
时间:2020-08-18 09:06:35 | 来源:互联网


Men's biggest secret is often told to confidants, not the same sex, family or wife. When Hongyan's confidant became his wife, this part of her power was immediately cancelled. This is called gain and loss.


There is a kind of love that is silent, its pay may be arbitrary, its tenderness may be persistent; there is a kind of love is hazy, its pay may be involuntary, its tenderness may be confused.


I thought that one day, I will completely forget love, you forget, but suddenly one day, I heard an old song, my tears came down.


Time is in a hurry, we can't go back to the past, perhaps once fell in love at first sight, but the time of goodbye may be the time of sadness. If so, it's not as good as the feeling at first meeting.


With love, don't touch ambiguity. In the face of precious love, we need to withstand temptation and loneliness. Only in this way can we give each other the greatest sense of security.


In life, we don't have to embarrass ourselves and question ourselves. Sometimes, we can't understand or learn something well. It's just that we think and receive problems from different angles.


Love is really a tormenting thing. As long as you pay your heart, you will often get hurt. However, if you don't pay your heart, you will never get happiness.


It is a very cruel act to deprive a loved one of his rights to love himself. The happiness you think is not his happiness; the sadness you say you think is not necessarily his sorrow.


When you love, you need to be sincere; when you argue, you need to communicate; when you are angry, you need to be calm; when you are happy, you need to share; when you criticize, you need to understand; when you are in love, you need tolerance.


If a relationship doesn't turn you into a better person, it just makes you worried about gains and losses and moods. It's a pity that you are with the wrong person.


The one you really love, even if you look at it again, want to have it. You think you can't meet after saying goodbye. You think you can't miss someone if you say goodbye. You can forget where you love deeply.


The real love is not to be bored with each other all day, nor to send pictures of love between two people in the circle of friends. It is that he is willing to stop and wait for you, and he is willing to accompany you to get better slowly.


Many times, not you have been unremitting persistence, will be in exchange for a person's love. Love can't come by force. Even if you keep each other day by day, you can't resist his recklessness when he meets her.


There are always many people who believe in love as a joke. There are too many people who don't believe it at all. There are still real feelings in this world.


In my life, I have traveled many roads, crossed many bridges, seen clouds many times, drunk many kinds of wine, but only loved a person of the best age.


I always thought that what we should learn is that we can change from maid to emotional queen in love. Until now, I know that we can not even do queen, we just need to be ourselves.


It looks so bright on the surface, but actually it's broken inside. Whatever can move you, it must hurt you deeply. Like love.


If you really love someone, you can't help it. If a person loves you or not, you can feel it if you don't care about you. Don't cheat yourself, don't force yourself.


Why to forget a person so painfully, time will make you forget. If time can't make you forget the people you shouldn't remember, what's the significance of the years we lost.


Miss you! Miss you! I miss you so much! Hope you! Hope you! Crazy eyes want to see you! I love you! I love you! Full of love only for you! Love you! Love you! Empty heart only you!


Love is magical, it makes the mathematical law out of balance; two people share the pain, only half of the pain; and two people share one happiness, but there are two happiness.


To love you for ten thousand years is exaggeration; to love you for five thousand years is hopeless; to love you for a thousand years is absurd; to love you for a hundred years is too long; to love you one after another is my strength as long as I am healthy.


When in love, men compare women to stars, birds, angels and other things related to the sky; when a man breaks his love, he takes the sky as his own and puts the woman he has loved back to the ground.


Your glance, like a crystal spring flowing into my heart, is more profound than poetry, more beautiful than painting, just like the morning of a new century in my life.


I love the humor and magnanimity in your life, the nobility before wealth, the indomitability before setbacks, and the persistence of your entrepreneurial history. Dear: love you to the end of time!


The promise of the sky, is the promise of the sky; to the sky, is the promise of the sky!


Love, if not let the other side see you the most beautiful side, is the ugliest side; but marriage, is to let the other party see your most real side.


There are many things in the world that can be retrieved, such as conscience, such as weight, but there are more irreparable things, such as old dreams, such as years, such as the feeling of a person.


Keep a heart, not a cat. When it's cold, it comes to you; when it gets tired, it sneaks away.? Keeping a heart is like keeping a dog. It's not you, it's you.


In the past, my dream was that we could love each other, and then I realized this dream. Now, my dream is that we can always love each other for a lifetime! Would you like it or would you?


Marriage is a game of go. The closer the two sides are, the longer the chess game will take. This rank includes knowledge, cultivation, character and even family background.


Company is the longest confession, and keeping each other is the warmest commitment. It would be a happy thing to be with you so long.


Deeply hurt the person who loves me most, at that moment, I heard his heart broken voice. Until I turned around, I found that the sound of heartbreak, in fact, is also my own.


Missing you, like a bookmark, placed in my books every day; embracing you, like tea, falling in the water that I must soak every day; loving you, like flowers, blooming beside my daily road.


Passing by, but in the moment of intersection, I treasure that moist light, in the confused night, light up the road. Open the text, chew and ruminate. There is a quiet fantasy, green in the season.


If a woman needs to fertilize a tree, then a man needs soil! The former is easy to wither, the latter is easy to wither.


When you are not by my side, I suddenly realize the importance of you to me. The night without you is really lonely and long. I miss you a hundred times every day. Every time I miss you, I am intoxicated.


In the evening, facing the lonely lamp, I fell into indescribable yearning. When I couldn't get rid of it, I wandered on the beach and grassland where we were walking. Facing the stars and the moon, I called for you!


Qu Duan people end, just in the eyes of the scenery, strangers, interrupted their own vicissitudes, feeling of love, a person's cold, a person's trust.


Love is actually a habit, you are used to having him in life, he is used to having you in life. I don't feel anything when I have it. Once I lose it, I feel as if I have lost everything.


Geese have no trace, leaves fall silent, beauty is some concrete and real things, everywhere waiting for you. Appreciate the charm of the world, appreciate your existence, appreciate our acquaintance.


Cigarette fell in love with matches, destined to be hurt, don't say love easily, promise is debt, maybe love is just because of loneliness. Need to find someone to love. Even if there is no end.


Some things are only seen once, but it is enough to let us have a long and lasting aftertaste. When I first saw her, I took a long look, but when I looked back, it was unforgettable.


Send my best wishes to you every night. Wish you a peaceful night! The arrival of every dawn, send me a good hope, hope miss you a good day! good night! Sweet dream!


The most romantic three words: I'm sorry, I'm wrong, don't hate me, together, I raise you, I love you, don't cry good, listen to you, give me your hand, I'll accompany you, I will, believe me and have me in.


Streams, small boats, oil paper umbrella, not a step earlier, not a step late, just in the most beautiful age to meet the most beautiful each other, only this is still good!


Thinking of your face, I can't sleep at night, thinking of our little bit by bit, I confused myself! Although missing is a slow injury, but I will leave the hurt in the bottom of my heart and leave the smile to you!


A good marriage gives you good experience, a bad marriage gives you bad experience, and a bad marriage gives you a couple of children and bills.


If I love you, I will understand you and see the world through your eyes. I can understand you because I can see myself in you and you in me.


I keep searching and searching in the journey, but I can't find back our lost childhood. In the constant running, running, forget that he is also a poor woman without memory.


There is no need to argue about what kind of script should be performed, no longer need to bear deliberate expectations and romance, let love go with its own nature, let heart relaxed and calm, so as to find the real answer to love and not love!


We learn to bear the pain, learn to collect the tears like pearls, and store the tears in the day of success, even if it is a vast ocean.


How I want to collect, a thousand and one stars. Write your first name and my last name on each one. Also describe a city, you are my knight, I am your princess.


Experienced, only to understand, the intersection of two hearts, is so rare, get along with, just understand, tea, rice, oil and salt, is so real, separated, or believe that this world, once had love.


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