
时间:2020-08-08 06:27:36 | 来源:互联网


The moon of the Mid Autumn Festival is hanging quietly out of the window. I look at it as if you and I are looking at each other. I wish you a happy mid autumn festival!


The moon is especially bright in autumn, and it's also a day of reunion. I wish you a happy holiday and good health. Mid Autumn Festival is the mid autumn month. When the moon is full, it's hard to get round. I miss you and cry.


Are you all right with your classmates from afar? In this season of missing, what has changed is my face, what remains unchanged is always caring about your heart! Wish you a happy holiday!


The Mid-Autumn Festival is a long epic will never be long estrogen; The family is an immortal flame burning forever forever warmth; Love is an altar wine too warm, never indulging fans forever!


Farewell tomorrow morning, I hope the clouds and sunshine have been with you to the far end of the world; flowers and green grass follow each other, paving the way for your long journey.


May greetings be moonlight, soft light into your dreams; may care be maple leaves, gently floating out the fragrance of happiness; may blessing be a stream, quietly flowing in your heart. Happy Mid Autumn Festival.


Mid Autumn Festival troubles with the wind, blowing to the sky, happy into the wind, blowing face-to-face. Dao Shun, Ren Shun, everything goes well. Hello, I'm good, everyone. Happy Mid Autumn Festival.


It's the Mid Autumn Festival, and it's round again. Every year, we'll see the light on the night of the Mid Autumn Festival, shuttle the lanterns and have a happy night!


Turn off your cell phone, slowly close your eyes, think of me, think of moon cake, you will find that I am as lovely as moon cake! Happy Mid Autumn Festival!


The simple, simple and naked moon cakes should be those plain faced and plain women. Maybe she is a little less beautiful, but has a unique flavor and is worth the price.


Moon round, good dream round, moon cake fragrance, think of you. Jade rabbit, Chang'e, osmanthus; moon, 15, blessing. I wish you all a happy mid autumn festival.


I hope you can know that there is someone who cares for you all the time, and someone is thinking of you all the time. The lights of the Mid Autumn Festival are your smiling eyes. It hangs on the curtain of my heart, shining every night!


The autumn sky gives people deep thinking. The treasure you left me is the deep thinking and discernment of philosophers, as well as the creed of calm birth.


Old wine according to the full moon, beautiful scenery on a good day for years, unlimited blessing into a string, happy life than honey! I wish all my friends a Happy Mid Autumn Festival!


Sweet scented osmanthus, homesick, how are you in other countries? Full moon year after year similar, you and I look forward to each other. The sky full of light, mercury everywhere, is our missing each other.


Send a round cake, offer a round heart, send a round feeling, round a round dream. Happy Mid Autumn Festival!


You come in the moonlight, with a full body of glow, is my expectation of you. We walk in the moonlight and taste the moon cakes of life. I don't know what it's like?


The autumn of your life, is the general color of maple leaves, not spring is better than spring, when the frost season, but it is particularly energetic.


The full moon is when I miss you! No matter how far away we are, I miss you deeply!


Holiday season, send you a month: the first layer of fortune; the second layer of luck; the third layer of fortune; the fourth layer of romance; the middle layer of sweet, I wish you a good mood every day!


In your mid autumn Festival approaching, I wish you Pepsi Cola, everything fanda, every day, month, every year, gaolego, mood like Sprite, always eye-catching.


Home is the home of the soul, the habitat of the soul, the eternal shelter, the most Acacia in the Mid Autumn Festival. Let my missing turn into a wisp of the returning geese, carrying my Acacia to my hometown.


In mid autumn and August, beautiful scenery accompanies people. May the moon bring you happiness, the fragrance of Osmanthus will make you happy, the jade rabbit will accompany you and Chang'e will dance with you. I wish you a happy holiday and a happy family.


The moon to the Mid Autumn Festival is particularly bright, I wish you a good mood every day; the bright moon sprinkles the clear brightness in the sky, good things pile up; I wish the festival more festive, after every day good luck! Wish a happy mid autumn festival in advance!


The Mid Autumn Festival is coming again, and the moon is shining on the head. Drink up the wine, happiness fill the heart. Take a walk on the street after dinner, and the family is happy. Happy Mid Autumn Festival, everything goes well.


In the Mid Autumn Festival, there are four legs, such as pigs, cattle and sheep. Eating more will make people regret; chicken, duck, goose and other two legs will taste delicious; mushrooms have only one leg, and eating more in autumn is the most beautiful.


In the mid autumn of the year, the stars are bright and the moon is round. I send my best wishes to you by moonlight. Greetings follow me quietly. May we be as round as the moon on the road of cooperation. Happy Mid Autumn Festival!


Invite you to enjoy a round moon, send you a round cake, offer you a round heart, send you a round feeling, wish you a round dream. Happy Mid Autumn Festival!


Autumn is high and autumn is cool. The autumn day coincides with the Mid Autumn Festival. The beautiful moon garden is once again a good time tonight. Pay attention to the white clouds under the moon. Maybe I greet thousands of them. I wish you all the best.


Year after year, everything goes well on the moon, every day is happy without worry, always happy and happy, full of vitality, full of vitality, full of good things, smooth business, smooth family!


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