
时间:2020-02-11 09:09:24 | 来源:互联网


If I forget you, will you feel hard to breathe.


Maybe I will hug other people, but I will never hug you as tightly.


On the other side, flowers bloom on the other side, flowers bloom without leaves, leaves grow without flowers, flowers and leaves grow and cherish each other, never seen.


I just want someone to understand me, even if I don't say anything.


The infatuated side is destined to hurt the deepest, since ancient times, infatuation will eventually become empty.


Can there be a person who can see through my bravado and protect my vulnerability.


It's like drinking cold water and getting burned.


If never met, how come such a tragedy.


I just need someone to be with me, but you can't.


There are so many roads in the world, but no matter how I go, I can't go the same way as you.


At first, we prove how much we love each other by giving, and then we prove that we are being loved by hurting each other.


You allow me to smoke and fire for the third time, but now I'm only lost for the first time.


In fact, you don't like me, just when you are the most lonely, met me.


You are a dream I can't reach in spite of gain and loss, but I'm a person you don't care about.


Don't think you are important to some people. One day you will understand that it's just a joke.


Don't say love easily, promise is debt!


How many men and women who love each other without revealing their true feelings, let time boil into a regretful memory.


Finally, Zhuang Zhou dreamed of butterfly. You are a gift and a robber. Without Zhuang Zhou's dream, there will be no gift and no robber.


You fill my whole past, but you are absent forever in my future.


You have lived in my heart for so long, even if you want to forget, you will leave traces.


Without you, there would be no life. What I lack is love? What I lack is you.


At first, it is always sweet and greasy, but in the end, it cries surprisingly. Finally, the crowd is too crowded, no more you when you wake up.


Face change, accept impermanence and let go of yourself.


The person who always neglects you is the one who doesn't care about you, saying more is asking.


Heartache is not when you leave, but when you appear again.


Because the eternal, only change, because the most unexpected, only accident.


You always talk like this. I want to wait for you, but when the wind comes, the rain doesn't wait for you.


I want a lot of love, if not, I want a lot of money.


My lightest thought is to look up at the starry sky with you.


You walk in the rain, you never take an umbrella, you have your own sky, it never rains.


If you leave, don't ask people how they are doing. If it's not good, you can't help. If it's good, it's not your credit.


A person, a city, a lifetime of heartache.


It is said that only after losing can we know how to cherish. In fact, the loss after cherishing is the most painful.


Happiness is as long as you hold the right hand, even if you lose the sense of direction, but still will not be afraid.


With lonely to wander, with helpless to sad, with sorrow to cry, silently missing you in the distance.


I hope you pass by, even if you don't remember me.


Endless heartache can only be used as a joke, countless past events have to be scattered with the wind.


Color, light is good, deep will fade; life, simple is good, complex will deteriorate.


Everyone will be tired, no one can bear all the sorrow for you, there is always a period of time to learn to grow up.


Love is always more sad, cool time, hurt the heart.


Don't give your heart out too easily. When you get it back, you will know the pain.


If you put it down, you won't be lonely. If you stand far away, you will be clear. If you don't dream, you won't feel it. If you don't expect, you won't care.


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