
时间:2020-09-19 10:51:45 | 来源:互联网


If you get a cold arrow behind you, it means you are in front of them; if you are injured by them, it means that you have not gone far enough and are still within their range.


The body is the garden where the spirit lives, and will is the garden of this garden. Will can make the body "barren" and "fertile" with industry.


People who have not worked hard are not qualified to despise those who are trying. You can't laugh at people who have a clear love and hate just because you have become a painless person.


Life, want is the stormy waves, the waves of each spray are great, master the knowledge, skills, grasp the necessary social experience.


Clear wind, extraordinary you, don't let the merciless sun bask on you. Natural sunshine, healthy you, in this hot weather to take care of yourself!


Hard work may not equal to success, but the efforts to pursue the dream will let you find a better self, a silent effort to enrich the quiet self.


Don't worry about what others think of you. It doesn't matter what others think, it's how you see yourself. It's better to forgive than to wait for forgiveness.


All happiness is not without trouble, and all adversity is not without hope. Take good care of your own mouth, know what you are doing in your heart, do your work well, and walk your own way.


Don't ask others what you like. Your life will not be better because of other people's words. Whether you like it or not is up to you.


Sincerely thank all the leaders and colleagues, thank you for growing up, fighting and working together with this group of leaders and colleagues who love life and work!


It's only when the disaster is tolerable that we can feel sorry for ourselves. Once beyond this limit, the only way to endure unbearable pain is to laugh it off.


Hate paralyzes life, love makes it reborn. Hate makes life chaotic, love makes it harmonious. Hate makes life black, love makes it shine.


In such a busy life and work, we should also cultivate the habit and ability of learning at any time. Only by mastering good methods can we make progress in life.


What makes people retreat is not the rough road ahead, but the inner self-confidence. Believe in yourself and tell yourself when you want to give up: try again, you can.


People are always like this. They are too demanding on close people and too tolerant to strangers. When the leaves are scattered, you understand the gathering; when the flowers are withering, you understand the youth.


Dear yourself, you should be strong enough to face those people and things who want to be hurt by you, and then watch them disappointed with pride.


To judge whether a relationship is suitable for you, there is a standard: if you are tired, let go. The men and women in this world either dare to love and dare to give up, or they can bear to be a pair.


Choose a suitable road for yourself, and then keep going, as long as you can do enough persistence, you will be able to go to the day of victory.


Want to be that kind of silent, but do everything very well, the best state is probably, silent efforts, to achieve each of their own bragging force.


When you're going to give up your dream, tell yourself to stay one more day, one week, one month, another year. You'll find it surprising to refuse to leave.


I don't play with my life now, but I will play with you in the future. People who are worse than you have not given up, and those who are better than you are still working hard. What qualifications do you have to say "I can't do anything about it.".


The most regrettable thing is to meet someone who can't afford to wait at the best age; however, what's more, it's more helpless to meet people who can't afford to wait.


For the future you want, you have to believe that everything will be OK after this hard time, so you have to stick to it with confidence.


It's a great responsibility for the people of this country. They have to work hard at their heart, work their muscles and bones, starve their bodies and skin, lack their bodies, and disorganize their actions. Therefore, they have a heart and a heart, and have benefited from what they can't.


No matter how hard you are, you have to be washed up. When the sun goes down, it will rise, and bad days will come to an end.


If a person starts to neglect you, please choose to leave. To maintain a sense of self-confidence and dignity, it is better to be arrogant and moldy than to be crazy.


Sometimes, a little free and easy, before the eyes will be bright; a little tolerance, the heart will be vast. The world around us is often wiser and more tolerant than we think.


A willing man is inspired by good hope while suffering, just as a hunter can endure fatigue with joy, for he has the hope of hunting wild animals.


I think setbacks and tribulations are an opportunity to exercise our will and increase our abilities. Speaking of this, I would also like to express my infinite gratitude to those who have tried to frame me up.


It doesn't matter who you were ten years ago, who you were a year ago, or even who you were yesterday. What matters is who you are today and who you will be tomorrow.


Dignity, absolute dignity, is the necessary means to manage the team. A wolf without dignity and domination will soon be replaced by other wolves.


May you work hard to feel all kinds of things in the world; may your heart be calm and powerful, and live freely and unrestrained; may you speak frankly and live your life in this lively and publicized age.


Work hard and bear no grudge, do not feel bitter and tired, never complain. Not lazy, not fooled, not perfunctory, perhaps not conspicuous in the crowd, but has a dazzling!


No one lives as he pleases, life is bondage. But we can make our life as close as possible to your imagination through efforts and trade-offs.


Life is light and tasteless. If you want to change this kind of life, you must rely on your own efforts to change and create for your own life. This is your life!


There has never been a foolproof effort in the world. If there is no effort there is no success, then there is no shortcut to a successful life, only continuous efforts. Come on.


The clarity of water is not because it does not contain impurities, but because it knows how to precipitate; the heart is transparent, not because there are no distractions, but because you understand the choice.


In fact, the sky is very blue, clouds will disperse; in fact, the sea is not wide, the other shore even this shore; in fact, the dream is very shallow, everything is natural; in fact, tears are sweet, when your heart wishes.


The biggest enemy is no better than yourself, the biggest shortcoming is that you have not changed your mistakes. No one is born a genius. To succeed, you have to overcome yourself and overcome difficulties.


No matter how old, no matter how urged by family and friends, don't treat marriage casually. Marriage is not playing cards, and reshuffle has to pay a huge price.


When we are faced with a person who is afraid, a matter of fear, and a state of mind in which people are uneasy, the only way to overcome this feeling is to face it.


No matter how good yesterday is, if you can't walk back, if you can't go back tomorrow, you have to raise your feet to continue. You are not brave, no one is strong for you, you are not crazy, no one helps you realize your dream.


Poison arrow, impatience is a kind of hidden danger, impulse is a devil, lust is a kind of enjoyment, frustration is a kind of tempering, disobeying one's heart is a kind of cheating, and selfish desire is a curse.


When someone is distressed, tears are just tears, otherwise they are just salty liquid; being cared for, being coquettish is coquetry, otherwise it is death.


Success is given to those who are prepared, and success is given to those who have paid. I believe it is the beginning of success. Let's work together to create new brilliance in life.


"One man guards the pass, but a thousand people dare not to pass", which is what we often say today, "one man is in charge of the pass, and ten thousand men are not allowed to open". Here, "when" means guarding and guarding.


Even if the whole world denies you, you have to believe in yourself, don't think about other people's views, others' words are just dust in the sun, the next second will be blown away by the wind.


Even if life is hard on you, you should try your best to get through it; even if others try to make you difficult, you should be strong and brave.


Learn to clear your life regularly. Throw away the clothes you no longer wear and forget the one who doesn't love you. A person who always looks back can't go far.


When I'm sad, I think about life. I'm sorry for my romance, my sincerity, my gentleness and brightness. I can't be sad. Life should be ashamed.


Maybe you are very tired now, but the road in the future is still very long. Don't forget why you started at the beginning and what made you stick to it until now. Don't forget your original intention, so that you can always get there.


I want to be a decent person and live a decent life; I want to exercise my skin as much as possible and become a person who can endure any hardships.


Only those who have genuine talent and practical learning, who understand their own power and are good at using their own power properly and cautiously, can they succeed in secular affairs.


Has passed, like to show off and noisy age, encountered things like to do, understand, to use a humorous way, live a serious life.


When you are young, you need to suffer more before you are truly humble. Otherwise, sooner or later, your conceited intelligence and superior sense of contempt will destroy you.


There is not much truth in this world. A woman's blush is better than a long dialogue. But with rouge, we can't tell whether it is true or not.


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