
时间:2020-04-02 10:11:08 | 来源:互联网


I love you just like the meaning of water to life. It can't be separated from you. If you don't have it, you will die.


It's not only your name that you are familiar with, but also your lovely appearance.


You are not a small person. You are all the weather and mood here.


In fact, the best day is nothing more than you, I laugh, so warm life.


You are a little bit handsome, you are too cute, you are the worst to me, so I can only love you.


My favorite word is eating, two is sleeping and three is your name.


I don't want to be a brilliant moment like fireworks, just want to be your ordinary forever.


Why do you like me? I don't like it very much. I just want to marry you.


Your smile, weather proof, is the most beautiful sun I have ever seen.


Three meals, four seasons, don't rush, after all, I have a lifetime to waste with you.


I miss you only once a day, but it lasts 24 hours.


Loneliness is not born, but the moment you fall in love with someone.


Three li breeze Three Li Road, step by step in the wind step by step you.


If you've ever lied to me, you've been lying to me like this all your life.


May the years be looked back, and with deep feelings, all the white heads.


I only write three lines for the love letter I owe you. I will make up for the rest of the romance with my whole life.


I love you by nature. If you don't love me, it's not right.


Do you know why I have a cold, because I have no resistance to you at all.


No matter how good others are, all I want is you.


We will be together later, you are responsible for pet me, I am responsible for lovely.


I am a barren land, and you are my last rose.


I am willing to fall into your arms, indulge in your eyes, and love you forever.


You ask me how much I love you. Maybe if I meet you a hundred times, I will fall a hundred times.


Obviously, there are no taboos, but you are 101.


You always have a kind of magic that makes me fascinated by you all the time.


I don't look at the moon or think of you. In this way, the moon and you will be covered in the drum.


Time is not as long as time, missing long left atrium.


Stop chasing the bus. Chase me. I walk slowly and lovingly.


I don't know why I like you, just like I can't describe the air.


City or wilderness, day or night, all things are your eyes.


I don't have anyone to ask for it except you. I just don't want anyone but you.


I like you the most of all the scenery.


I don't have much to offer. I want to spend your money, sleep in your bed and be your wife.


I laugh like an idiot at the thought of talking to you.


The reason why I live to the present is that I can meet you now.


Pleasure is really cruel and simple. You have something to do and expect.


Recently, I've gained weight, but I've never eaten. I just put you in my heart.


It's still a long way to go. It's hard to avoid frowning, but don't let go anyway.


The first autumn when I met you, I wanted to give you the whole world.


Before I met you, I didn't want to get married. After I met you, I didn't want to get married.


To guard a heart is to guard a dog. It's not you guarding it, it's it guarding you.


The green water has no worries. It is wrinkled by the wind. The green mountain is not old. It is snowy and white.


You say "I am" better than thousands of words in the world.


I climb mountains and mountains for you, but I don't care to see the scenery.


With you, my life becomes infinite and broad. With you, the world becomes so charming.


Recalling the return period, counting the return period, dreaming that although many meet rare, when will we meet again and no longer separate?


Once upon a time, the sun was slow, cars, horses and mail were slow, and only one person could be loved in one's life.


I hate girls who love money, but if it's you, I hate myself without money!


Accompany you to the place you want to go and finish the rest of our life with your heart.


I regret knowing you, you make me feel the pain when you are not around me.


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