
时间:2021-02-02 11:25:06 | 来源:互联网


Since the trial could not be avoided, we had to put up with it.


I'm going to appoint myself as a missionary and tell those who are enslaved, especially the women in your harem, that they are born free.


Violence is not the best way to eliminate hatred, nor can it restrain harm.


It's your duty to endure, if you can't avoid it. What is destined to bear is said to be unbearable, that is weakness and stupidity.


As a stray bird like me, if I can taste the crumbs he sprinkles, it will be a feast.


I'm just reminding you, sir. You say mistakes bring regret, and you say regret is the poison of life.


Love yourself. Don't give generously all your love, soul and strength as gifts and waste them in unnecessary and despised places.


Don't have the right to love you just because I am a humble woman.


The feeling without judgment is really insipid, but the judgment without emotional treatment is too boring and bitter to swallow.


Later, whenever you think that Mr. Rochester is fond of you, you will compare the two portraits.


You have the right to refuse my love, but you can't despise my love, because it's a heart beating sincerely for you.


There's no joy like being loved by your peers and feeling that your arrival can add joy to them.


I feel that everything in the world belongs to me, because you are in love with me.


Meet you, wake up!


If you can't avoid it, your duty is to endure it. If you are destined to endure it, then saying that you can't tolerate it is weakness and foolishness.


Those who are abandoned by fate are always forgotten by their friends!


I didn't feel my existence until I met you. I couldn't bear to leave you, although you said so firmly.


Human nature is so imperfect that even the brightest planets have such black spots.


I swear to you, if God gives me wealth and beauty, I will make you can't leave me, just as I can't leave you now.


My principles have never been trained and may have gone awry due to lack of care.


In fact, all my beautiful, sincere and warm feelings are bursting out around him.


I had no intention to love him, and I tried to nip the bud of love, but when I saw him again, my love revived.


It's better to bear the pain that only you feel patiently than to act rashly and produce bad results.


A stage of my life is coming to an end tonight, and a new stage will begin tomorrow.


When the dense dew comes, all sounds are quiet, and the twilight is getting thicker, I feel as if I can linger in the thick shade forever.


True friendship is not a vine. It will grow up overnight and wither in a day.


It's wrong to marry rashly. Don't divorce rashly any more. Try it first. It's not too late.


The sea can wither, the stone can rot, my love for you, will never change.


Even for people like me, there will be sunny days in life.


Love yourself. Don't give generously the love, soul and strength of your heart and soul as gifts, and waste them in unnecessary and despised places!


But if you can't avoid it, you have to bear it. It is a sign of weakness and stupidity to be unable to bear what is destined to be endured.


From the day she left, I was no longer who I was.


When I was hit for no reason, we should fight back!


I stood there alone, very lonely. But I'm used to this loneliness, so I don't feel so bad.


Since life will soon come to an end, and death is indeed the gateway to happiness and glory, why do we always indulge in pain?


Like your smile, like quietly looking at you, my sadness like clouds all of a sudden fly away.


The real world is infinitely vast, a world full of hope and sorrow, excitement and excitement, waiting for those who have courage to take all kinds of risks.


Like the joy of a man dying of thirst, knowing that the spring he climbed near had been poisoned, he bent over to drink the holy water.


Who says it's winter? When you are by my side, I feel a hundred flowers blooming, birds singing and cicadas singing.


If one day, I turn into a cup of loess, the spring grass growing on the loess is also green for you, and the flowers blooming on the loess are also gorgeous for you.


If you can't avoid it, you have to bear it.


You are mortal, so it is inevitable to make mistakes.


Women should learn to dress up themselves, do not take simplicity as a shield, do not take housework as an excuse, do not understand fashion, you are not a complete woman.


You beautiful and lovely bird, where are you going to carry my heart?


I never know how to please them. They don't love me and I don't love them.


Even if the whole world hates you and believes that you are bad, as long as you have a clear conscience and know that you are innocent, you will not have no friends.


Life is too short to hold grudges.


If he is not here from spring, summer to autumn, even the warm sunshine and sunny weather will be so boring!


The more lonely I am, the less friends I have and the less support I have, the more I have to respect myself.


The first revenge, I tasted the taste, like drinking. Just a drink, sweet and mellow, but after bitter mouth.


Feelings without judgment are indeed insipid, but judgment without emotional treatment is too bitter and rough to swallow.


If God gave me beauty and wealth, I will make it as hard for you to leave me as it is for me to leave you now.


You are cold because you are lonely; there is no interpersonal contact that can strike out the fire in your heart.


Life is too short for me to bear grudges.


I am humble, but not humble.


Although I am not beautiful and poor, we are equal, just as we all kneel in front of God through the graveyard after death.


If you can't avoid it, you can only bear it; if you are destined to bear it, then you can't bear it, that is weakness.


It is said that looking back on the painful past is a kind of enjoyment.


How many stars in the sky, how many girls in the world, but there is only one moon in the sky, there is only one you in the world.


Happiness will not always wait for you, love you and the people you love can not appear at any time, please learn to cherish.


Although I'm a child, I don't want to be a short page.


Do you think that if I am poor, humble, ordinary and insignificant, I will have no soul and no feelings?


Even for people like me, there are still a few rays of sunshine in life.


I will only live in peace and silently look forward to the end.


Although I'm a child, I don't want to turn it over as a short page.


Human nature is so imperfect! Even on the brightest planet, there are black spots like this.


The more lonely I am, the less friends I have and the less support I have, the more I have to respect myself.


I have a soul and a whole heart just like you!


The feeling without reason is insipid, but the reason without feeling is too bitter and rough to swallow.


The tranquility and ease of the night were broken by a wild, piercing scream that rang through Thornfield house.


No more farce, I'll just laugh it off.


The feeling without reason is insipid, but the reason without feeling is too difficult and rough, which is really hard to swallow.


There is always a gap between us - however, as long as I live, as long as I can think, I can't help loving him.


Some people will make people feel that no one in the world is willing to treat her badly. However, this person just can't get the good she has been looking forward to.


Our spirit is equal. Just as you and I walk through the grave and stand before God equally.


My principles have never been trained, and they may have gone awry due to lack of care.


I hope the cold wind will roar fiercer, the dusk will be dark, and the noise will become clamor.


If you want to know whether a person loves you or not, it depends on whether he is energetic and happy with you. If he has love, if he doesn't, he doesn't.


There is a great distance between compassion and kindness.


The inanimate things are still there, and the living things are beyond recognition.


He made me fall in love with him without even looking at me.


Life is like a box of chocolates, the results are often unexpected.


Not only does he not indulge in resentment, but also he narrates with much less bitterness and resentment than in the past.


The man abandoned by fate is always forgotten by his friends.


Do you think I can stay and be the person you think is insignificant? Do you think I'm a machine?


Like the joy of a man dying of thirst, knowing that the spring he climbed into had been poisoned, he bent over to drink the holy water.


God did not give me beauty and wealth, but through the grave, standing in front of God, we are all the same, because our spirit is always equal.


We were born to suffer and struggle. You and I are the same.


No stain, uninfected memory must be a great treasure, is an inexhaustible source of physical and mental happiness.


Since happiness has abandoned me irretrievably, I have the right to find pleasure in life. No matter how much it costs, I must get it.


Those who are abandoned by fate will always be forgotten by their friends.


It is a sign of weakness and stupidity to be unable to bear what is destined to be endured in life.


Everyone is responsible to God in his own way and can't ask others to bear his own destiny.


I gave up praying and imagined a more humble prayer, praying for change and excitement.


I will always be gentle and sincere to those who are gentle and steady, obedient and strong, flexible but inflexible.


I have a little secret in my heart. Do you want to know? Let the wind tell you quietly, I like you, really like.


Pity, however, is the selfishness and heartlessness in the heart, the self-centered pain after hearing the disaster, mixed with blind contempt for the victims!


I tried my best to uproot AI Miao who appeared in my heart, but now, when I first saw him again, AI Miao came back to life and grew green and strong!


Men are not in height, but in heart.


I love you! If one day, I turn into a cup of loess, the spring grass growing on the loess is also green for you, and the flowers blooming on the loess are also gorgeous for you.


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