
时间:2020-01-27 09:37:36 | 来源:互联网


The moon rises gradually. She is dressed in white gauze, quiet and serene, gentle and generous. Her silver face, through the willow, left a gentle smile.


The world seen in the positive life is a sunshine, and the world seen in the negative life is a darkness; the life felt in the positive life is extremely happy, and the life felt in the negative life is only a little sad.


Dream is the starting line of our actions, knowledge is the accelerator of our progress, persistence is our ceaseless pace, and wisdom is the magic weapon of our success.


Maternal love is a ray of sunshine, so that your heart can feel warm as spring even in the cold winter; maternal love is a clear spring, so that your emotions are still clear even covered with the wind and dust of the years.


True happiness is just like this, the deeper the more silent. Every corner of the world conveys the message of happiness. It makes us realize that a happy world is so good!


On the road of life, we should keep our heads high when we go uphill, be cautious when we go downhill, look ahead when we go down the Yangguan Road, and look down at our feet when we go down the Yangchang road.


To choose self-confidence is to choose to be open-minded and calm, to choose to stay firm in front of fame and wealth, to choose to stand tall in front of forces, to open the sails of self-confidence to break the current and show the fighting style.


There are not only plain road, but also muddy road, beautiful scenery and trap in the road of life. Only those who have firm faith and go forward bravely can reach the end of victory.


Without a clear mind, the fastest step will go awry; without a prudent step, the even road will fall.


Learn to appreciate, it can close the distance between friends; like to appreciate, it can encourage friends to keep improving; self praise, it can stimulate their potential.


Haidian Park's rural corner is also very pleasant. This autumn, there grow golden rice, like a golden sea. The heavy ears are too heavy to bear the straw. A gust of wind blows, setting off the ups and downs of the green sea, which is extremely beautiful.


Between the waves, the heart is aching. I can't lift the heavy sail for you. I don't know when I'll see you again. Maybe I'll never see you again after such a goodbye. My heart is trembling and I'm worried.


A time of concentration is better than a hundred times of swallowing; a time of deliberation is better than a hundred times of rash action; a time of sincere help is better than a hundred times of compassion; a time of courage for justice is better than a hundred times of heroic words!


We are moved, our moving is the right hand; we learn to move, we learn to move the process is rational left hand. When the left hand and the right hand meet and blend properly, life will be really activated.


Friends, remember this wonderful space! And think about it, know it, it awards you infinite light and wisdom in confusion and darkness!


The most glorious day of a man's life is not the day when he has achieved success, but the day when he rises from lament and despair and goes forward bravely.


Do you love life? Then don't waste time, because time is the material of life. Life is short, and you can't be narrow.


The crossroad of life is a choice question. Only careful choice can ensure the right direction. Confused choice is easy to go astray, and giving up choice will lead to disorientation.


When you smile at yourself, nothing in the world can pester you; when you are sincere to yourself, no one in the world can cheat you.


Plum blossom Ao Xue, peach and plum contend for spring, there are many, countless beauty in nature, however, what really makes me feel breathtaking is the Magnolia in front of the school teaching building. Her beauty intoxicates me.


When spring comes with her unique green and sea, it can make people intoxicated; when spring comes with her unique warmth and tide, it can also break people's souls. Spring is definitely a canvas with the color of life.


It rained harder and harder. Looking into the distance, it seemed that a gray curtain covered the sight. It was gray. Trees, houses, nothing could be seen.


There is no need to regret in life, the past is like a gust of wind; there is no need to regret in life, and what should come will come after all; there is no need to be upset in life, and it is hard to be black with sad white hair; there is no need to lament in life, and you will lose everything if you lose confidence!


In the field, the rice is golden. In the autumn wind, the golden waves turn up. The cotton bud laughs and cracks its mouth, and spits out the white cotton. The cabbage is green and the wind is blowing. It seems to be dancing together.


The sky was dyed bloody red by the setting sun, and the peach red clouds reflected on the water. The whole river turned purple, and the sky seemed to burn a fire.


Autumn girl came slowly and dressed the earth in gold. The grass on the ground is yellow, like wearing a yellow carpet, the leaves on the tree are yellow, a gust of autumn wind blows, and the leaves are like a butterfly dancing in the air.


Father, I'll take everything you've done to me. I know, in your heart, I don't understand and obey. But, you rest assured, I will use my heart, my feelings. Like you, although white, the heart depends on!


The schoolbag is a boat that carries me to the sea of learning, to the rapids, to the dangerous beach, to the other side of the victory; the schoolbag is also a treasure, which combines the love and love of my mother and gives me the strength to move forward bravely.


The days are always like the spinning yarn passing through the fingertips, slipping down unconsciously. Those sorrows and misuses of the past passed away gently with the waves, and the joy and dimples left behind were renewed in the deep memory.


Having a healthy body will make your life more energetic; having a clear mind will make your life more rational; having a group of friends will make your life happier; having a love will make your life more harmonious.


The night is quiet, the stars and the moon go to sleep. In the sultry summer, cicadas call twice from time to time, as if they are always reminding the stars not to sleep too hard. But no matter how it reminds me, everything is still quiet.


Study conscientiously, think quietly, work steadfastly, work diligently, live lightly, make friends sincerely, take a leisurely walk, and live in innocence.


If you are a big tree, sprinkle a green shade; if you are a grass, add a spring color; if you are a bee, brew a sweet; if you are an eagle, fight against the sky; let's create brilliance together.


Because you are growing up, I am full of confidence; because of you, I can overcome setbacks; because of you, I can study hard. It's like a child on his shoulder, like tears on his face, you give me strength like an angel.


If your childhood is not fun, your youth is not easy to learn, your youth is not determined, and your middle age is not entrepreneurial, then your life will die with age.


Success will not come to us, we must go to victory; wisdom will not come to us, we must think hard; happiness will not come to us, we must experience with heart.


If you are not afraid of the long way, you are afraid of the short ambition; if you are not afraid of the slow, you are afraid of standing often; if you are not afraid of the poverty, you are afraid of the laziness; if you are not afraid of the fierce opponent, you are afraid of your trembling.


There are many detours, paths, dangerous roads and dark roads in the journey of life. Only those who are firm-minded and never stop can hope to reach the distance of victory.


After experiencing failure and setback, I learned perseverance; when suffering misunderstanding and grievance, I learned tolerance; after experiencing loss and separation, I learned to cherish.


In spring, when the sun is warm, it stretches out its big warm hand, which makes people feel comfortable.


You can forget failure, but not lesson; you can forget yesterday, but not history; you can forget suffering, but not hardship; you can forget scar, but not shame.


When the raindrop falls into the pool, it draws a note on the water. These notes are circles made by raindrops on the water.


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