
时间:2020-02-11 09:09:55 | 来源:互联网


I once thought of giving up everything for you, but it was just once.


Hit the most beautiful embellishment, look at the sky, look at the snow, look at the deep shadow of the season.


I want to live in your heart all my life, but I'm afraid that your heart is temporarily rented by me.


There is no wine in your dimple, but I am drunk like a dog. People who fall in love at the first sight, how willing to be friends.


Far away you, how to call can not come back.


The moon should laugh at me, laugh at me now, between the fall of soul, hurt the spring injury parting.


In this life, the luckiest is to be able to walk into your side, the most regrettable is not able to walk into your heart.


The person who never forgets is only a name; the thing that once thought could not go is only a story in the future.


Don't be sad, I'm here, always, always.


The only way to heal the wounds of love is to love more, and to make the capital more simple.


I can live without love, but I can't live without money. It's better to make money than to fall in love. I'm so vulgar.


Lonely heart, only the heart to accompany. Sometimes the more you hide how you feel about someone, the deeper you get trapped.


You're like fireworks, burning my pupils, then falling.


Some stories don't have to be told to everyone. Some sorrows don't have to be understood by everyone.


The reason you feel lonely is not that no one cares about you, but that the person you care about doesn't care about you.


Read the long world, only pathetically crying.


If you pretend to be invulnerable, you should be prepared to pierce your heart with a thousand arrows.


People's life is destined to meet two people, one amazing time, one gentle years.


No matter how shiny and beautiful the appearance is, after tearing off the mask, there is only the fragility of nowhere to hide.


Too much choked in my throat. I'm afraid that opening my mouth is just shouting.


Light a lamp, listen to the sound of the flute, wait for a person, wait for three or four rounds of LiuNian.


When my hands are no longer clasped, I will give you freedom.


Too dazzling city is not suitable to see stars, just like your heart is not suitable to talk about stability.


Now I believe that let it be. Don't say I don't care. What if I care?


I knew the days when I was with you. Only these days, I would not quarrel with you often.


The arrows that cross the mountains and rivers stab people with deep feelings.


We will never again like before, as hard love, until crying out.


Once thought, sad will flow a lot of tears; the original real sad, is not a drop of tears.


The first heaven, the last desolation.


Later I learned that you just temporarily put your love on me.


I don't believe in love any more, but there will be no more people like you who make me desperate.


When there is no desire, people are gentle, but once the desire expands, those overflowing will be pain.


There is love in life. Don't call life and death Acacia.


Thank you for all the harm you have done to me. It is they that make me really mature.


If you leave me, please don't comfort me, because every sewing will also encounter the pain of puncture.


The worst feeling in the world is that you can't fall in love with anyone, just because you can't forget the one who hurt you the most.


Leaves leave is the pursuit of the wind, or the tree does not retain.


Wrong love is like a pair of shoes that like but don't fit your feet. It hurts when you wear them and when you lose them.


Even if I have a cavity alone brave, in the battlefield that loves you, I can't compare to him that you love without the strength of a tie.


I want to love, I want to live, I want to regard the present life as a hundred.


Left eye did not see the right eye side, do not know comfort, only know to accompany it to tears.


You destroy my world, but I only want one you. Do you know how good I am to you.


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