
时间:2021-10-27 12:37:35 | 来源:互联网

1、Don't say that about pigs. They are usually better than people.不要那样说猪,它通常比人好。——《这个杀手不太冷》

2、There is only so much wealth that people really need, and the rest is just for showing off.人真正需要的财富只有那么一些,剩下的只不过是用来炫耀罢了。——《阿甘正传》

3、It's always like this. Only when you really feel the fear of death will you learn to cherish life.事情总是这样的只有当你真正感受到对死亡的恐惧,你才会学到要珍惜生命。——《这个杀手不太冷》

4、Crying can make me slow down and better feel the weight of life's problems.哭泣能让我缓下来,更好地感受人生难题的重量。——《头脑特工队》

5、The world does not belong to you and me, nor to the past, but to the future.这世界不属于你我,也不属于过去的人,而是属于尚未来临者。——《西部世界》

6、The most touching friendship is that I hope to be with you forever, so I feel very happy. But I hope you have a better life and worth your trip. It doesn't matter if we separate.最让人感动的友谊是我希望永远和你在一起,这样我感到很幸福。但我希望你过上更好的生活且不虚此行,即使我们分开也没有关系。——《心灵捕手》

7、On this rock, I will build a temple!在此磐石之上,我将建起殿堂!——《变形金刚》

8、What do you mean, can't I be myself in the future?什么意思,难道我以后就不能成为我自己了吗?——《阿甘正传》

9、Don't let others say that he is better than you. If God wants people to be equal, he will give us all leg hoops.别让别人说他比你强,如果上帝的旨意要人平等,他会给我们所有人腿箍。——《阿甘正传》

10、Maybe you don't believe in life, but I don't believe in death.也许你不相信生命,而我却不相信死亡。——《少年派的奇幻漂流》

11、Dream is the information in the heart.梦,是内心深处的信息。——《沙丘》

12、If you don't listen to me, get out!不听我的就滚蛋!——《老友记》

13、I may be virtual, but at least for a moment, I feel alive.我也许是虚拟的,但至少有那么一瞬间,我感觉自己是活着的。——《失控玩家》

14、You know, some birds are not meant to be caged. Their feathers are shining with freedom.你知道,有些鸟儿是注定不会被关在牢笼里的,它们的每一片羽毛都闪耀着自由的光辉。——《肖申克的救赎》

15、Dreams are of great significance. Dreams are stories that explore our own meaning and tell us where we will go.梦有重要意义,梦是探索自我意义的故事,讲述我们将行至何方。——《西部世界》

16、Give your mind to God and your body to me.把思想交给上帝,把身体交给我。——《肖申克的救赎》

17、When you look up at the stars, please take the brightest one as my soul.当你抬头仰望星辰,请把最亮的那一颗,当做我的灵魂。——《变形金刚》

18、It's beautiful there, but you're more beautiful.那里很美,但是你更美。——《勇敢的心》

19、You don't know the real loss. You can only realize it by loving others better than yourself.你不了解真正的失去,唯有爱别人胜于自己才能体会。——《心灵捕手》

20、If you meet a rainbow, you will know that there are people in the world.斯人若彩虹,遇见方知世上有。——《怦然心动》

21、Some people are light colored, some are Satin colored, and some are shiny. But occasionally, you will find rainbow colored people. At this time, nothing can compare with it.有的人是浅色的,有的人是缎色的,有的人是带光泽的,但偶尔,你会发现虹彩色的人,这个时候,什么也比不过它。——《怦然心动》

22、Things are always unexpected!事情总是出乎意料!——《阿甘正传》

23、It happens when it happens. Why should it make sense.发生了就发生了,为什么要有意义。——《少年派的奇幻漂流》

24、The deepest love I think is that I live like you after I leave.我所认为最深沉的爱,莫过于分开以后,我将自己活成了你的样子。——《这个杀手不太冷》

25、One day you will meet a person as gorgeous as a rainbow. From then on, others are just floating clouds in a hurry.有一天你会遇到到一个彩虹般绚丽的人,从此以后,其他人不过就是匆匆浮云。——《怦然心动》

26、I'm not a complete idiot, I just lost some parts.我不是一个十足的白痴,只是丢了某些部分。——《老友记》

27、After all, a person is a lonely individual. Even if you already have the arms of others, perhaps the only difference between people is where you hide your loneliness.人终究是一个孤独的个体,纵使你已经拥有了他人的怀抱,这其中,也许人与人之间唯一不同的,只是你把孤独藏在哪里。——《心灵捕手》

28、Everything in this world is magic, except magic.这个世界上的一切都是魔术,除了魔术之外。——《西部世界》

29、I just hope my death is worth more than my life.我只希望我的死比我的人生更值得。——《小丑》

30、I have to remind myself that some birds can't be caged. Their feathers are so beautiful.我不得不提醒自己有些鸟是不能关在笼子里的,他们的羽毛太漂亮了。——《肖申克的救赎》

31、From that day on, if I was going anywhere, I would run.从那天开始,如果我要去哪里,我就跑着去。——《阿甘正传》

32、I just don't want you to repeat the mistakes I made with Carl.我只是不想你重蹈我和卡尔的覆辙。——《老友记》

33、When I look at you, what I see is not a witty man, a confident man, but a annoying hairy child, an unreasonable hairy child, a useless man.当我看着你的时候,我看到的并不是一个机智的男人,自信的男人,而是一个讨厌的毛孩子,不懂事理的毛孩子,一个没用的男人。——《心灵捕手》

34、The winner will stand and the loser will fall!胜者将会屹立,败者将会倒下!——《变形金刚》

35、When I'm tired, I go to bed. When I'm hungry, I eat. When I want to go, you know, I'll go.当我累了,我就睡觉。当我饿了,我就吃饭。当我要走,你知道的,我就走。——《阿甘正传》

36、Sometimes, a little uneasiness at the beginning can save a lot of pain for the future.有时候,一开始的一点点不安,可以为往后省下许多痛苦。——《怦然心动》

37、I hope we don't have to grow up and every castle can exist forever.愿我们都不用长大,每一座城堡都能永远存在。——《头脑特工队》

38、They spare your life, but they take away all the most important things in your life.他们饶你一命,但是却夺走你生命中所以最重要的东西。——《肖申克的救赎》

39、Remember, hope is a good thing - maybe even the best thing on earth. And good things never disappear.记住,希望是好事——甚至也许是人间至善。而美好的事永不消失。——《肖申克的救赎》

40、To know a lot about a person, just look at the shoes he wears. Where he will go and where he will live.要知道一个人的很多事情,只要看看他穿的鞋就能知道。他会往哪里走,他住在哪里。——《阿甘正传》

41、Everyone knows that this is not true, but my mother says it is just a white lie and it won't hurt anyone.谁都知道这不是真话,但妈妈说它只是一个善意的谎言,它不会伤害任何人。——《阿甘正传》

42、Everyone will betray and die like ashes.人都会背叛,都会心死如灰。——《勇敢的心》

43、Maybe we smart people have too many goals in our heads, so we forget to be persistent.也许我们这些聪明人,脑袋里能装的目标太多,所以忘了执着。——《阿甘正传》

44、One day it began to rain, and then it kept raining for four months. We experienced all kinds of rain, such as small needle rain, downpour, rain from the side, and sometimes even rain from the bottom up. It rained even at night.有一天开始下雨了,然后一直不停的下了四个月。我们经历了各种各样的雨,像小针样的雨,还有倾盆大雨,从侧面下的雨,有时甚至还有从下往上的雨。连晚上也下雨。——《阿甘正传》

45、If you need anything, please let me know.如果有什么需要,请告诉我。——《阿甘正传》

46、You think grief will make your heart small, as if your heart will collapse, but not. I felt a new space unfolding inside, like a building with a room I had never set foot in.你以为悲恸会使你内心渺小,好似你的心会崩塌,但是不。我感到内心有新的空间在展开,好似一栋有我未曾踏足的房间的楼宇。——《西部世界》

47、I look back on the past, the little fool who committed a felony. I want to communicate with him to let him understand, but I can't do it. The boy has long disappeared, leaving only my dying body.我回首前尘往事,犯下重罪的小笨蛋,我想跟他沟通让他明白,但我办不到,那个少年早就不见了,只剩下我垂老之躯。——《肖申克的救赎》

48、Madness is like gravity. All you need to do is give it a push.疯狂就像是一种万有引力一样,你需要做的不过就是轻轻推一把。——《小丑》

49、Some birds can never be caged, because every feather of them is covered with the glory of freedom!有些鸟儿是永远关不住的,因为他们的每一片羽毛都沾满了自由的光辉!——《肖申克的救赎》

50、I was really excited, completely.我确实怦然心动了,彻彻底底的。——《怦然心动》

51、A moment of forbearance may save you from a lifetime of pain.一时的隐忍难捱,或许能让你免去一世的痛苦煎熬。——《怦然心动》

52、Without giving, there is no victory.没有付出,就没有胜利。——《变形金刚》

53、Many things, you know, need to put down; But the only regret is that I didn't have a chance to say goodbye.很多事情,你知道需要放下;但唯一遗憾的是,没有机会来得及好好道别。——《少年派的奇幻漂流》

54、It's the rule not to kill women and children.不杀女人和小孩,那是规矩。——《这个杀手不太冷》

55、I wanted to go there, but suddenly something happened.我本想去那的,但突然有点事情。——《老友记》

56、You should do your best with what God has given.你要凭着上帝所给予的做到最好。——《阿甘正传》

57、What happened to that guy?那个家伙到底怎么了?——《老友记》

58、I never break the rules, but try to misinterpret them!我从不破坏规则,而是尽量曲解它们!——《变形金刚》

59、You have to put the past down before you go forward.你得在向前走之前放下过去。——《阿甘正传》

60、That's the point. You need it as if you don't forget. Forget that there are places in the world that are not surrounded by stones. Forget your heart and your own things, things they can't touch.这就是意义所在。你需要它,就好像自己不要忘记。忘记世上还有不是用石头围起来的地方。忘记自己的内心还有你自己的东西,他们碰不到的东西。——《肖申克的救赎》

61、There's no laughing stem here. It's not a joke.这里没有笑梗,这不是笑话。——《小丑》

62、Our small shortcomings, let's find the right person.我们的小缺点,让我们找到对的人。——《心灵捕手》

63、Mom always has a way to make me understand.妈妈总有办法让我明白事理。——《阿甘正传》

64、I can ****ing tell you, you'll eat your own fruit.我***可以告诉你,你会自食恶果。——《小丑》

65、I'm not smart, but I know what love is.我不聪明,但我知道什么是爱情。——《阿甘正传》

66、Through a person's shoes, it is enough to understand what kind of person he is.通过一个人的鞋,足以了解他是个怎样的人。——《阿甘正传》

67、Is the fate of one's life already doomed or like floating in the wind? I think maybe there are both, or both are going on at the same time.人一生的命运,是早已注定还是像在风中飘?我想也许两者都有,或者两者在同时进行着。——《阿甘正传》

68、Whether we are real or not, this moment is real, that's enough.无论我们是否是真实的,这一刻是真实的,那就够了。——《失控玩家》

69、Don't say that about pigs. They are usually friendlier than people.不要那样说猪,他们通常比人要友善。——《这个杀手不太冷》

70、She is laughing. What is she laughing at? How can she sit there with others and smile so brightly?她在笑,她笑什么呢,她怎么可以和别人坐在那,还笑得那么灿烂?——《怦然心动》

71、I'll be here as long as you need it. I'm not smart, but I know what love is.只要你需要,我就在这里。我并不聪明,但我知道什么是爱情。——《阿甘正传》

72、I found the last future in front of me.我发现最后的未来就在我眼前。——《明日之战》

73、Lovers come and go in life, but friends are always friends.生命里恋人们来来去去,但朋友永远是朋友。——《老友记》

74、I don't know whether we all have our own destiny, or just like the wind, everything is accidental. But I think maybe there are both sides, maybe both sides will happen at the same time.我不知道我们是否都有各自的命运,抑或只是像风一样一切都是偶然。但我想也许两面都有,也许两面会同时发生。——《阿甘正传》

75、You died on Saturday morning. I buried you under our tree. I pushed your father's house to the ground. Mother always said that death is a part of life. I really hope not.你在星期六清晨死去,我把你葬在我们的树下,我把你父亲的房子推成了平地。妈妈总是说,死亡是生命的一部分,我真的希望不是那样。——《阿甘正传》

76、You can do anything, but you can't die.你什么都能做,就是不可以死去。——《西部世界》

77、They are my past. In fact, everyone is entangled by the past.他们是我的过去,其实每个人都被过去所缠绕。——《美丽心灵》

78、I sleep when I'm sleepy, eat when I'm hungry, and run wherever I want to go.我困了就睡,饿了就吃,想去一个地方就跑着去。——《阿甘正传》

79、It happens when it happens. Why must it be meaningful.发生了就发生了,为什么一定要有意义。——《少年派的奇幻漂流》

80、I don't like sports very much.我不太喜欢体育。——《老友记》


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  • 1、有些人一谈起就感伤,有些事一想起就迷茫。2、我不明白顺其自然是要有多自然,但是知道现实有多现实。3、我还是喜欢你,像老故事里泛黄的桥段,半聋半哑失了声息。4、你满心欢喜幻想着未来,他却悄悄计划怎么离开。5、那个最喜欢打击你的人,才就是最在乎你的。6、爱是付出不是索取,爱是理解不是埋怨。7、不喊痛...

  • 陈二狗的妖孽人生语录
  • 1、这座城市谁没有一点不能言说的故事,再肤浅庸俗的女人也许面具后头也有些令人唏嘘的沧桑。2、一个姑娘,她爸她妈养了她二十多年,她没吃你家一口饭,没喝你家一口水,就因为她爱你,嫁给你,把你爸妈当亲爸亲妈,照顾你大半辈子,从一个如花似玉的姑娘变成一个只知油盐酱醋的妇人,十月怀胎生下的孩子还得跟你姓,如果...

  • 幽默的说说笑死人2021男生
  • 1、回想这半辈子,当过最大的官也就是qq群管理员了。2、你说我连猪都不如,我笑了,因为你连我都不如。3、我得好好学习,不能让别人以为我是靠帅气吃饭的!4、有一种思念叫望穿秋水,有一种寒冷叫忘穿秋裤。5、你要相信,相信我们会像童话故事里,青蛙和恐龙是结局。6、你主动点,我们不仅会有故事,还会有孩子。7...