
时间:2020-07-27 06:46:30 | 来源:互联网


I like the glittering things, such as the snowflakes in winter, the stars in the sky, and your eyes.


I often dream of you and myself, but seldom dream of us together.


Memory would like to pour in the palm of the water, whether you spread out or tightly grasp, or from the fingers drop by drop flowing clean.


She's pretty. Immersed in the world of mortals, wonderful books are difficult to write, a paper melancholy account.


Warm summer, a cup of strong coffee, a delicious ice cream, youth is so sweet.


What's wrong with putting only one person in the memory? Others, is it necessary for me to pay special attention to it?


You are my joy at first sight, you are my eyes to, you are my gentle home, you are the reason why my mouth is raised.


Cherish all unexpected encounter, despise all leave without saying goodbye.


Maybe it's just the right time. You raise your mouth slightly. Maybe the breeze is not dry, and your eyes are smiling.


Those prosperous sadness eventually become the past, please don't be disappointed, ordinary is for the most beautiful soul stirring.


When we live, we want to be happy, because we have to die for a long time!


Those flowers swaying in the past, like time, there is no way to inventory.


Brave is not me, is because you warm my hand.


I won't lose my temper, but no one can touch my bottom line. Remember, it's anyone.


He will never know her feelings for him, let alone what duannian sword means to her.


Or do not start, once started, do not easily tell me the end.


Petals open, because there is sunshine; heart fragrance, because of love.


The past has become the wind, you are gentle and also a dream.


Want to become a midsummer night firefly, as long as you seize your attention, has been satisfied.


Every night of wanton staying up late will be paid back with a morning when I can't get up.


No matter how beautiful things are, how happy they are, without you to share with me, I always feel full of regret.


I'm ok, not good or bad, not surprised or happy, everything is just OK.


I have never had any sense of superiority in my life. I have tried my best just to let myself not feel inferior.


I am a melancholy guest in the world, recalling my life in heartbroken voice.


I like you, like your eyebrows, like your temper, not you.


Your eyes are really good-looking, there are spring, summer, autumn and winter, but my eyes are more beautiful because of you.


It's better to go around for a long time than to stay still and get nowhere.


Later I found that I fell in love with the person, there are your shadow, not to become obsessive.


It's dark in front of you, but don't forget, maybe the glow is behind you.


What you like is long boiled red beans. What I want is sound, lust, dog and horse.


Withering is real, blooming is just a past.


This short life, we will eventually lose. You might as well be bold, love a person, climb a mountain, chase a dream.


We have nothing, the only capital is youth. Dream makes me different, struggle makes me change my destiny!


The so-called maturity is that you have to get used to anyone's hot and cold, but also to look down on anyone's fading away.


The ripples on the sea are my flowers of friendship blooming for you.


I'm ok, not good or bad, not surprised or happy, everything is just OK. I think this kind of life is also very good.


You promised me a meter of sunshine, but gave me a lifetime of vicissitudes.


I have a story, the beginning is impossible, the end is sorry, the content is that he does not love me, there is no follow-up.


You don't mean to go through the wind, but you lead to mountain torrents.


Only when you become your own hero, you won't worry about being abandoned.


There will be no simple happiness in the world. Happiness is always mixed with worries and worries, and there is no forever.


May time be slow, old friends will not disperse, and those you miss can say good night to you.


The sorrow of separation is like the sadness lingering at the fingertips. In the sunshine, it is bathed with throbbing pain and unable to breathe.


You are the young man with blue eyes and blue eyes when the sky suddenly appears, and I pass your spring, summer, autumn and winter in a trance.


I like the glittering things, such as the snowflakes in winter, the stars in the sky, and your eyes.


If you are destined to be a person at the bottom of your umbrella, you will never give up.


In the future, you may love her for a long time. Will you think of the time that you owe me.


Clouds like clothes, flowers want to look, spring breeze blowing sill Revlon.


I am a wild goose, you are the southern cloud smoke. I hope the mountains and rivers are wide, separated by only a moment.


Miss a person's feeling, like a bird yearning for the fish in the deep sea, close at hand, but far away.


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