
时间:2020-09-05 06:46:16 | 来源:互联网


Stars blink, there is no rain.


The more people play, the more lazy, the more greedy the mouth.


You should know the kindness of your parents and hold your children and grandchildren in your arms.


There is no end to perfection.


The dew is shining, and it will be fine.


Fish are greedy for bait and will die immediately.


It is easier to serve wine than to treat.


A good polder makes may sad.


Willow sprouts twist their mouths, yam into the soil.


Forget to help others, and remember to help yourself.


It's better to shake off your arms than to cry out.


Shallow and incompetent people are more arrogant than anyone else.


There are three proverbs about light, electricity, sound and weather.


Daoxiang is only afraid of the wind, and the wheat fragrance is afraid of the rain.


Catch up while the weather is fine, and read while you are young.


Cotton is planted before the grain rain, and the seedlings are full.


Milk good baby fat, good water, strong seedlings.


People depend on food, the earth is strong by dung.


The Dragon King was killed when he opened the canal and dug the river.


Yellow clouds appear in the northwest and hail comes to the front.


Art lasts forever and time is fleeting.


Seeking personal interests is the hotbed of the enemy.


It is not dark to walk ten miles in summer, but not bright in winter.


A thousand cups of wine and a bosom friend are few, and half a word is more.


The south wind is warm, the north wind is cold, the east wind is humid, and the west wind is dry.


If we demolish Dongqiang and pay Paul, we still live in a dilapidated house.


If you are on your way, you can't slow down.


If you don't want to die, you will die if you don't want to.


When he is ill, he goes to the doctor in a hurry and burns incense when he meets the temple.


Dung is the father of the field, water is the mother of the ground. Without father and mother, life is not long.


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