
时间:2020-04-03 09:25:31 | 来源:互联网


From the day I met you, all I did was to get close to you.


I'm reluctant to delete your information, your smiling face I can't forget, your truth I know, I don't want you to hear my heartbeat!


As long as you are by my side, other things are no longer important.


If I become loess, the Loess also loves you; if the loess is covered with grass, the grass also loves you; if the grass is covered with dew, the dew also loves you.


Knowing that love can not be, but love to die, knowing that love has no result, but love to die.


Want to give the world to you, accustomed to life can not take care of themselves.


Without you, the color is single, without you, the food is tasteless, without you, I am hollow!


This heart is full of your shadow when you erode it, but the part that doesn't erode is full of lovesickness for you. You know what?


I can't tell you the secret in my heart. I'm afraid that a series of little hearts chasing you will scare you away.


Tonight is lonely like the sea, tonight lovesickness becomes disaster. Love for you has turned into this lonely sea. Think of your heart has let your shadow in the brain flooding!


Colorful hyacinth, shaking my first love. Your bright eyes ignited the passion of my youth.


Why is secret love so good, because secret love never loses love. I am happy for many days when you smile. I remember your words for many years.


Obviously not the kind of person I like, but the one I like.


It's a kind of fate to meet you, a kind of beauty to love you, and a kind of happiness to be with you. I'd like to be with you forever.


Meet always nods, want to say always difficult to open mouth, sight intersects the moment, I already felt your gentleness.


Fall in love with you at first sight, hold you without saying a word, come to you in three days and two ends, no one will kiss you in four, marry you in five days, and do not separate in sixty years!


Leave the miracle to others. I have you.


Ask you a silly question. If I like you, what should I do?


Without respect, love will go away. Don't care, love will be boring. Without honesty, love will be unhappy. Without trust, love is not secure.


There is no desert in the world. Every time I think of you, God will drop a grain of sand, and then there will be Sahara!


For those who have feelings, every day is a festival. A exhortation, a paper handed down; a Acacia, hope for one heart; a love, love for life!


From the seaside, you are used to the appearance of the sea. You have seen the surging hearts when the tide is surging. You have also seen a beach after the ebb.


You are smart, I am stupid; you are beautiful, I am rustic; you smell, I am drunk; you are angry, I am angry. Everything is only for your satisfaction.


I hope you can give me a chance to take care of you. Love you. Flat light with you slowly grow old!


I'm doing two things now, one is to become excellent, the second is to wait for you.


When you are sad, I want to be the one you can rely on.


Sometimes I want to write you love poems like Xu Zhimo. Don't think of me as being hypocritical.


The most unforgettable thing is your smile. When it blooms on your face, I feel like a spring breeze, warm and harmonious, melting my heart.


One day in the future, we may forget it. But every day in the future, I will be by your side! Because, I love you!


You and I meet is a kind of fate, we cherish this hard-earned feelings of each other, hope to accompany you on the road in the future for life.


Only when the world has love can it be warm, only when the world has love can it rely on, only when the world has you can it be warm. I hope you can walk with me and be a happy passer-by.


Because of you, the world becomes beautiful; because of you, life has meaning; because of you, everything is sweet.


Missing is the ticking sound from the eaves, the microwave from the lake, the mist in the morning, and the confusion when waking up. I miss you so much at the moment!


Your smile, make me unforgettable, I have been deeply attracted by your wonderful demeanor!


We all like to bury something deep, so it's hard for two slow heat people to become close friends without long-term contact.


When you see this short message, you have been hit by the fierce love poison. The only antidote is to marry me. Don't worry, let's get married!


Silence is like the beginning, peace is like the element, time is like water, there is always no words, if you are well, it is sunny.


In fact, if you don't like me, I won't die, but if you like me, I will live very, very bravely.


I regret knowing you, you make me feel the pain when you are not around me.


My love opens for you, like white lightning breaking through the sky; my love gallops for you, like red blood filling the body.


Two of the luckiest things in my life: one is that time has finally consumed my love for you; the other is that I met you one day a long time ago.


If love has ads, it's probably what you look like in my mind.


It's separated from the north and the south. How can I get it if you're not happy? Therefore, we should look further and bear with each other. My love for you is what you know best.


The fish said to the water: you can't see my tears, because I am in the water. Water said: I can feel your tears, because you are in my heart.


If it's a career to love you, I want to be your full-time lover.


You have given me the happiest day of my life, and you have given me the sadness of my life. I long for the happiness you give me, but I don't want you to hurt me again.


In the journey of life, there are too many may; may have loved, may have missed, but suddenly look back, still the same is the heart of missing you.


A bird sings once in its life. It sings the song of life on thorns. A man loves only once in his life. He can give up everything and leave it to posterity.


If we don't love enough in this life, the next life will last.


Love is a kind of obligation, you can understand it deeply; love is a kind of happiness, you can get it in a hurry; love is a kind of expectation, waiting for you every minute and second.


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