
时间:2020-08-08 06:29:41 | 来源:互联网


The moon to Mid Autumn Festival is particularly bright, I wish you a good mood every day; bright moon in the sky sprinkle clear brightness, good things pile up; wish more festive Festival, good luck every day, Happy Mid Autumn Festival!


With the Mid Autumn Festival approaching, we present a moon cake with ingredients: five grams of happy jujube, a handful of concerned rice, three money friendship water, bundled with humor and delivered by mobile phone; shelf life: before August 15 of the lunar calendar.


Moon to the Mid Autumn Festival, especially bright, love to the depth of the special thick, mid autumn festival to enjoy the moon, young and old men and women eat moon cakes! I wish you a happy and happy life in the new years.


On the occasion of the Mid Autumn Festival, your friends, I would like to send you the most sincere blessing, sincerely wish you a happy family, do everything like the moon on the 15th anniversary of success!


Mid Autumn Festival, mid autumn to, the full moon. Stars smile, moon cakes dance. When people get together, they make trouble. With the full moon!


With my heart to do sink, with my blessing to do the face, wrapped in happiness and sweetness, in this beautiful Mid Autumn Festival, send me a special moon cake for you, I wish you taste my true feelings.


In the night of the Mid Autumn Festival, looking at the moon together, reading a piece of Acacia, a concern, as well as the beauty of regret, eternal love, OK?


Mid Autumn Festival, I asked a mosquito to find you, let it tell you I miss you, and asked it to kiss you for me, I hope you don't burn mosquito repellent incense to scare it away, because it will tell you that I miss you very much!


A lonely Mid Autumn Festival, thoughts flying in the silver moonlight, dreaming in the dark night rippling, the soul curl floating between the heaven and earth, once again stirs up the slightly hurt heartstrings.


Happy mid autumn night, accompanied by joy, wine, mutual blessing, friendship, peace and good luck to you. I wish you a Happy Mid Autumn Festival, Happy Mid Autumn Festival, work smoothly, and always happy!


I was dating Chang'e fairy last night. I couldn't get in touch with you. In order to make up for this heinous crime, I'll let you do whatever you like today!


Mid Autumn Festival, moon bright, happy moon cake for you. Wish you good health, family reunion, wish our cooperation more happy, we work together, cause with progress!


I wish you a Happy Mid Autumn Festival, a full moon and a happy reunion. Everything goes well with everything. I wish the whole family happiness and happiness!


Jieming Haoyue every festival, sincere hand sharing two interdependence, love deep sweet like honey, Ao of the breeze what to ask for. Vow to accompany you, the month is short to the full, spend this time to this life, I wish a Happy Mid Autumn Festival!


The moon in my hometown is always rounder than that outside, and the moon cakes in my hometown are always sweeter than those outside. As the Mid Autumn Festival is coming, I can't go home for reunion. I'd like to send my blessing to my relatives and friends: Happy Mid Autumn Festival!


Bright moon thousands of miles hard to touch, there is no place for your missing. Raise your glass to invite the moon and say: Fudo! Rich! How happy!


Many friends do not understand your heart, in fact, you are dedicated to love, give up the identity of the immortal, to experience the truth in the world. I want to tell you, Bajie, Happy Mid Autumn Festival!


Meteor across the sky, I missed the wish; rivers rush into the sea, I missed the blessing; and to the Mid Autumn Festival, can't miss to give you greetings, I wish the Mid Autumn Festival a happy, always happy!


In the first month, the sky was round and the table on the ground was round and the people were reunited. Enjoy the full moon and enjoy the Mid Autumn Festival.


On the night of the Mid Autumn Festival, I invited guests in the Moon Palace and prepared a sumptuous dinner for you: steamed romance, braised blessing, boiled reunion, fried Happy Cake.


Ten volumes of poetry, nine chapters of Gougu, eight lines of literature and history, seven latitudes of geography, together with the six arts and five classics, four books, three characters and two elegance, one heart to plant trees, a little bit of effort to cultivate the English talent and make the country prosperous. Hard work, teacher, Happy Mid Autumn Festival!


It's Mid Autumn Festival. You and I are in different places. The loss of time is beautiful, I will miss you, do you remember that sentence? The moon is in love with each other.


A full moon, full of feelings; a line of autumn thoughts, dim eyes; a box of moon cakes, reunion home; enjoy the moon together, its happy; a message, to express my original intention. I wish you a happy mid autumn festival.


Hou Yi is busy shooting the sun, and Chang'e stealthily goes to the moon; the old moon has never been old, so it has been difficult since ancient times; when the moon is hanging in the Mid Autumn Festival, the past is in the heart; the jade rabbit is with Chang'e, and the silk is full of love for thousands of years.


The moon shines on Kyushu, and the moon cake relieves worries. Taste often smile, bite a bit of good luck, have a look at the happy hand in hand. Smell, happiness and you share the same white head. Happy Mid Autumn Festival!


Miss such as green leaves, gradually stretch, and the mid autumn moon full night, and the moon and stars, drunk eyes, think of your heart into a dream, bless you!


Make a good wish, I wish you happiness, send a wonderful feeling, I wish you all round, send a short message, wish your heart is smooth and sweet.


In front of the bed bright moon bareheaded guy, suspected to be on the ground inlaid teeth guy, raised his head to look at the moon cake man, bowed his head to think of his hometown. Look at this message. It's stupid!


The moon to the Mid Autumn Festival is particularly bright, the moon represents my heart, my blessing to pass! Sincerely wish, good luck with the Mid Autumn Festival, continue happiness forever! The family is happy and auspicious!


No matter where you are, you must have a look at the moon you have forgotten for a long time tonight. Make a wish and it will probably come true! Happy Mid Autumn Festival!


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