
时间:2020-04-19 06:51:04 | 来源:互联网


Happy new year to you! Everything goes well! Be healthy in the New Year! Successful career! Sesame blossoms are high!


To welcome the year of the pig, I wish you good health, long life, good luck and good fortune. I wish you all the best, happy new year, good luck and peace.


I wish you a happy year, a happy life, a peaceful life, wish you every wish in life can be realized, happy New Year!


Let me wrap this season's blessings and present them to you. I wish you a happy holiday and a promising year!


Good luck, peace and happiness are precious, and new happiness comes with happiness! New year's Day: good luck, Congratulations, step by step, happy spring!


Those who are brilliant dare not relax at all; those who are suffering desperately need to move forward. Success or failure has become the past, the new year to you triumphant victory! Happy New Year!


Wish you a happy Spring Festival! May the world be full of serenity. With my most sincere heart, I wish you a happy year!


Wish your company a happy New Year! A new look for the New Year! New Year! New year's luck! New friends and old friends wish you all the best in everything, thousands of miles of money!


When the Spring Festival comes, I'd like to say hello to you. I'm healthy and in a good mood. I'm lucky every day and have a wonderful taste. Gold comes out of my house and money grows on the wall.


Happy to welcome the new year, all the best in the year of peace, the year of elation, the year of dreams come true, the year of prosperity, the year of brilliant career success, wish you a good year!


May you enjoy all the joy you expect in the Spring Festival. Every little thing can bring you sweet feelings and infinite happiness.


The zero point in the exam is called duck egg, the bad thing is called bad egg, the empty head is called fool, the fried fish is called **** off, alas, the egg is too perfect to call round egg!


Thank you for your great support to our company in the past year, and wish you good luck and great future in the New Year! Worship new year.


New year, good mood, everything goes well! I'll pay you New Year's day as soon as possible!


Thank you for your love, for your meaning, for your care and love. I wish your family a happy new year, good health and all the best.


When we send off the old year, we also send off the gloom of the year. When we welcome the new spring, we also welcome new hope. Friends, happy new year, all the best.


Long time no see, very miss. In this warm day, often remember the years of coexistence. I wish you a happy New Year! A new year to you!


Fold only the curved paper boat, in that month like underwater, give you my thoughts and blessings. Wish you a happy holiday!


Happy new year to you! New Year! New year's mood! New Year! New year's luck! New friends and old friends wish you all the best in everything, thousands of miles of money!


If you feel happy, you wave, if you feel happy, you stamp your feet, if you feel happy, you shake your head. Happy new year, madman!


New year's Day is coming. I wish you step by step, with a red bag in one hand, a gold dollar in the other, a happy journey, a blessing hood, good deeds and happiness for thousands of years.


I wish you all the best in the new year. I also wish you all the best in the new year.


Time is like a poem, every sentence is melodious. The breeze blows, the white clouds are far away. Friendship is like a song. Warm season, full of missing. Dear friends, happy New Year!


A greeting, a handful of blessings, a string of care, endless feelings in the heart. New year's day, thousands of words condensed into a sentence: I wish you a happy New Year's Day!


Happy New Year! Wish you in the new year, the month to make money, every day happy, always happy, minute wonderful, second second happiness! Worship new year.


The bell rings in the new year. Good things come to you. May you have a happy first day of the new year. The bell will bring my most sincere wishes to the most lovely of you!


Exercise is the source of health and the secret of longevity. I look forward to your daily exercise and longevity. I wish you a happy Spring Festival.


In the past year, we have enjoyed our cooperation. Thank you for your attention. At the beginning of the year of the sheep, I wish you all happiness and success!


In the new year, let's embark on a new journey for each other. Strive to achieve the new year's wish, let us become the giant of action, not the giant of thought. Come on.


Playing gongs and drums, happy blessing for another year, wish you a beautiful life next year, a lot of money, happiness and good luck. Happy New Year!


On the new year's day, I have only one word to tell you: I didn't eat breakfast today, nor did I eat lunch. I'll go to you after work! Prepare the silver! 


A new year, a new starting point, a new beginning; a new blessing: happy new year to you. Happy New Year!


Flags fluttering, auspicious clouds floating, happy signal, I come to pass, happy new year, happy, wish you happiness, health and peace, everything goes well, everything goes well!


Let this new year's wish fly to you through the airwaves, over mountains, over rivers, over tall buildings.


The brilliance of the sun is penetrating the clouds; the breath of spring is running under the ice; the hope of career is appearing in the footsteps of your struggle. wish you success.


Happy family! Money and treasures will be plentiful! Happy New Year! everything will be fine! May you be happy and prosperous! Good health and good luck! as the New Year begins, let us also start a new life! New year's progress!


Only the hard footprints left on the snow can we understand the precious and hot life. I wish you a happy life in the new year.


Good luck is rolling in, making money all the year round. Happy new year, happy face. Step by step, everything will follow. Old friends contact more, don't forget me!


I wish you success in the new year and prosperity in the coming year. Playing mahjong without shooting, happiness can not run away from time to time.


All the splendor in the world is better than a close friend. I wish you all the best in this new year.


When the new year comes, please abide by four basic principles: guard the God of wealth to the end, hold happiness to the end, hold good luck to the end and love to the end!


May happiness accompany you through every day; may happiness follow you through every day; may peace follow you through every day; may blessings fly over every day with you; and may the New Year be happy!


New year is coming again. New Year's Day is a good time to ask, work step by step, live happily, have good luck every day, grow more and more beautiful, gold comes out of home, money grows on the wall.


Auspicious firecrackers resound through the sky, praying for the health and safety of parents, looking forward to the healthy growth of children, watching the love hand in hand to the old. Happy New Year's Eve, and happy embrace!


Wish you a happy Spring Festival and all the best!


It is the bell that rings, the years that pass by, the story that leaves behind, the hope that brings, the hope that is beautiful, the blessing that brings, wish a friend happy new year.


The new year is coming. I have a big red bag for you. It has my full heart and countless blessings. I wish you happy every day.


Let happiness hug you tightly, let worry bow and go away quietly, let health and auspiciousness take care of you, let happiness smile to you forever! Wish you a happy New Year!


Every year today, is a brand new start, any world things magic, time flow happiness, peace, happiness, health will always accompany you around!


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