
时间:2020-09-06 09:58:56 | 来源:互联网


The most sad moment in love is the later indifference. A person who once loved you is suddenly far away from you, just a few feet away, but it is the end of the world.


Meeting me is the most beautiful scenery in my life. I'll lend you a ride in my life, and this is the rest of my life. There is no betrayal between you and me.


No matter how earth shaking the Mountain Alliance and sea oath can not be equal to the unshakable companionship, and then the unforgettable love is not as happy as firewood, rice, oil and salt.


Sometimes in the dialog box to type a pile of words, the heart is still tangled in the end to send out. Because I am not qualified to go further, I am reluctant to take a step back.


The best form of love is, one room, two people, three meals, four seasons, you love singing, I love to laugh, I worship you like a hero, you love me like a child.


Hope that when love fades the appearance of passion and returns to the insipid real body, we can still hold each other's hands and go on forever.


I measure my love for him every day. It's like diving into a trench. I don't know where the end is. I'm so scared.


When we were young, we danced together because of love or loneliness; after the vicissitudes of life, why did we prefer to be strangers when we were still lonely.


Fate often makes people feel the loss and pain of the opposite direction. Getting and losing, paying and repaying are not so simple as they appear on the surface.


True love is the impulse to insist on knowing that there is no result. It is not easy to meet you.


I can't guarantee to give you a perfect relationship, no quarrel, no difference, but I can guarantee that as long as you insist, I will never give up.


You like long hair but keep short hair, you like slim but can't go down, you like him but can't get, many things are not what you like.


If aging is the only way to go, at least you can choose to walk on this road, still smiling, not so hysterical, disgusting.


Love is a thing that starts early and understands too late. If it is not an accident, a person will not understand love until he is at least 30 years old, then he can touch love.


What can be lost is not your exclusive, missed love is not your fate, and the lover who accompanies you to the half way is not your final destination.


I don't have a spare tire, and I don't play with ambiguity. All my warmth and tolerance, lewdness and mischievous, tears and smiles, good and bad temper and childishness are given to you.


If met, just want to hold your hand to cry gently. There is no need to talk about this half life has passed even the smallest trace of suffering.


Sometimes, a word from you can make me ponder for a few days; sometimes, a word from you can also let me down for a few days. That's care.


After meeting the right person, you are the corner of your eyes and eyebrows, you are in all directions, you are in heaven and earth, success is you, and failure is you.


When you talk about a relationship seriously, but finally break up, later it will be difficult to like others, you do not want to spend time and do not want to understand.


Even if I have the whole world, I will not be satisfied, unless, let me have you, and can give me a corner with you.


It doesn't matter if you fall in love with a person who has a lot of differences in living habits. You should be careful when you get married. Think about whether you can endure the difference for a long time.


It is not when I meet you in the most beautiful time, but when I meet you, it is my most beautiful time. With you in your eyes, everyone else is a passer-by.


It's lucky to fall in love with someone you don't know, but find that person's real side is better than you think.


The porridge in the morning is better than the wine in the late night. Those who cheat you will say it than those who love you. So don't fall in love with your ears. All the details are really good for you.


Love doesn't need to be one in a hundred, it only needs two people together, put each other in the eye; when separated, put the other in the heart.


Love is when someone comes and never leaves. I can't say why I love you, but I know you are the reason why I can't love others.


A truly attractive woman, her charm can not only conquer men, but also women, because she has the charm of human nature.


When we were together, you said: you should get used to my days in the future. After we broke up, you said: you should get used to the days without me.


Love is a hundred years of loneliness, until you meet the person who is determined to protect you. At that moment, all bitter loneliness has a way back.


The most important qualities in love are sincerity, trust and tolerance. At the same time, there is a premise: these three things are not to come, but in exchange.


In the end, the lasting good love is preserved, not compared; it is repaired, not replaced by the former.


Dedication is not a lifetime only like a person, is like a person when wholeheartedly. Love is when someone comes and never leaves.


Before I met you, I could live thousands of troops alone! After I met you, I knew that I couldn't make it to you.


Once thought of love while walking, anyway, a sea of people. Later, I found powerlessly that I couldn't love while walking. You alone blocked the sea of people.


At the beginning of each relationship, he has a premonition of the end. He always withdraws when he is engaged, and he is lonely when he is in harmony.


The cruelest way to treat a lover is not to mix love and hate, not to cheat and betray, but to gradually indifferent love after the ultimate love.


No matter how much you love, you should know that he has only two endings in your life, either the end or the passer-by, and there is no other choice.


The figure of the young man appeared again. In an instant, he and she performed the romantic story of rose again.


The snowflakes in the air are flying, and your and my first love is like snowflakes melting into the earth, fusing in the bottom of my heart one after another, and will never be worn out.


Love is one person's business, love is two people's business, you can love a person regardless of everything, the premise is to see that person is worth it.


Don't drink alone and don't come to me again. Those deep love that can't be said in time will be whispered to Dafeng. You should be happy, and I will accompany you here.


Do not look forward to the vigorous love, do not expect what sweet words, vow to swear, only hope that in a long time, you will not leave.


I don't know why I like you, just like I can't describe the taste of water, but I know I need you just like I need water.


If you can explain why you like a person, then this is not love, real love has no reason, I love you, do not know why.


With the growth of age, people will become more and more tolerant, so many things are not really solved in the end, but forget it.


Love is nothing more than: as long as you want, as long as I can give. But don't trust life to love, because love will leave, but life has always been.


There is a city in everyone's heart. There is an impossible person living there. That person passed the youth for a while, but it will be stranded in the memory for a lifetime.


When the wind no longer chasing clouds, when the ice no longer melt water, when the fire is no longer hot, when the stone is no longer hard, when there is no love in the world, I can stop loving you!


It is pain for a person to fall in love with others, and happiness to be loved by others. However, people often do not know hardship in hardship, and do not know happiness in happiness.


In fact, in two people, pay a little more emotion does not necessarily hurt, at least many years later, the tearful one will never be you.


Firmly believe that when a person misses another person, it should be quiet thinking. This kind of power can often reach the other side of the white hair in an instant.


Do you know what accident is? I never thought I would meet you, but I did. I never thought I would love you, but I still love you.


Always joking that you are not good-looking, you are ugly, but suddenly staring at you at the moment, think about it, very much want to live with you in this way.


You can see the mountains, you can see the sea, you can see everything in this world. I am different. My eyes are relatively short-sighted and can only see you.


Have not met, have known, not known, have been Acacia. My feelings for you are so reckless, thrilling, aggressive and unclear.


"Like" is different from "love". If you like a flower, you will pick it off, but if you love it, you will raise it every day.


Without you, it's like a bird breaking its wings and a fish leaving the water. I didn't mean to make you angry. Come back to me, OK?


I want to sit with you on the lawn with moonlight, looking at the starry night sky and telling the old love myth of the world.


See a world in a sand, see a heaven in a flower, put infinity in your palm, and collect eternity in an instant.


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