
时间:2020-01-28 09:47:08 | 来源:互联网


When tears come down, we know that separation is another way to understand.


I miss you not because I am lonely, but because I miss you.


You go, with the roar, the whole world begins to cry for you.


Whether men have a fickle heart, whether men's heart is very cruel.


If I give up not because I lose, but because I understand.


I can accompany you crazy, accompany you to make trouble, accompany you to cry, accompany you to smile, anything can, just you don't want anything.


It will be a long time before we know that the best ending for us and some people is that we have no communication with each other.


A lot of things don't come in the long run. Many people just leave halfway.


I believe that one shower will wash away all my sadness.


For a moment, I thought that all the past between us was just a dream. You wake up, don't remember, and I'm trapped there and can't wake up.


A person's world, sick, a person to carry; tired, a person to hide; pain, a person block.


You've changed. I'm not afraid anymore. You're not the one I know. Why do I care? Where are you going.


If there is no feeling, don't give me illusion; if there is no sincerity, don't disturb my heart.


In fact, I've been behind you all the time, and I'm just looking back.


Gradually I know that many things can be met but not be asked, do not belong to their own, why bother to care.


The most silent memory is always lost to LiuNian. Unexpectedly, there is room to return it. However, how can we keep silent when facing each other? The original love will lose to time.


No phone, no greetings, no news, we are like familiar strangers.


Knowing that I can't leave you, but you left me alone, turning away from me more and more, I still love you so much.


Do not belong to their own things, hold in hand, will only hurt themselves.


We agreed to see the long flow of water together, but will become someone else's so and so, at the fork of the road, you are on the left, I am on the right, we are stubborn never look back.


Used to sleep, used to daze, used to silence, because used to such a habit, so do not want to say more!


Turn only to meet you, but forget, you will turn.


Actually a person is very good. No worries, no obstacles, no loneliness.


No matter how tired, bitter or painful, it's just for you to like me.


Anyone who depends on me to maintain the relationship, I will take you away.


You used to like to say that I was stupid, but I always thought it was a joke. Now I understand that I am really stupid. I am stupid enough to fall in love with someone who doesn't love me.


The hourglass of time precipitates the past that cannot escape, and the hands of memory always pick up those beautiful sorrows.


Those who used to say never separate, already scattered in the end of the world.


Smile as if you don't care about your laughter, don't care about your leaving.


In fact, loneliness is also beautiful, you and I can understand it, because we are all vulgar, inevitable in the world, a person will eventually go alone.


I can not forget your smile, but also can not get rid of the entanglement of memory.


Once love, once pain, once confused, who let me forget your appearance, but now it is the eternal injury.


The furthest distance in the world is not when I'm in front of you but you don't know that I love you, and I love you but I introduce you with a smile.


Don't rely too much on one person, because of dependence, so expect, because of expectation, so disappointed.


How I want to meet you and see your recent changes.


After waiting for you for a long time, you will return a sentence. You think I'm telling a joke here.


Outside the window, the sky is gray, and it's a bit presumptuous under the rain. A single song circulates, and the mood is low to the dust.


It's not that I don't love you anymore, it's just that I find you don't need me anymore.


Is there such a world that will never be dark? Is there such a world that will never change.


I'm afraid that what I give you is heart, and what you return me is knife. Friendship or love.


Some things, and so on lost, just know to cherish, but some things, only lost, just know not to cherish.


Most of the mistakes are due to not insisting, not striving, not holding back, and then hypnosis itself saying that everything is destiny.


I'm just such a person. If you can't stand it, please go.


Tomorrow morning farewell, I hope the clouds, the sun has been accompanied you to the far end of the world; flowers, green grass with you to spread the far future.


Loneliness is not born, but from the moment of falling in love with you.


Some people can go far with you, but it's just the surface of the intersection, the heart has never been collision.


The one who loves you most always lies. For example, parents said to you: you eat it, I'm not hungry. Lover said to you: it doesn't matter, I'm not sad.


The furthest distance in the world is when I stand in front of you, but I can only wish you happiness.


The one who tries hard to make you laugh is not as happy as the one you meet.


Life is like a road, it needs patience. Walking, maybe we will walk out of the prosperous scenery in the desolation.


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