
时间:2020-06-03 07:32:44 | 来源:互联网


We admire your knowledge, we admire your character, and we celebrate your festival together! Happy holidays, teacher!


I would like to express my wishes and gratitude to you. May every year and every day be filled with happiness and joy!


Because of your guidance, there is a dream and hope; because of your encouragement, there is joy and harvest. In this day belongs to you, Tao Sheng: teacher, you have a happy holiday!


A sincere blessing, on behalf of a grateful heart. May your joy and wish be satisfied when you open this little card! Happy Teachers' Day!


Dear teacher, thank you for nurturing our hearts with knowledge, thank you for guiding us forward with care, teacher's Day is here, and wish you happiness and well-being, happy family!


Three feet of the whip in hand, heavy responsibility on the shoulder; the pen and ink float down to cultivate peaches and plums, looking forward to success. Teacher's day, I hope you will be in good health and have a good education all over the world!


Send a blessing, may your life be accompanied by good teachers, shining stars for you in the dark, illuminating your front, and harvesting a brilliant starry sky! Teacher's day, I wish you happiness!


Teacher, let this message full of my blessing, fly to your side through time and space, and gently greet you: Happy Teacher's Day!


In this special festival, we want to say to you: teacher, you have worked hard, I wish the teacher can be happy to life, to test with laughter!


You have given me the essence of golden life. After years of tempering, it will become more and more clear after a long time! Happy Teachers' Day!


How much I want to look at your eyes again, how much I want to listen to your lectures again, how much I want to hold your hands again, thank you sincerely, with all my sincerity. Happy Teachers' Day!


Miss you, miss you teacher! Your memory and blessing will increase day by day, let a scene full of deep feelings and blessings, a good man's life is safe!


My soul is purified by you. My sky is supported by you. I will give you a blue sky. Wish you happiness and health!


On the journey of life, you light the light of hope for me, give me the wings of ideal, and fly in the ocean of knowledge. Thank you, teacher!


Although I am not your best student, you are my best teacher. I wish you all the best and a good mood every day. Happy Teachers' Day!


That simple face, that pair of hard-working hands, gardener who works hard to cultivate the flowers of the motherland, wish you a happy holiday in your season!


The teacher's love, condensed in the red annotation, softened in the kind words, hidden in the corner of the sun, colluded in the hearts of students. Teacher's day, thank you for your cultivation!


Your happiness is not your success, but the future of your students. Teacher's day, said: teacher, you are hard!


When the stars are hidden in the distant sky, the dim light is still shining in front of your window. Because of your persistence, we have a bright tomorrow! Happy holidays!


On this special day, please allow me to send my best wishes to your teacher, happy holidays!


Through the wind and rain, I know your value; on the success, I know your greatness; thank you and my respected teacher!


Blessing is the true heart, not thousands of words, not thousands of words, silently singing the heart song, I wish teachers a happy holiday!


When we pick the harvest fruits, what you leave for yourself is the white hair on the temples which is stained with chalk. Salute to you, dear teacher!


All the thoughts, but also the integration of endless gratitude and admiration, may your festival be filled with bright, safe! Happy Teachers' Day!


You are like a hard gardener, we are like the small trees you cultivate. We are willing to resist the cold in winter, bring you green in spring, cool in summer, and fruitful in autumn!


Grass opens the door of spring, flowers opens the door of summer, fruits opens the door of autumn, snow opens the door of winter, teachers open the door of wisdom! I wish the teacher a healthy and happy life!


Dear teacher, your earnest teaching has benefited students all their lives. After a busy year, your festival is here again. I wish you good health and happiness every day.


I am happy because of your presence. My success is because of your support, my honesty is because of your love for me. I wish you a happy Teacher's day on this special day!


The sun is shining, the gardener's heart is full of spring; the rain is moistening, and the peach and plum branches are red. Wish you a happy holiday!


There is Bole in the world, and then there is Qianlima. Thank you, my teacher. Ten years of trees and a hundred years of people, the teacher's kindness is deeper than the sea. It's hard to repay a teacher's kindness to be a lifelong father.


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