
时间:2020-06-03 07:33:15 | 来源:互联网


Once, you are my teacher, now, I am a teacher, all of this comes from your love and care for me, teacher, happy holidays, good health!


Your Chunchun teachings, along with the chalk dust, write down your hard don't regret; my thoughts such as birds fly, fan heart wish that stream, wish you the mood and beauty in the festival!


The teacher is a zither, elegant melody makes me feel comfortable; the teacher is a cup of Longjing, curling tea fragrance makes me feel refreshed. Happy Teacher's Day! Happy life!


Teachers, preaching, giving and solving puzzles; scholars, hearing and receiving both; teachers and learning, giving and receiving, giving and giving, receiving life philosophy, thank teachers!


Your knowledge lets us admire, your conduct lets us celebrate, your festival lets us celebrate together! Happy holidays, teacher!


Looking back on the campus trail that day, the pen goes straight to the bright classroom, and the reading voice is loud. It's important to have your guidance before we can make progress day by day. Teachers work hard, happy Teacher's day.


On the bumpy road, you will have light; on the bumpy road, you will have direction. You use your knowledge to promote the fragrance of peaches and plums. On Teachers' day, I wish teachers happiness and health.


A piece of chalk with two sleeves and a three foot platform is sunny and rainy all the year round. With all the viscera and viscera, you can talk and think with all your heart. Every drop of sweat will make you happy in the world.


You let us open the window of the soul, you let us have the spiritual pillar, you send us on the road of learning, give us infinite encouragement. Teacher, we will always remember you.


White chalk powder, waves of falling. It whitens your black hair, but sets off your green youth more strongly. I wish you every success and a good mood every day!


The heart is as broad as the ocean, the love is as brilliant as the sun, and the love is as great as family love. This is you, my dear teacher! Teacher's day, students wish to send, wish you happy health, happiness forever!


I am a green tree, bathed in the sunshine of wisdom, and thrive in the soil of your knowledge. The deep feeling of heaven and the deep love of the earth are engraved in my heart and will never be forgotten.


Your earnest teachings are echoed in your ears. What you see in your eyes is your unremitting efforts. What you feel in your heart is your best efforts. Happy Teachers' Day!


There are two teachers in one's life. Parents teach one's life, and teachers teach one's studies. Teachers in life are as bitter as hardship. Teachers in school teach one's words and deeds. Teacher's Day is coming. I wish teachers all over the world health and safety!


Although we can't see you or hear your voice, we are still like the past. We always listen to your instructions and hope that a small card can send me a piece of affection: I wish the teacher all the best and good health!


On the sea, there are lighthouses, so they are not afraid of waves; on the road of life, there are teachers, so they are not confused; when teacher's day comes, I wish the beloved teachers a happy holiday, good health and all the best!


Once, I hated you for being strict with me. Now, thank you for your sternness, because your sternness makes my life full of meaning. Teacher, happy holiday, you have worked hard!


I am not your best student, but you are my most revered teacher. In your festival, your students wish you young forever!


You taught me to read, you taught me to read poetry, you taught me knowledge, you taught me to do things, although time goes by, but remember the teacher's grace is not only, teacher's Day is coming, I wish you good health and all the best.


Because of your love irrigation and hard work, you will have the brilliance of peaches and plums, and the golden color of rice and wheat. Happy Teachers' Day.


On this special day, I wish you success and a good mood every day. My friend, my teacher, wish you a happy holiday!


I hope that today, all teachers will smile from the heart, in order to make the world full of peaches and plums! As long as the teacher is happy, we will be happy!


Happy Teacher's day, always young, and wish you a sunny smile!


You nourish my happy growth with sunshine and rain; you lead my happy voyage with vast knowledge; you support my colorful dream with painstaking efforts. Happy Teachers' Day


Put the pen for correcting the homework and stop the mind for filing. Today's teacher's day, dear teacher, may you have a rest and not be too tired. I wish you a happy holiday and good health.


Friend, teacher's day. Thank you for your teacher's education, so that you can know the book and answer the gift, and I smell the same, and make friends. Don't forget to thank and bless your teacher!


Flowers and applause expressed the wishes of the students: teacher, you have worked hard! Students wish you: 90 every day, always happy! Sir, your sternness makes me strong from now on!


Read thousands of books, understand your noble feelings, travel thousands of miles, understand your selfless spirit, teachers, engineers of human soul, teachers' day, I wish teachers all over the world a happy holiday.


Once there was a sincere concern in front of me, but I did not cherish it! If God can give me another chance, I will say to you: Thank you, teacher! Happy Teachers' Day!


The teacher's kindness is as heavy as a mountain, and the students dare not forget it. Only after experiencing the wind and rain, can they know your value; only after stepping on the success, can they know your greatness. I want to say: teacher, you have worked hard!


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