
时间:2020-01-28 09:47:25 | 来源:互联网


If you don't get paid back, you should know how to stop. Otherwise, you will hurt yourself if you disturb others.


Wine can solve all pain, love can get all happiness. But it's just a moment.


No matter how many grievances. I just hold it in my heart. Don't want to say, just don't know how to say, who can say.


Turning into the sleepless intersection, there is no more crying, which can explain the end of the dream.


It's said that when spring comes, you will come back. The recovery of everything may not be spring. After all, you haven't come back, have you?


If there is a next life, I will never meet you again, never love you again. Because, you love too hard.


What I'm not good at is retention, but you must all go.


You just accompany me through a period of time, and that period of time I lost a lot.


Sometimes people who say good night first just want to let each other sleep first, but they can't sleep alone.


The eyes are raining for you, but the heart is umbrella for you.


People who are too sensitive are always confused because of other people's casual words. It's not because they have a strong mind, but because they are too kind.


Maybe we have all been brave and resolute, but in the confrontation with the old man of time, we have never won.


There is no soft love in the hard city, life is not Lin Daiyu, not because of sadness and amorous feelings.


No one can take away your pain, so don't let anyone take away your happiness.


Ambiguous people don't know where to start their goodbye, because it doesn't matter, because none of us is who we are.


I used to think that I could always treat a person I love sincerely. Now I think of it, but it's just a joke.


Time doesn't really help us solve any problems. It just makes the problems that we couldn't figure out before become unimportant.


People who can listen patiently are trustworthy people.


Don't think of yourself as too great, know that in other people's world, no matter how well you do, you are just a supporting role.


You give me a tear, and I see the whole ocean in your heart.


Always need some warmth. Even a little bit of self righteous memory. I don't want to let you go. I don't want to watch you walk out of my life.


You can't do my poems, just as I can't do your dreams.


Now I'm only missing you. I don't want anything else, but I'm missing the whole world.


Life is like watching fireworks too seriously will regret it's short, look inadvertently will miss.


We are hurt by others, saying that others are merciless, but we often ignore that we have been doing the same cruel things.


He let you red eyes, but you still smile forgive, this is love.


I love you so much that I ignore myself. I believe in you and doubt myself.


The sky without cloud is still the sky; the cloud without sky is no longer the cloud.


Not to put on the couple's clothes, you can put on the couple, not to mention all the lovers in the world can finally get married.


When you grow up, what you need is a person who can protect you and love you, not a person who only knows how to make you pay and feel sad.


I hope I'm still a child. No broken heart, no tears of pain.


Waiting for you, the strange place is only for meeting the familiar person.


Night is night after all, hiding from the baptism of loneliness, but from the gloomy sadness. Is the night, lonely sad, or sad feeling the desolation of the night?


We talk nonsense just to pass the time.


You see through everything, but you don't see through me. When I say I don't love you, you believe. When I say I have a good life, you believe.


I can't block your direction, at least when I'm apart.


Standing at the intersection of time, looking back frequently, sad place a song of Acacia, tears two lines.


There is no beautiful appearance, no one will care about your beautiful heart, this is the reality.


Don't look down on my silence, don't bully my kindness. Why should I keep you since you can be robbed.


Time flies fast. In a blink of an eye, you have new lovers, new friends, new life, and I still live in the memory of being used to having you.


Sometimes you have to jump out of the window and grow wings as you fall.


Is there a place where I can hide without fear of sadness.


For love, I shed too many tears, for you, I paid too much heart, now I am tired, want to let go.


Sometimes I do everything for one person, but I can't do anything for others.


Life is always full of unhappiness, but there are always happy moments, such as when I am with you.


I like the feeling that the wind blows around me. It's like my missing you. It's beautiful and happy to breathe, but it's sad and painful to jump in the heart.


Thank you for your unfeeling, let me learn to die.


I just want someone to understand me, even if I don't say anything.


You don't know, every coincidence has my efforts.


In fact, memories are not sad, but we spend too much time to lament the loss, but often ignore the growth of the good.


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