
时间:2020-04-03 09:26:18 | 来源:互联网


You fall in love with me at first sight, I see you as before. It's you for the first time and you for the rest of your life.


I mistakenly sent you "I love you". If you accept it, store it. If you don't accept it, send it back to me.


You are like the petals covered with dew, which brings me a room of fragrance; you are like the whistles across the blue sky, which brings me peace and pursuit of mind.


I want you to be my child's mother. My child named you.


In which everything is bound, life and death is still sometimes, the depth of the edge is not Xiao Dingyuan to come when happy, when the end of the sad! What a pain, what a necessity! Don't cherish when you are destined.


You are a little bit handsome, you are too cute, you are the worst to me, so I can only love you.


The craziest thing in my life is to fall in love with you. The best hope is to have you with me for a crazy life.


I love you, so humble to the dust, and then flowers.


Missing is like a river flowing to the sea and my heart.


I love you selfishly, but I will not be close to you, nor can I snuggle up to you. Because you are the God in my heart, you are my soul! I want to protect you!


Marriage is visible, love is invisible; greetings are visible, care is invisible, but I love you, it is obvious.


I also want to roam my life, but I fall in love with someone accidentally.


Before the stars are not particularly good-looking, until a careless look into your eyes.


Like your smile, like watching you quietly, my sorrow like a cloud suddenly flew away.


Singing sad songs, looking at the beloved girl. Heart is for you, song is for you, I just want you happy, sorry!


Love is the mutual support and companionship of sunny and rainy days; it's the self satisfied and down holding each other; it's the sharing of happiness and worry; it's the constant secret between us!


You know that my loneliness of one hundred years is only waiting for you, and the love song of one thousand nights is only singing for you.


You ask me how much I like you, I can't tell, but I know in my heart that I would rather fight with you than love others.


Where I can see, my eyes are with you; where I can't see, my heart is with you.


There is only one name in the world, which makes me so worried, like an invisible thread, one firmly tied to the tip of my heart, the other firmly held in your hands.


My wish is to become rich overnight, or I will hold you.


May we love each other until the end of time. I believe we can be together and wait for the green hair to turn white. When you are, when I am, the sea is dry and the rocks are rotten.


I overheard you saying to God that you are not married to me, so I don't want you to betray God!


In the blink of your eyes, I will die. In the blink of your eyes, I will live again. In the blink of your eyes, I will die.


I really want to become your mobile phone: always be in your hand, often hear your heart, still can take pictures of the beauty you see, always keep me in mind.


I met you not at the best time, but because of you, I have the best time.


You are the shore, I am the boat, you are the sun, I turn for you, happiness can be calculated by you, give me the world does not change.


Because fall in love with you, originally a long life suddenly feel too short, I'm afraid it's too late to put all the happiness in front of you.


I've given you enough time to run away from me now, it's time.


Once lost heart, is you lead me out of loneliness.


Our door is like two parallel lines can never face to face frankly.


Whenever and wherever you need me, I'll come right away and do my best for you.


I wake up every morning and see you and the sunshine. This is the future I want.


I can clearly recall every movement, every expression, these sounds, these images that I have been with you have been written into my life.


I don't know if I should open the window lattice to let the light rain drift into the house. I don't know what kind of love I should give in the face of the expectation of spring.


Meet your heart beat faster, don't see your mood go bad, dream of your time to slip too fast, with you is not a long wait?


Hold your hand, day and night, hold your hand, wait for tomorrow, hold your hand, walk through this life, hold your hand, live forever.


I love you, but I dare not say, I am afraid that I will die immediately, I am not afraid of death, just afraid that if I really die, who will love you as I do!


Without words, let me tell you with action what is love.


I'll fight. It's false to be hard to get. It's true to want to be loved by you.


It's not the feeling of love that makes me happy, but the feeling of falling in love with you that makes me happy.


If you don't, you ask him to introduce a boyfriend to you, just say his name.


I only dare to look at you with my spare light. At that time, I only thought that you were beautiful by the water, gentle in the snow, and smooth in both directions.


Don't pry me with mysterious words, don't look at me with suspicious eyes. You should know me and trust me. My love for you will never change in this life.


I love you so much but I can't be with you. I miss you so much but I still have to pretend not to care.


It's not tall or handsome. No one loves it, the house hasn't been built, and the car hasn't been bought. It's only love for you, plus an empty purse. If you marry me, it's only love like the sea!


Three syllables, each ending with a vowel, are cadenced. I'm afraid it's the shortest sentence in Chinese with complete subject, predicate and object: I love you.


I love you not because of who you are, but because of who I am when I am with you.


Love let us meet, love let us love, love let us love, love let us care, let me give you all my love in my lifetime.


The most wonderful thing in the world is that when you hug a person you love, he even holds you tighter.


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