
时间:2020-02-10 09:54:13 | 来源:互联网


I'll try to put the past behind me and forget how beautiful it was.


Try to hold the affectation in your heart. You will be glad you didn't say it at dawn.


If you are always ignored, why do you despise yourself? If you are not treasured, why do you have to work hard to maintain.


My concern is nothing but your humble flattery. Why should I take my youth for you without complaint or regret?


Don't try. You will not only be disappointed, but even despair.


Once eager to stay with a person forever, later, how glad to leave.


All the unsatisfied things in the world depend on hard shoulder. Accept growth, and accept all the disagreements.


If you are my friend, please do not ask. If you meet me, please do not stay. If you meet me, please do not have.


My comfort is to make you laugh, but you think it doesn't matter.


Maybe I'm so stupid that I can't be saved. Knowing you don't love me, I don't want to go back.


I rehearsed the scene of our long-time reunion alone, and tears filled my eyes when I performed this single role.


Autumn after autumn, one generation urges another.


I am a passer-by in your life, and you are the eternal freeze frame of my life.


If you can't wait for good night, don't wait. If you don't want something, don't ask for it.


In addition to the movie, no one will wait for you for four or five years. To put it bluntly, emotion is nothing without connection.


If it's not you in the end, I hope not to start.


If someone asked you how would you describe me, you loved or just friends.


Don't be too mean to those who love you. There are few people who really treat you well in their whole lives.


How many people love each other as friends. How many people, in the way of joking to say the truth.


The distance between us is tacit understanding.


Feel very strong, will not lose to loneliness, but finally lost to love.


Once I had a lot of secrets to share with you, but now, you have become the biggest secret in my heart.


It's sad to be ignored by someone who cares, and even worse, to pretend you don't care.


Oath has become a lie, my heart has been torn to pieces by you.


In the dead of night, I am the only one walking on the lonely road, smoking a cigarette to light loneliness.


Just as the flowers are similar year by year, people are different year by year. Only way is not regret the dream, only hate too hasty.


I want the whole world to know that I love you, and I'm afraid that you will not be happy when you know it.


There are two me in the world, one pretends to be happy and the other is really sad.


Looking at you and his happiness, I tear away from your smile.


I don't have gorgeous words. I hope to meet you again.


No matter whether you have tried to keep it or not, those who should go are doomed to stay, and those who don't go are doomed to accompany you for life.


Love is silent, water is silent.


If you are happy, how can I come back to disturb your life.


Even if there is only one chance to be with you, I will try my best.


As long as you can remember me, even in the way of hate, and when I try to hate you, but think of your smile.


Without you today, I still have tomorrow.


I want to leave before we have an ending, because the result is tragic.


Two people because of happy together is called like, if not happy still want to be together is love.


You must love her very much, you must know her very well, you must be very affectionate, but I am not her, and I do not have this blessing.


Night sky, lost numerous beauty, leave light loneliness.


Is not every relationship after the break, will feel that some things are very realistic.


No matter how weeping I experienced last night, the city is still full of traffic when I wake up in the morning.


Love a person can fall in love at first sight, but forget how many days and nights a person does not know to suffer.


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