
时间:2020-07-12 10:25:07 | 来源:互联网


Love can't be hidden or pretended for a long time.


Look, I allow you to like me. You have no choice but to grow old together.


Long flow is you, fuel oil and salt is you, love is you, white head is you.


I would like to take a lifetime of true love, hand in hand to take a lifetime of happy journey.


Many people will feel tired of watching it for a long time, but the more you see it, the more you like it.


Drag you into the arms, give you a lifetime of company, embrace you into the arms, protect your life peace.


Because I love you, I bow down to submit myself, but you do not give me a life.


The most eternal happiness in the world is ordinary, the longest possession in life is to cherish.


The world is a huge doll machine. I just want you through the glass.


Life is like a train, everyone has their own destination, but I only run to your destination.


I gave all that I should give, and I'm willing to, except to let you know that I'm heartbroken.


Love is heartache, you can like many people, but there is only one who really loves.


Love is always a double-edged sword, which can hurt others and yourself.


More than some ambitions, I have planned for a lifetime of thinking, from the beginning of meeting you, not together loess do not give up.


I don't know how to write love letters. If I really want to write them, I would say "I like you".


If you give me a jade hairpin, I will give you long hair. Wash all lead, from now on, the end of the day.


I used to think that the world is not worth it, but since I met you, I know that the world is not worth it, but you are.


I anchor my heart in your arms because I think it is my harbor.


Like you, is the breeze, is the dew, is the cheek is red, is thousands of people can not fit any more.


Life is so short, the world is so chaotic, I don't want to quarrel, I don't want to cold war, I don't want to have a second regret with you.


I would like to have a room, two people, three meals, four seasons, four seas, three mountains and two hearts.


I want to give you the best in the world, but I find that the best in the world is you.


I don't know why I love you, but you are the reason why I don't love others.


As long as I can often meet you, I feel happy; as long as I cuddle up to your body, I won't be lonely.


When you ignore me, I feel that you are studying hard and preparing to support me later.


Meet is the spring breeze ten miles, it is you, love is the mountains and rivers, the last is you.


The breeze dances the bright moon, the dream falls between the flowers. A dream wake up, as if the next generation, two eyebrows, Acacia dye.


The swallow flies south and the wind blows north. If it were you for the rest of my life, I would like to spend all my good luck.


I'm always behind you, and you can see me just by looking back.


Good feelings, not all of a sudden you moved dizzy, but the long stream of you spoiled.


We are looking for, looking for, the ending we all have.


Even if the disaster is irreparable, even if the Acacia bone, I also treat you as the beginning, the years as before.


When you see you, everything is inferior. I'm not talented and narrow-minded. I can only hold you.


You said that people, mountain people, walking along the sea, are afraid of loneliness. I said that the surging crowd is not how you should deal with it.


I want a better and farther moon, want the unknown madness, want the publicity of voice and color, I want you.


I am not greedy, only a small wish, life will always have you.


I know that it is the most unwise to love a person wholeheartedly, but I only know this kind of love method.


Some people say that it takes a long time to know the feeling of loving someone very much.


I will be the first to wake you up in the morning and the last to watch you fall asleep at night.


I would like to turn my life to the last page, want to see that accompany me to the white head of the person is who.


To the world, you are one person. But for me, you are my whole world.


You smile and say nothing to me. And I think, for this, I've been waiting a long time.


I've been in love with him for a long time. If I don't walk in front of him, he will never see me.


There are 100 ways to sweet, sugar, cake, and miss you 98 times a day.


I'll wait until I'm tired and let go, and I'll leave.


I want to accompany you to the supermarket, cook, watch TV, and live our simple life.


I have no future. I just want to spend your money, sleep in your bed and be your wife.


In this life, the most fortunate is to be able to approach your side, the most regretful is, did not enter your heart.


You are angry is a fire, I cry is a flood, only the two of us together is harmless.


I will love you more if you marry me, because you have less parents and more protection, I can't make you sad.


One day I hope to understand you, also understand the joys and sorrows of this world, walk through a thousand sails, still can not be disordered.


I will give you, together with deep love, for your life enough, if not enough, the next life will also give you.


Do you feel the material of my dress today to see if it's for your girlfriend?


There is no reason to fall in love with a person. After falling in love with her, everything becomes a reason.


Just because you look back and smile, then Baimei my dream, lit the flame of my love you.


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