
时间:2020-02-10 09:53:55 | 来源:互联网


When will you come back? I don't want to like other people.


I would rather be hurt severely by strangers than be slandered by familiar people.


The heart always feels like being hollowed out, just need to breathe deeply, and then live in your own world.


The deepest injury in the world is not betrayal or dislike, but indifference after extreme love.


The world is suffering, no exception.


Think about the time when he was you, he would not be so sad again.


I never dare to care too much about a person, because I know that the more I care, the easier it is to lose.


I am still so unpromising, always pretending not to care about you, but always secretly pay attention to your news.


He didn't mention that I love you, but you said I would.


Everyone wants to live together until the end of time, but it's just a dream of tears.


We are all a group of entangled children, like freedom, afraid of loneliness, want to indulge, afraid of degeneration.


If I give up, not because I lose, but because I understand.


I feel like my soul is dead and my body is still in the world.


My procrastination became more and more serious. I said that I would put you down, but it took a long time.


What doesn't belong to you, it's useless to force. It's just like wearing shoes that are too small. It's hard to look good.


Always have to experience some loss, will understand the precious time.


Once a promise, now it is not worth mentioning.


I don't want your promise, not your forever, as long as you really love me once.


Please don't walk around in my world. I'm just afraid that you will come in, and I don't want you to go out again.


Time is full of gloom, time is rotten.


Once love words and promises, like slaps in the face, made me speechless.


Even if I tried my best to stay, what should go will go, no one will stay for who.


That night, I smoked a lot. The smoke turned into your face. With a wave of my hand, everything has passed.


How can you bear to see me haggard without any comfort.


You are more and more understanding, no one will care about your grievances and care.


If you can't give a better ending, please don't leave a memory for me, no matter sad or happy.


Don't take out your heart and lungs to tell others what happened to you. Some people are connected in front of you and think behind you.


Lonely people don't talk too much, it's more sad not to be heard.


The one who stands in place and waits is always the one who has been abandoned.


Love is pure, when mixed with money and power, such love is doomed to no end.


Your eyes are more and more black, white boiled water drinks the taste of wine, you have no tears, just think of who.


Please stand in my position and have a look.


Now, everything around is new, but I miss the old you.


Every person who changes his signature frequently has a special person in his heart who wants to move him.


Tears are the only way to express emotions with your eyes when you can't explain your heartbreak with your mouth.


The world is so dirty, who has the right to talk about sadness.


At this age of confusion, it seems that everything is so unsatisfactory.


If you love me you will suffer, I would rather let go of your hand, really, reluctant to let you hurt.


I don't know why, at the end of the movie, it always shows two people happily together, but not the life after marriage.


There's nothing that can't go, just can't go back.


Looking at you smiling, I suddenly found that I am the happiest person in the world.


I love, crazy, stupid, persistent, persistent, to the end, I was alone.


Silence is an excuse for fear, smirk is a reason for grievance, sadness is already hard enough, let alone hide sadness.


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