
时间:2020-11-15 09:47:08 | 来源:互联网


Home tonight thinking thousands of miles, frost Temple Ming Dynasty another year.


The day is far away, the day is slow.


He was drunk in his hometown and became a new poem. Beautiful night hard to enjoy, the moon for whom round?


I don't know whose home to miss in autumn.


A long stream of water on the rocks, the moon silver hanging in the air. Bathed in the world's dust for thousands of years, the small building drinks several degrees red.


People say that sunset is the end of the world, looking at the end of the world can not see home.


The moon in front of the bed is the frost on the ground. Raising my head, I see the moon so bright; withdrawing my eyes, my nostalgia comes around.


Gradually West Mountain, forest birds habitat. Overlooking the secluded path, you can come back with Yi.


May we all be blessed with longevity. Though far apart, we are still able to share the beauty of the moon together..


I'm a stranger in a foreign land, and I miss my relatives every holiday.


It's only seven days into spring, and I've been away from home for two years.


One day away from home one day deep, like a solitary bird sleeps in the cold branches. Even if it is better than the old scenery, there is a heart of homesickness.


Raise a glass to invite the bright moon, the shadow into three people.


Where is the village at dusk? Yanbo River makes people sad.


Young left home, old back, the local voice unchanged, sideburns decline.


If you don't see each other in life, you are like a participant.


Children line thousands of miles, mother worried, under the moon quiet night homesickness, mother by the door to look at the son, the month is short of a dream home fallacy!


In the Ming Dynasty, Longtou plum should be seen.


On the lonely empty disc, the moon wine is shining in the clear light for several times. Drunk into the dream of Xiaoxiang hometown, waiting for the river Xiadu boat.


Snow and frost pressure on the branches, wind and sleep in the open air another autumn. Who knows the bitter years close, looking back home, complaining about the sorrow of separation!


Who home jade flute dark fly sound, scattered into the spring full of Luocheng.


In the evening and the morning light, I left home and traveled far away from home. The old streets and alleys are faintly there, and the local dialect is seldom heard.


It's easier to see than to see. It's time to go.


At dusk in the countryside, the moon shines on the reunion. Wanderers often lament that kindness has not been returned.


The water in the fertile ditch is fine, and the fields are green. The blue sky is as clean as the cloud sails, and the returning guests hold the boat to the ferry.


Elegy can be a cry, a distant look can be angelica.


Looking up from the sky, we can see that the festival is still new every year. Thousands of miles back home, together with the Chan Chan, the rejuvenation of the four seasons.


New year's Eve night with the wind to go, Guangxia morning to meet the spring. The local accent will be met in the future, and I will be able to discern the woman in her eyes.


Raising my head, I see the moon so bright; withdrawing my eyes, my nostalgia comes around.


In front of the beautiful window of tomorrow, the plum blossom is still in bloom.


Hu MA in accordance with the north wind, more than the South Branch of the bird's nest.


The bright moon is rising above the sea, everyone faraway enjoy the same moment.


I still feel pity for the water of my hometown, and send my boat for a long time.


No reason to cross the Mulberry River, but hope that Bingzhou is home.


The most nostalgic moon, the Mid Autumn Festival at this time, the wind gently listen to swallow, wine rhyme new poetry.


I'm even more timid when I'm near the hometown. I dare not ask anyone.


Dew from tonight white, the moon is hometown Ming.


The month is a thousand years, but the night is not last night. Melancholy and different, who is sleepless?


Ice wheel nine days garden, Chang'e how Hardy, jade rabbit does not know, the osmanthus is already old.


When will the moon be bright, I ask the sky with wine, I don't know the palace in the sky, what year is this evening.


Only in front of the mirror lake water, spring breeze does not change the old wave.


From hate just like spring grass, even farther still alive.


If you want to get a hundred billion yuan, you can go to the peak and look at your hometown.


When I feel the flowers splash tears, I hate the birds.


Where to get the local book? Geese return to Luoyang.


I don't know where to blow the reed pipe. I'll visit my hometown all night.


Where is the village at dusk? People are worried about Yanbo river!


Where is the Northwest Wangxiang, Southeast see the moon several times round.


The green trees are thick and the sun is setting in the west, and the bridge with red bricks and green tiles is low. Sentimental swallows have lived in front of the house since ancient times.


The thread in the hands of a loving mother and a coat on the body of a wanderer.


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