
时间:2020-09-01 10:13:02 | 来源:互联网


Like this matter, don't tell me how long, no one knows how long, only when you like me seriously like it.


When I was a child, I felt that the wine was very bitter. I don't know why adults like to drink it. Now I know that compared with the bitterness of life, wine is really sweet.


A person is worth your poor life to like, not to see how good he can be to you, but to see how bad he can be to you when he is in a bad mood.


The first person you think of in the morning and the last person you think of at night are the people who make you happy or make you miserable.


If you send an "um", I will continue to reply to you; if I send an "um", I will never reply. This is the difference between loving and being loved.


If it is not like you, who is willing to take the initiative to pay; if not relying on me to love you, how can you wantonly hurt me.


Every night, people die of car accidents, of fights, of tumors, of viruses, but never of grief.


I don't want other people's hugs, because there is no your heartbeat; I don't want other people's hugs, because there is no taste of you.


You can be a good person, but you don't have to be kind to unnecessary people. Remember one sentence: people change people's hearts is the truth that everyone understands.


If you don't like it, you can change it. If you don't like it, you can leave if you feel uncomfortable. If you don't feel happy, you can't help yourself.


This person is like a rainbow. Interesting souls will meet. Before that, please try to be better yourself,


What we avoid talking about is our real self, afraid of being seen through by others, and even more afraid that our disguised self will be destroyed in the first place.


Who knows, fireworks in full bloom, after all, is to use life to embrace the night, or just to win the fireworks people's indifferent smile.


Sometimes a woman needs a man, just like an airplane Dodger needs a parachute. If he's not here at the moment, then he doesn't have to be.


It's decided to fall in love for a long time. Finally, life and reality decide who leaves first and who goes first.


It's better to be strong than to pray for a plain life. Don't make your self righteous kindness a burden to others.


In fact, if you can't get into that person's heart, it's not necessarily that you don't work hard enough, but that person is constantly reinforcing the wall in his heart.


Sometimes you need to go out for a walk, take a breath of fresh air, and remind yourself who you are and what you want to be.


Don't be silly, one person's efforts can never determine the relationship between two people. It's not your pillow, it's not your love.


Don't worry about the things you can't get, and keep away from the negative energy things. Life is just like wind and rain, so don't be sad for yourself.


We all like waiting too much, stubbornly believe that it is never wrong to wait, and the good years are consumed by waiting day by day.


When you choose the direction and way, don't complain. Only when you bear the wind and rain, can you finally hold the rainbow.


There are so many things we can't understand in this world. What we can do is to love what I love and hate what I hate. Life is so short that good wine needs to be drunk.


Knowledge is as valuable as human blood. Without blood, the body will weaken; without knowledge, the mind will dry up.


Don't inquire about the life of people who have left you. When others decide to leave you, they will feel better without you.


No matter the ending, be grateful to meet. The people you meet in life, you can only try to love them, even if there is a difference, also don't fail to meet.


Trust in love is really fragile, as long as you failed once, it is enough to let the other party doubt you for life, no matter how to make up for it is futile.


No one is born with a good temper. The first to apologize is the bravest; the first to forgive is the strongest; the first to let go is the happiest.


Life is very long, just like the most comfortable. You don't have to be good. I like it. I don't have to be very good. You don't hate it.


Don't forget what you have before; cherish what you can't get; don't let go of what belongs to yourself; keep what has been lost as a memory.


I step across the world, I never panic, only when you come back from the mountains and rivers, I'm in a big mess, and the deer still bump into each other.


All the affectation and affectation, roar and depression, anger and complaint, all come from two reasons: lack of money or love.


The difference between you and me is probably: I hold the blade and pass it to you for fear of your injury; you stick the handle into my arms for fear of my entanglement.


It's better to keep a bit of cleanliness in love, don't start casually, don't rush to compromise, what is really worth is not so easy to get.


If you think you are not gregarious, you will not be gregarious. If you are said to be a weirdo, you will have a short life like fart, and you will be happy!


In the adult's social etiquette, if you don't agree with me, it means to refuse. I can save face for you, but I also hope you have a long mind.


Meet you so beautiful things, like the forest to hear the wind, like the night twining stars, like summer match watermelon, like the ocean to accommodate blue.


As long as you can wait patiently, endure the torture and keep the bottom line, everything will prove that life will not abandon you, and fate will not abandon you.


As a thin man who once fully understood how to eat without being fat, now I finally fully realize the feeling of being fat when eating.


Although I know the end, but I am still a very committed person, you must not know, I have loved you so hopelessly.


You said that the love between us is like fireworks, but now I understand that fireworks that brief gorgeous, so let me have no choice.


To their own crazy, not to leave an inch of the reality.


I hope you can understand that growing up is for you to do more things you want to do, rather than forced to do more things you don't want to do.


Life is very long, just like the most comfortable. You don't have to be good, I like it; I'm not good, you don't dislike it.


In life, you and I can't get rid of the shadow, or happy, or sad. Either end has proved that they are not enough to release and strong.


A smile is like a band aid. Although covered the wound, but the pain is still. I am a person who often laughs, but I am not always happy.


When you try hard to show the world, even if you fail, there will always be someone in the world who claps for you in the corner you can't see.


After leaving, I think you should not forget one thing: don't forget to miss me. When you miss me, don't forget that I miss you too.


Only when you look into the distance with bright heart, can you see the true shape of happiness. Really embrace yourself. A better life is waiting for you!


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