; to live, one can practice one's will.


Only when you climb to the top of the mountain can the mountain support you.


I can do what others can.


Any harvest is not a coincidence, but a daily effort and perseverance!


The most terrible enemy is that there is no strong belief.


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