
时间:2020-03-20 08:24:55 | 来源:互联网


One is peace, two is wish, three is care, four is miss, five is thanks, six is hope, seven is sincerity, eight is trust, nine is persistence, I really want to say: happy Christmas Eve!


May peace be treasured and accompanied by happiness; may peace be handed down and accompanied by health; may peace be shared and accompanied by happiness. Send you peace on Christmas Eve. May you be safe!


Christmas Eve, please eat an apple, eat a green apple, I wish you youth forever, never old! Eat a yellow apple and wish you a prosperous career! Eat a red apple, wish you red fire, good life!


The snow is floating happily, the reindeer is running fast, my blessing jumps on the sled, comes to your side in the safe night. May your happiness be as high as a castle. May you be lucky and happy until you grow old.


I feel so lonely at Christmas! Because without you, I really miss you. I want you to spend this romantic Christmas Eve with me.


The sound of the bell on Christmas Eve has shaken the happiness and safety of life, calling on people to catch up and go forward bravely, and set out for a happy and happy life. On Christmas Eve, I wish my friends good luck and a happy journey!


The sound of the Peace Bell is melodious and spreads all over the country. Bring good luck and good luck. Everyone is in good health. Happy life is a long life. Happy Christmas Eve!


A greeting, I wish you peace, peace is happiness, peace is happiness, peace is the most valuable. I wish you a peaceful life.


The snowflakes falling on Christmas day are my real concern; the colorful lights on Christmas Eve are my deep thoughts; the breath in the cold air is full of my blessings. Happy holidays!


Peace is the warmest word. Peace is the most simple wish. Peace night says peace, may you have double peace. Peace night to send you peace fruit, wish you peace and happiness!


Christmas Eve brings us the peace of the night, what we are looking forward to is the madness of Christmas, what we are looking forward to is the blessing in our heart, and here we wish everyone a safe, happy and happy Christmas Eve.


How about a thousand miles? And miss each other. Love and care, love and blessing. Mom, happy holidays!


On Christmas Eve, the song rang with blessings: one blessing of health and peace, two blessings of prosperity, three blessings of four seasons, four blessings of dreams come true, five blessings of double happiness. I wish you all the best.


Safe night, safe night, safe and happy night! Peace you, peace me, peace him, peace is everyone! Tonight, I deeply wish my friend: how happy you are on Christmas Eve!


Thousands of miles come to think of each other. We pray for peace. We wish you peace on Christmas Eve. You have me, you have me, you have me.


On the Christmas Eve, the melodious bell rings and reverberates. The beautiful colored lights shine continuously. Every sound and flash is for you. I pray for the arrival of peace and happiness for you. I wish you a happy Christmas Eve!


Send you a Christmas tree full of gifts. The biggest and brightest star on the top is my heart. It's my infatuation. It's my unchanging heart that makes materials: Merry Christmas!


Christmas Eve, bless you! My friend, Wen Qing is safe! When happy, I share with you; when unhappy, I share with you!


With sincere wishes and sweet apples. Carrying every moment of missing, holding every moment of missing. Send greetings from your heart to show your concern. Happy Christmas Eve, safe life.


I would like to turn into the snowflakes falling gently on the Christmas tree and send warm wishes to you. I would like to turn into the melodious ringing of the bell on Christmas Eve and bring you greetings of peace!


Snowflakes, affecting my feelings; bell melodious, transmitting my greetings; fireworks, expressing my wishes to you. Christmas Eve is here. May you be happy forever!


With sincere blessing, may good luck come to you on Christmas Eve, may you be happy forever, love like honey, family like dates! May you have a peaceful and beautiful Christmas Eve!


On Christmas Eve, I wish you peace; on Christmas Eve, I wish you happiness; on carnival night, let's have a carnival together!


You hurt my heart, so I want to curse you: let the happy snowflakes freeze you; let the good luck meteor smash you; send my blessing on the safe night, let you die happily in front of the mobile phone.


Christmas Eve, you have a kind of health will be permanent, Christmas, you have a kind of happiness will be retained, carnival night, you have a kind of happiness will come, I sincerely bless you, as you wish, forever!


Happiness laughs for you, happiness dances for you, auspiciousness runs for you, Ruyi walks on the brow, holds your hand warmly, even the apple relies on you, prays deeply for you: Christmas Eve, night safety.


The snowflakes on the Christmas tree fall quietly, and the melodious bells in the distance open our hearts and let love spread all over the world.


Come on, come on, the bell of Christmas Eve will ring soon! Go to sleep with dreams and hopes. Tomorrow morning, you will receive the best gift from Santa Claus: sunshine! Peace to you!


May peace be treasured and accompanied by happiness; may peace be handed down and accompanied by health; may peace be shared and accompanied by happiness. I wish you all peace on Christmas Eve!


Although now I can only miss the distant place, but my heart has not changed direction. There is sadness in the sweet memory, just because you are not around. Happy Christmas!


Do you know where Santa is? He stole my heart. Did he give it to you? If you want to keep it, it's true.


I pray silently that Santa Claus will send me a wonderful Christmas night to spend with my companion hand in hand on the coming Christmas night, and he will send you to me as a result.


That Christmas Eve, you are a gift from God. And now, break up is still in the bell, my heart, flying snow!


Dare not say to you, the snowflake drifts away my missing, cannot let you know, has you only then to have the winter warm sun attachment, Christmas will bring you a safe and lucky year!


The air of Christmas Eve is as light as breathing, around you, it will never disappear. That wisps of warmth, filled into your heart. It's like a gift from Santa Claus. It's as beautiful as a fairy tale. Merry Christmas!


No matter where I am, I only have a turning distance from you. Let my heart dance with you in this safe night.


On Christmas Eve, you should sleep safely and steadily, save enough energy to lay eggs happily the next day, and then round them happily in a few days. In order to celebrate the joy of laying round eggs, and then happy happy happy New Year!


At the front and back of your feet, Christmas Eve will be followed by Christmas. Send a holiday greeting ahead of time. I hope you will be happy and happy from time to time. Good luck, happiness, everything goes well, and health and safety will always be with you!


My heart is like snow in winter, falling slowly in this cold Christmas, no matter where I am, I only have a turning distance from you, let my heart dance with you in this safe night!


Love is the snow, love is the flower, becomes the snowflake to float your home, the bell rings, the deer runs, brings my heart to you, the Christmas Eve, the carnival night, has you to have me to be splendid!


The footsteps of Christmas Eve are near, even closer, the auspicious bell will play endless good luck for you, the beautiful fireworks will bloom endless happiness for you, the warm blessing will bring you eternal peace and happiness.


Health is gold. I hope you are of good quality, with good branches and good leaves. Peace is a blessing. May your stars shine brightly and your wealth be both good and good. Tonight you will be blessed. On Christmas Eve, I wish you a happy and safe life.


Peace is a song, with happiness as its song, with happiness as its word, sung in the landscape of life, echoed in the near and far of the years. On Christmas Eve, sing a song of peace for you, and wish you happiness!


On Christmas Eve, I wish to Santa Claus: no matter how smelly your feet are, when you put on your socks tomorrow morning, I can receive my full blessing for you, to warm your heart and feet!


Christmas Eve, let peace give you a way, health give you escort, romance and you cheers, joy and you sing, happiness and you accompany. Christmas Eve, put down the busy, unload the burden, let happiness fill your heart!


A bright moon is born on the sea, at this time of peace; blessings come, gifts come; happiness drives reindeer, good luck never comes late, health accompanies the whole family, happy. I sincerely wish you good luck on Christmas Eve!


The snow falls on Christmas Eve, flying into your heart with my blessing. I press the happy piano key and play Christmas Carols for you sincerely. I wish you a happy and carefree life in the New Year!


Jingle, jingle, jingle! Happy Christmas, to sing the blessing: I wish good health, I wish no trouble; I wish to make a fortune, go out to pick up wallet! Ha ha, happy Christmas Eve!


The bell on Christmas Eve is ringing with continuous blessings: one blessings for health and peace, two blessings for prosperity, three blessings for wealth in four seasons, four blessings for dreams come true and five blessings for double happiness. I wish you all the best.


The morning is beautiful because the cock announces the morning, the noon is gorgeous because the sun is burning in the sky, the evening is cozy because of the evening wind, and the night is safe because of my blessing. Christmas Eve is here. I wish you good health and a safe life!


Christmas Eve, dancing lightly. Heart and heart are always together. The north wind, the snow, the snow Christmas. Blessings turn into auspicious words. May you always laugh. Don't laugh your teeth off, Santa tells you.


Christmas Eve, Santa Claus for me to send you a full blessing: send you happy candy, send you healthy apples, send you happy cake, accompany you a safe night! Happy Christmas Eve!


On Christmas Eve, I send you apples to wish you peace and happiness in your whole life; on Christmas day, I send you oranges to wish you success in your whole life; on carnival night, I send you a fire dragon fruit to wish you a red fire in your whole life.


Winter is a season of missing. I planted the acacia tree early in my heart. It is full of concerned stars, blessed months and sweet sweets. I will give them to you on Christmas Eve. I wish you a happy and safe life.


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