
时间:2020-09-22 06:27:26 | 来源:互联网


Change my heart, give me a pair of iron heart, I will smile to see the people who hurt me go to hell.


You should be grateful for betrayal, it taught you not to be good.


Because I am young, I have the capital of vigor. I should be vigorous when I am young.


Choose with what kind of people, decide what kind of road you take, how fast!


I can walk ninety-nine steps to love you, and I can take 101 steps to leave you.


A lifetime is so long. What are you waiting for a few years?


Nine points like, one point dignity, I can love you very much, also can not have you.


You have lots of spare tires and you have a lot of feelings. It's not because you are charming, but because you are cheap and versatile.


There are two kinds of strangers, people who don't know and people who pretend they don't know.


If you miss the sound, you should have been killed by me.


You will not meet a second me, friendship or love.


Others are three good students, I am four good students: delicious, good drink, good sleep, fun.


When you come, you are not afraid of the wind and rain, but when you go, what is the word of man. Hope to be such a person.


In adversity, we bite our teeth and stick to it. In good times, we fear.


The more powerful people are, the more modest they are; the more incompetent they are, the more forced they are.


There is no breakup in my dictionary, only widows.


Remember the injury you gave me today, I will double it to you in the future.


I thought that after you left, you would tell me personally that my love has at least given you some happiness.


Be someone else's baby, don't come to my muddy water.


There is nothing to cling to. After a hundred years, there will be no you and no me.


I really want someone to say to me, when do you want to marry? Tell me, I will marry you.


Originally, all my luck is not enough to make you fall in love with me, only enough to let me meet you.


Like a man, to bear every slap that fate gives you!


Do not want to rely on others, but do not strive for success, do not want to be lonely, do not want to be excessively disturbed.


Since there is no one to protect me, it's cool to have no weaknesses.


Sometimes when I feel ugly, I take out my ID card, and I find that I am worried.


That is to say, I love you a thousand times, but as long as a break-up can be over. Maybe, this is love.


I want to be an onion in my next life. If anyone dares to bully me, I'll make someone cry.


Smart people are sweet mouthed, hateful people will act, and you can't do anything, so you can only be cheated.


Anything is possible. So don't give up, believe in yourself, you can do it.


It's going to hurt you. It's going to hurt you.


I hate who, always show particularly obvious, and I like who, but disguise very well.


If he loves you, he doesn't have to please. If he doesn't love, he doesn't have to.


Let the suffering infiltrate the years, unfortunately carve the vicissitudes of life, charge quench tenacity, struggle brilliantly.


As long as you know what you are looking for, live as you wish.


The past does not love, the future does not welcome, the present is not negative, so safe.


Who cares if you are deeply in love, they will only blame you for hoarseness and disturbing people's sleep.


I just want to be with you, as long as I'm together, even if I die.


Don't be discouraged, life is never giving up. As long as we go towards the goal, we are moving forward!


Your home is wholesale dazzle Mai, no wonder make cheap simply can't stop.


Look into my eyes and you'll see what you mean to me.


I always think of you from every trivial thing in my life.


I never mean my good night, but it's not ordinary people who can hear me say good morning.


I hit the south wall, but I want to knock it over.


What kind of relationship, what kind of topic should be discussed.


The so-called poetry and distance, but is, to put in front of the drift, through only then.


The strong are not afraid of loneliness, but are afraid of being stagnant in the pursuit of power.


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