
时间:2020-11-16 06:49:48 | 来源:互联网


I'm very tired, but I don't know where I'm tired. If I can, I'd like to ask for a leave from the world.


Because love, give up love, this silence is the most affectionate confession, I hope you can understand.


The troubles of life are self seeking. It's not that worry can't leave you, but you can't leave it.


Don't hold the past too tightly, because you won't be able to embrace the present.


There are a lot of sad, I don't want to say, because I know that not everyone wants to hear.


There are two misunderstandings in life: one is to show people life, the other is to look at other people's life.


One day, we smooth the edges and corners, it will eventually put you down gently.


We try our best to escape loneliness, loneliness is still with us.


When I still stupid face you smile, I love you, now see you I can't laugh.


There are always some things that make you see some people unconsciously.


After a long time to know, the original and some people's best ending is to have no word with each other.


Missing you is just like coughing. How to stop it is powerless.


I wish my face doesn't matter, and my heart doesn't matter.


It seems heartless on the surface, but in fact it used to be.


No one knows the pain in my heart. I'm really tired. Now I can only say sorry to myself.


I'm not without temper, just afraid of losing.


The love words scattered by the wind are hoarse after all, and those who have gone far do not love it.


Sometimes, can be bullied by a loved one for a lifetime, also very happy.


Life is always when you don't care when you have it, but you feel sorry when you lose it.


If you do not return your message for a long time, just accompany a person who is more important than you.


A sorry, let our love lost to the moment, lost to the distance.


It is said that bamboo has no heart, but no one wants to think where its heart has gone!


The entanglement in the heart, the solution of the open, is knot, can not solve, is robbery.


The fundamental desire of love is to find a free covenant in the sea of strangers.


Those who used to like it, after experiencing the disappointment of 100000 volts, have become unimportant.


How many worries do you have! A stream of tobacco, the city wind Xu, plum yellow rain.


I like you for seven years, in exchange for you, I am sick.


Do not want to explore words and sentences, to describe a more described more black of the vast.


You say I'm fine. I'm fine. Why don't you.


What you miss is not the old time. It's about living in the old days and not talking about it.


Sometimes, a person's disappearance, lonely a world.


Happy, listening to music, sad, began to understand the lyrics.


I miss you. I hate the feeling that the brain is out of control!


It's easy for a person to think too much, and it's easy to think too much.


Without you, the original world is so big, in fact, only I am alone.


Many people don't need to see you again, because they are just passing by. Forgetting is the best memorial we give each other.


Love needs to be answered. If you fight alone, you will be defeated sooner or later.


Waiting for one day, all the fragmented ash, we come again.


The most painful thing in the world is to look at the person who once believed and swore that he loved himself and turned to love others.


Red cherry green banana, time always throw old people.


To like someone is to run wild, but to love someone is to restrain.


No one to wear flowers, no one to persuade wine, no one even drunk asked warm.


I fell in love with a set of beautiful couple's clothes. I found that I was single after I bought it.


Repeat the same, unattractive and extremely stupid behavior.


If the old friends in the mobile phone are less and less, don't feel lonely, it is inevitable.


Life is not easy, but never give up; life is not easy, more need to adhere to the courage!


You said let me pull you in the blacklist, you know I can't bear.


I show my smiling face to you, just don't want people to see the dark behind me.


That flower season, I send you to leave, the path quietly stretched forward, occasionally also have the sun rain.


Disappointment is to note the full name, to cancel the top, to hear your name, will never be happy again.


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