
时间:2020-01-23 10:20:37 | 来源:互联网


As long as people do not lose direction, they will not lose themselves.


The gentleman helps others to achieve their moral perfection but not their evil conduct.


When we see the good, we think together. When we see the bad, we introspect ourselves.


A man is not a sage. Who can be faultless? It's not good to change.


The business of diligence is wasted in frolic, the business of thought is destroyed in following.


You can't be a relative, you can't be a person; you can't be a son.


To worry before the common people worries; to enjoy only after the people can enjoy.


A strong old man has great ambition; a martyr in his old age has great ambition.


There is no trivial matter for the mind. The mind can enlarge everything.


Flattery is a man. He that overcomes me flatters, but he that does not know me is arrogant.


Pride is the egg of victory, but the egg of defeat.


We should devote ourselves enthusiastically to acting according to morality instead of talking about morality.


The greatest happiness of life lies not in what we possess, but in what we pursue.


Who has no fault? It's not good to change.


If you want to cultivate your body, you should first correct your heart; if you want to correct your heart, you should first be sincere.


People who don't use their time the most complain about the lack of time.


There is no destiny that can be conquered without contempt, tolerance and struggle.


Black hair does not know to study hard early, white head Fang regrets to study late.


If a thousand people are of the same mind, they will get a thousand human resources; if a thousand people are of the same mind, there will be no one to use.


To cultivate one's body and conduct one's conduct, one must use rope ink to express one's words.


Life can't be as good as you think, but it can't be as bad as you think.


Good medicine is good for disease.


Choose the good and follow it, and change the bad.


The reed on the wall is heavy on the head and light on the foot, while the bamboo shoot on the mountain has a thick mouth, thick skin and hollow belly.


Even if there is no model standard, we have struggled to survive.


You have to look up to yourself before others will look up to you.


Thousands of millstones and thousands of attacks are still strong. You can feel the East, West, North and south wind.


Fantasy can come up with many wonderful ideas, but it can't do anything.


Adversity trains people. Adversity is a teacher. Adversity can be sweet.


Don't boast about the color, just leave the air full of the universe.


Courage doesn't mean fear doesn't exist, it means courage to face fear and overcome it.


Of all the moral qualities in the world, the nature of goodness is the most needed.


Although the road is endless and faraway, I still want to pursue the truth in the world.


The rich and the noble are not lustful, the poor and the poor are happy. The man here is a hero.


It's not more expensive than nothing, but to be able to change.


Those who will not tolerate others are unworthy of being tolerated by others.


One should have a clear mind, a pure morality and a clean body.


Society is like a boat. Everyone should be ready to take the helm.


Try your best. As for the good and bad results, let God decide!


The punishment for laziness is not only your own failure, but also the success of others.


All of them want to go up to the sky and grasp the bright moon.


When you hear it, you are happy. When you know it, you are not afraid to change it.


Only a moral dwarf can demand proper and decent treatment.


Luoyang relatives and friends like to ask each other, a piece of ice in the jade pot.


He is not afraid of breaking up his body and bones. He remains innocent in the world.


If you like it, you should not be too picky, because love is not made under a magnifying glass.


A year's plan lies in spring, and a day's plan lies in the morning.


True friendship is a plant that grows slowly.


There is no cosmetics in the world that can make people more beautiful than happiness.


What a liar gets is that no one believes even if he tells the truth.


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