
时间:2020-06-05 06:09:38 | 来源:互联网


The Mid Autumn Festival is coming. I wish you a Happy Mid Autumn Festival and eat moon cakes as soon as possible.


When is the bright moon? Ask Qingtian about the wine. I don't know what season it would be in the heavens on this night?


The Mid Autumn Festival is coming. In order to protect the environment and simplify low-carbon life, we suggest that you do not buy or give away over packaged moon cakes. If you want to use it yourself, please choose a simple package of mooncakes!


Crush the dream of a river autumn water, in this full moon night, weave it into the best wishes under the moon, to you, I wish you a Happy Mid Autumn Festival!


Apart from 18800 miles, but bathed in the same moonlight, meet the same Festival, Mid Autumn Festival, let the moonlight send my blessing: reunion, happy every day!


My heart is on the keyboard, waiting for you to tap gently. The moon in the sky, waiting for lovers to come and hope, I will arrange the bright moon and stars into the most beautiful blessing: Happy Mid Autumn Festival!


It's a wonderful thing to have a full moon and enjoy the moon with tea. If people are not reunited, it is also beautiful to be together. May all of you who share the bright moon be happy!


The Mid Autumn Festival is a day of reunion. The round moon, the round moon cake, the round smiling face, and the clear brightness of the moon turn over the courtyard wall and sprinkle it on the ground, flowing silver all the time.


Autumn wind is clear, autumn moon is clear, fallen leaves gather and scatter, I still love the old love, if the heart is corresponding, I can go with you in the future, life is stormy and rainy, and we can go forward together.


When the Mid Autumn Festival comes, the best sight is to get together with your family. Thank you for your sincere cooperation and wish you a Happy Mid Autumn Festival!


Every time I arrive at Mid Autumn Festival, I miss my family, but at this time, I feel tearful and busy sending messages with my mobile phone. I pray you will be safe. My son will come to see you!


After two years, I have dinner here again. I wish you a Happy Mid Autumn Festival and better and better!


The full moon brings people together, but the short moon brings them apart. If it is merciless, the moon is full, if it is sentimental, the moon is full.


Mid Autumn Moon, the end of the world at this time, the festival of reunion, the moment of missing. Wish the old father good health! My son must come home as soon as possible.


The full moon is a painting, and the lack of it is a poem. Picturesque poetry, beautiful scenery on a good day, to my beloved you. Looking up to the same beautiful moon under the distant stars is the contract of our hearts!


It's Mid Autumn Festival again. I think twice about my family. To be healthy, you need to be moderate. Worry with it to go, the mood will be comfortable. Good friends wish you a happy reunion.


I told a stranger your mobile phone number, his name is Yuelao, he will help me tell you on the full moon night of the Mid Autumn Festival; I think of you, I think of you, and I wish you a Happy Mid Autumn Festival!


The bright moon in the middle of the sky makes the world bright. I wish you more success in your career. Good things will continue from this full moon!


Miss like a little bit of stars, interweave your side; happiness like white clouds, pile up your heart. The Mid Autumn Festival is coming. My best wishes! Happy Mid Autumn Festival.


The bright moon in front of the window, it's the Mid Autumn Festival, look up at the bright moon, low hair information, pass on to you happy, pass on to you good luck, make a fortune safely, healthy and happy, Happy Mid Autumn Festival.


The moon of the Mid Autumn Festival hangs quietly outside the window. I stared at it. As if it is a mirror, you and I are looking at each other.


Turn off your mobile phone, slowly close your eyes, think about me, think about moon cakes, you will find me as lovely as moon cakes! Happy Mid Autumn Festival!


The longer the wine is, the more mellow the friendship is; the clearer the water is, the lighter the vicissitudes of the world are. I wish you a Happy Mid Autumn Festival!


I am preparing for the company to produce mooncakes. Make skin with romance; make stuffing with warmth; make egg king with happiness; people who know taste don't need more, you'd better be the only one!


No matter where you are, you must see the moon that you have forgotten for a long time tonight. Make a wish and it will probably come true! Happy Mid Autumn Festival!


Acacia is a kind of thick wine, which always exudes intoxicating fragrance when raising a glass; nostalgia is a thick feeling, which always evokes unspeakable melancholy when the moon is full.


The full moon, I wish you family reunion, the full moon dream, I wish you a full wish, the full moon, I wish you money, the full moon heart, I wish you life. Happy Mid Autumn Festival.


The moon shines on Kyushu, and the moon cake relieves worries. Try to open a smile, bite a bit of good luck to have, look at a happy hand in hand. Smell it, happiness and you are white. Happy Mid Autumn Festival!


Send you a moon cake: it is made with love as filling, reunion as skin, and the best heart. I wish you a happy reunion on this reunion day.


The full moon is the source of hometown, share sweet dream realization; the curved moon is the thought of the passenger ship, carrying the wandering son to find the dream. May the people who have dreams come true on Mid Autumn Festival!


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