
时间:2020-08-23 10:29:25 | 来源:互联网


I've crossed mountains, waded through water, and I've seen all things come back again and again. Now the mountain is you and the water is you.


A person, a dream, this heart is no two; two people, a play, the only life.


No matter how beautiful the scenery is, the mountain is not as beautiful as the eaves of your low window. The touching love poems are better than sleeping with the drizzle.


You must do what you say, even if you are stupid, it is better than breaking your promise.


After many years, you suddenly appeared in the visitor record, I sat there all night, crying and laughing, laughing and crying.


A marriage that only pursues appearance is usually a vulgar transaction.


Desperately want to see you through, after the rainy season, you are like the wings of cicadas hovering in the boundary of the sky.


Life and death are close to each other. hold your hand and grow old together with you.


Marriage without love is immoral, while marriage with love is unrealistic.


If tears can hide sadness, how long will it take to cry to be strong?


Meet you start, eyebrows curved, Star River are you. Spring breeze ten miles is not as good as you, dreams are you.


People who once told me that they couldn't leave me finally left.


He lost his memory and forgot everything. He only remembered to find a woman named qianze to accompany him all his life.


Feel lonely, just because you have no attention, no place to pay.


Who can predict which day will be the last day; who can know which side will become the last one.


If you live well,the day will be fine. If I leave, I'll never see you again.


There are many kinds of meeting in the world, the most beautiful is to meet you in my most beautiful time.


If he really loves you, all his friends will know you.


The one who loves you will not leave because of your coldness, and the one who wants to leave will not stop because of your detaining.


It's not terrible to confess or be confessed. The terrible thing is that the ending is not a love affair, but a lack of a friend.


Love is not the first sweet, but prosperous retreat after still do not abandon.


Don't always ask me what I love you. I don't want to be warm for a short time, as long as you accompany me all my life.


Meet is spring breeze ten li, originally is you. Love is long mountains and wide rivers, and finally you.


If you can, I hope that every encounter is taken for granted, so that every good start is willing to be recalled.


My heart warms your heart, if it's not warm, turn around; if you can't change your heart, you will die!


Why should I guard the people I love carefully and be taken as my own without any effort.


I will give you, together with deep love, for your life enough, if not enough, the next life will also give you.


I thought I could be alone, but it turned out that a person is so hard.


I want to share everything with you, the warm sun in the morning, the vast night sky, the beautiful past and the rest of life.


The sweetest thing I can think of is to be loved by you every day I like you.


If you can't get rid of the bill, you can't get rid of poverty. You can't have no one around and no money in your card.


Young US, easy to move as love, but also easy to take passers-by as love.


Love if there are so many easy to go back, how can such a cheap person know how to cherish the two words?


You said I was realistic, ha ha, I'm afraid you thought I was naive at the beginning, thanks to you!


No one has said that you can only love one person in your life, and no one has said that starting over is a betrayal of the past.


Boring people will choose to rot together, and interesting talents will shine together.


I have traveled all over the world, through the ends of the earth, trying to find that person, the original is between you and me.


There are some things that you think will be unforgettable, but memory laughs at your conceit.


Listen to the broken string, break the 3000 crazy. Fall flowers annihilate, annihilation once wind ripple. Flower if pity, fall on whose fingertip.


May you be independent to not need someone to love someone, may you be lucky to have someone love someone.


One day, I finally no longer miss him, because he left too long, my habit is no longer a habit.


When a person does not love anyone, he can fall in love with anyone around him.


I will cherish every minute with you, because the rest of my life is very long, I just want to cherish every moment.


Edge to edge are just the fate of life, go with the situation is the best mentality.


We are like parabola, you are the focus, I am the directrix, you think I have how deep, I think you have how true.


Those who love you are afraid of not giving you enough. People who don't love you are afraid that you ask too much.


In the world you can see, my eyes are with you, in the world you can't see, my heart is with you.


Happiness is not what you want to do, but what you don't want to do.


My love is not so complex, two hearts, a home, love me, good to me, other are not much.


May all the good times in the future be accompanied by you. May the love words have their own masters. You and I will no longer be lonely.


Don't care too much about other people's evaluation of you, do your own things well, and walk your own way.


Women's happiness lies in that they really love me; men's happiness lies in that she is worthy of my love.


"Have you been fat again recently" "no" "how come your weight in my heart is getting heavier and heavier?


Love is the heart to pay, no matter can get equal return, still no regrets.


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