
时间:2020-11-29 09:00:38 | 来源:互联网


When you need me, I will be here; when you are in trouble, I will be by your side; when you feel lonely; when you think that all the people are desperate; come to me, I will give you all love.


Vicissitudes of life reincarnation, but love does not change, standing forever until the end of the end. If anyone can prove that I said it too much, then even if I have never written poetry, the world has never loved.


The earth, the sky and the sea are recast like a bucket of gold, just like you in my dream, like a rose, blooming in the deepest part of my heart.


Don't worry about whether you are handsome, strong or brave. I will love you unconditionally just as you love me unconditionally.


Vicissitudes of life, love but never change, love forever firm, until the end of the end, if anyone can prove that I said is not true, then even if I have never written poetry, the world has never loved.


When the years let the blood cool, let the joy go away; the years fly away like the wings of a dove. However, the deepest memory will last forever, our sweetest memory, the first kiss.


I love you not only because of who you are, but also because of who I am when I am with you.


I've been looking for it for years, for that beautiful dream, but now, I find it in my arms, you are all to me.


Our distance is not far away, only two-dimensional and three-dimensional distance, but tears fall down.


Roses are red, violets are blue, sugar is sweet, and so are you.


I just hope that one day, no matter what; we can be together again; together, until forever!


When you cry for missing the sun, you will miss the stars again.


I have searched for thousands of years, I have cried a million times. I've found everything I need. You are everything to me.


When you love someone, you don't need evidence to feel him.


In fact, thousands of beautiful future is not equal to a warm present; every real present is the future we once imagined.


Since the first time I saw you, I can't calm down in my heart. I don't know if it's love at first sight. I only know that I really like you.


Without you, the most beautiful city in my eyes is just an empty city.


I beg you to tell me clearly what you mean and whether you are willing to love me. I have to get this answer. The arrow of Cupid has hit me, and the wound has been for more than a year. However, I am still not sure whether I can have a place in your heart.


I didn't know the passion before meeting you, and I didn't know the sadness before leaving you, but now I know to love you when I cherish you.


My love is like a red rose, which opens in the wind in June. My love is like a sweet melody, singing beautifully and harmoniously.


The Sun hugs the earth and the moon kisses the sea; but what is the use of these kisses if you don't kiss me.


I always remember that day, when I saw you, I fell in love with you.


Bright stars, I hope I can be firm as you, but not alone in the night sky twinkling high, open a pair of never closed eyes.


You are my life, you are my only dream. I love you, only you, I hope we can be together forever. I will always love you if you still love me.


I like the way you smile at me, like your laughter, like the way you walk, the way you talk, the way you kiss and caress.


You know what? I love you more every day, today more than yesterday, tomorrow more than today.


I can't see. I just want to see you again. Of course you can't feel it, Elizabeth. You are always so beautiful and charming. Your unique and dangerous lovely breath is so incredible from inside to outside.


When you need someone to listen, I'm here; when you need a warm hug, I'm here; when you need someone to hold your hand, I'm here. When you need someone to wipe your sad tears, do you know? Here I Am.


To the world, you may be just one person, but to me, you are the whole world.


The eyes are raining for her, but the heart is holding an umbrella for her. This is love.


She walked in the light of beauty, like night. The most beautiful colors of night and day were revealed in her face and eyes.


When I wake up in the morning, all I see is you; when I miss you, you make me happy; you are everything I want; everything you need. I stare at you and know that you are everything to me.


Without you, no matter how beautiful the city is, in my opinion, just an empty city.


In the years to come, please remember one thing, that is, I will always love you, because you have brought love and light to my life.


If I cry because of deep sorrow, if I have lost all hope for tomorrow, will you wipe away the tears for me and heal the pain, will you make me smile as before?


Although I love you first, but later your love surpasses me, because the true love does not divide you and me, the abundant love does not divide each other; therefore, we have the strength to go to eternity, you and I, because of love, become one.


We are getting old and used to each other. We have similar ideas and are interlinked. Without asking, we can know what the other person is thinking. Sometimes we make each other angry, maybe we take each other for granted.


Ever since I parted from you, I've always been depressed. My happiness is to be able to depend on you. I constantly recall your caress, your tears and your affectionate thoughts in my memory.


I don't know how to surround you with my arms every time. I feel like I'm at home.


Every beat in my heart is calling your name. I'm so eager to be with you, oh, I hope you, I hope you, can feel the same way.


You never completely belong to me, or love me as always, but my heart will always belong to you until I leave this world.


My heart, the bird of the wilderness, has found its sky in your eyes.


She walked in the splendor of beauty, as the night was clear and starry, and the most beautiful colors of night and day appeared in her face and eyes.


I see you, you smile so warm, let the world begin to wake up.


Love, around my side, so gentle, so warm; if I want to dedicate my heart, it only belongs to you.


A relic, permanent and lonely.


Her every move, her smile; her intelligence, her voice captured my heart; captured my heart. I don't understand why, but I will love her forever.


Without you? I will be a soul without purpose; without you? My emotion will have no foundation; I will be a expressionless face, a heart that stops beating. Without you by my side, I'm just a flame without heat.


After a long time, we sat together contentedly and happily in the bustle of people, in the noise of bars, manifestos and vulgar jokes. We said very little and seemed to say nothing.


When the years let the blood cool, let the joy go away. Years fly away like the wings of a dove. However, the deepest memory will last forever, our sweetest memory, the first kiss.


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