
时间:2020-02-10 09:53:21 | 来源:互联网


Time passing by the speed of light will be reborn in the way of memory.


Love is to put all your heart and soul into it, and then come out again.


Each has his own life, each has his own troubles. There are too many passers-by in life. You don't need to teach him for the rest of his life.


It's OK. Everyone will probably experience some emotional breakdown or extreme moments. They will be OK and survive.


Just for that moment, I love you, just like that year.


I tried my best not to let the people around me feel sad, but I found that it was myself who was hurt.


You are the one I can say I like without blinking, but I am the one you can give up without raising your head.


People always say that it's better to have than not. The fact is, you can't have it completely, and it's more painful to worry about gain and loss than nothing.


If I pretend to lose my memory, how many people will abandon me.


I lost, lost to the past, lost to a doomed outcome.


Life is like copper money. Everyone can use it as he likes, but a copper plate can only be used once.


I tried to forget you in ten thousand ways, but I found that I always think of you ten thousand times.


From the beginning, there was nothing to say, to the later, there was nothing to say.


Even if you are a cactus, I would like to bear all the pain to hold you.


Everyone who comes after you leave, I dare not hope too much. This is a shadow and a lesson.


Don't buy things you don't need because of discounts. Don't love the wrong people because of emptiness.


Laugh the most beautiful time, is often the most tired time to cry.


Only the incompetent can hurt those who love themselves and cheat those who believe in themselves.


Some things can only be done by one person. Some pass, only one person. Some roads, only one person.


Say good do not leave, why can only leave me in place.


I continue to be passionate about my life, when you live from the future!


If you are not happy, don't think about it, be better to yourself, because no one will really care about you.


Some feelings have been entangled for a long time, but later you have no idea whether you want to love or win.


I know it's all lies, but I will be moved.


You are not really happy. Your smile is the protective color you wear.


Often laugh the most heartless people, crying when is often the most heart rending.


I talked about a love, smile at the mobile phone, cry at the mobile phone, and finally separated and failed to hold.


Time tells me that it's time to be sensible after the age of vexatious.


Heartless smile, just don't want to lose the only remaining pride.


What's more sad than losing is that you haven't tried to be with me.


Eventually, one day, your hand will hold another person's hand. And standing beside me is no longer you.


Like flowers, like water. Can go back to the past, can not go back to the original.


It's not important to see or not to see, it's important to miss how much.


As for the memory of love, we should collect it well, only for the happiness in the future, we should find each other.


You must do what others don't want to do today, so that you can have what others can't have tomorrow.


Just think you're not here, I'm not in love.


We are all looking forward to the best, but we are always satisfied with the status quo.


When you held out your hand to me, I almost mistakenly thought that I could go with you all my life.


Life comes and goes, not so many days, every day is the best day for the rest of life.


If love is not wrong, it is wrong to love you.


You go, just I don't say, no one knows what you promised me.


The most painful kind of goodbye is never said, but the heart is clear, everything is over.


There is always a person in your life who surprises you with time and keeps you thinking about it. You cry and blush, but you smile and forgive.


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