
时间:2020-07-27 06:47:56 | 来源:互联网


Some words, the more you want to say and stop, the more beautiful.


I really didn't think about anything. So that feeling, that kind of crazy running in one direction, is really good.


Your eyes are really good-looking, there are spring, summer, autumn and winter, but my eyes are more beautiful because of you.


My happiness is to see you happy, even if the person holding your hand is not me.


When life is running on the seemingly risk-free track, I occasionally wake up from my dream and realize that this is not the life you want.


Some people, once met, will look at ten thousand years; some heart, once started, it will be difficult to recover.


It is not enough for a man to live in this life. He should also have a poetic world.


There is only one life to rely on, always let you down.


Passing by my world, did you call toll? If not, stay with me, don't leave me.


Sleeping is my only relief. When I fall asleep, I'm not sad or angry, I'm not lonely, and I have nothing to worry about.


Why can you still see your face when sand runs through your eyes?


Growth is an adventure. The brave go first. The price is to miss the scenery and not go back.


There is no moon or bamboo or cypress at night, but a few idle people are like the two of us.


If you can't let go of the past, then you can never go to the future.


Let me clench you goodbye, and then gently take out my hand. Clouds for a hundred days, the mountains and rivers are solemn and gentle.


When you think of the storm, who can stop it. Although it is still in the world of mortals, I will bloom after I spend it.


Every relationship can always teach you something. Even if the relationship doesn't let you know what you want, at least it will tell you what you don't want.


When, we like quiet, but very afraid of loneliness.


If not, there will be a reunion. Something that stays in your mind will someday spring up in your life.


Who are you, the pen tip youth who yearns for day and night, turning into a song in the desolate road of juecheng.


Find a person like the sun to help you bask in all the worthless confusion.


Please dry this cup of nothingness, from now on, when the soul returns, I will not recognize you.


If one day we drown in the crowd, mediocre life, it is because we did not strive to live a rich life.


If you love, why did you leave at the beginning? If you don't love, why bother at the beginning.


There are always some love is not found at that time, there are always some things that are missed before you gradually understand.


The flash of green outside the window was almost a necklace, which I put on gently.


Fate has no fate, but a strange marriage; pillow without books, it has become a love spectrum.


There will be someone who will smile at you with the ring and say please give me more advice for the rest of your life.


Slow heat doesn't work well here. If you don't get along, you can't get familiar with it. If you get along, you'll get hot soon.


Later I found that I fell in love with the person, there are your shadow, not to become obsessive.


I'm not talented. I don't know that the young master has already been concerned about other girls. I don't need to see each other again.


Love can withstand forgetting, but sadness can't resist time.


We have nothing, the only capital is youth. Dream makes me different, struggle makes me change my destiny!


Ambition and strength are equal. If you talk about ambition when you don't have strength, you will be doomed.


How beautiful your lies are, enough to defeat my whole once.


Department of spring outside willow long, separated by flowers, people far, near the horizon.


I'm afraid that's because I have many shortcomings in human nature. People with many shortcomings often sympathize with those with the same shortcomings.


Sentimental season! Please leave me, I want to live happily, not to let me indulge in the ocean of melancholy again.


Think of the world whirling, no landing; see all kinds of red and purple, the eyes become gray.


Cherish all unexpected encounter, despise all leave without saying goodbye.


Do not embrace with loneliness, do not end up with loneliness, cup cup intersect, discourse lingers.


It's not because I miss you that I can't sleep, but because I can't help thinking about you.


Late at night, the girl stood at the fool's Wharf. You think she's waiting for a boat to cross the sea, but she's waiting for you to pick her up.


Green plum half withered, bamboo horse round Zhu, remember that I love people like Zhuo want you.


A good heart is immortal. A hundred lights are shining, and a thousand miles are bright.


I still like you, like the old opera in the old city, soft words.


Love this kind of thing, listen to good, do not take seriously, do not belong to my thing, I will not expect.


I am still suitable for a person late at night alone sad, no one will find, heart pain, I am tired.


Time turns memories into movies, and you are the most loyal audience.


The men and women in the story are holding hands to tell, but we are wasting each other outside the story. The profundity you give me is much better in my pen.


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