
时间:2020-08-08 06:29:54 | 来源:互联网


In their thirties, life is just the right time. How about the brilliance of success? This prosperous world has nothing to do with them.


Don't easily let yourself shed tears, you laugh, the world laughs. You cry, you are the only one in the world.


You smile and say nothing to me, and I feel that for this I have been waiting for a long time.


The dream that will be ridiculed can only have practical value. Even if you fall down, the posture will be very heroic.


The biggest regret in life is to give up what should not be given up easily, and insist on what should not be insisted on.


Life is always lonely. Anyone who has accompanied him through a lonely time should be grateful.


There are some people, this life will not be together, but there is a feeling can be hidden in the heart for a lifetime.


If I could go back to the past, I would choose not to know you. It's not that I regret, but that I can't face the end now.


No matter how bad things happen today, you should not feel sad. Life is not long, please forgive all people and things.


When you grow up, it seems that not many people will care about whether you are happy or not, and all people only see if you are useful.


The most cruel novel I've ever read is the chat record between you and me. The most beautiful love talk I've heard is the hug you give me when I cry.


If love makes you unable to be yourself, it's better to return to being single.


You should be thinner, your wallet should be bigger! God, please! Don't make a mistake again. It was reversed last year.


Autumn comes, autumn wind, rustling cool, autumn rain, patter, autumn sun, warm and comfortable.


There is no choice phobia, it is not because of poverty, there is no indecision, it is not because of counseling.


May your life be sunny and fragrant all the way. May you have someone to accompany you and listen to your joys and sorrows for the rest of your life.


At present, the three most popular diseases are procrastination, obsessive-compulsive disorder and choice difficulty. To put it bluntly, they are lazy, cheap and poor.


The most regrettable part of growing up is that we always meet the best people in the most ignorant years, but we don't know it.


If today's life deceives you, don't be sad, don't cry, because tomorrow life will continue to deceive you.


Life is not long, to do what you like, do not look forward to who, love is a fart, the most important thing to get rich!


Growing up is a process of becoming isolated and helpless. You should try to be strong and be on your own.


Years of quiet, read is warm. In my life, it seems that I have already faded the quiet and gentle.


If I could go back to the past, I would choose not to know you. It's not that I regret, but that I can't face the ending without you.


Children in front of the screen, you should eat full, go to bed early, do not rely on their own beauty, you can stay up late at will.


If I will never see you again, may I be free and easy, and I hope you will be happy; if you have a chance to meet in the future, may I be calm and you will be calm.


Break up is not love, those high sounding reasons, not to let the other side better, but to make themselves better.


The joys and sorrows of human beings are not the same. I just think they are noisy. When you are alone with your umbrella, you should also be smooth.


If we don't forget the past, we never miss others, but miss ourselves in the past years.


Every person who makes comments has a certain mood to convey to someone, but it's a pity that someone doesn't understand.


I hope the people I like also like me, and those I don't want to pay attention to me. The world is clean and happy.


May none of us take for granted the kindness of all others. Because contentment is closer to happiness.


One day, you can't be so timid. Life needs courage. Your only enemy is fear.


The secret of happiness is to expand one's interest as much as possible, and to respond to people and things as friendly as possible without hostility.


Since we have chosen a distant place, we only care about the wind and rain; since the goal is the horizon, we can only leave the back of the world.


People in this life, want what, ultimately rely on their own fight, think what, finally rely on their own pay!


Those who have great happiness will have great sorrow; those who have great success will have great loneliness; this is the rhythm of emotion.


In the face of ridicule, we should try our best. Even if the cocoon can't become a butterfly, we should also turn into a moth to shake the eyes of those people.


A person has nothing, in fact it is not terrible at all, terrible is nothing, there is a glass heart.


Spring comes early and good fortune reports. Flowers open to you, birds smile at you. Happiness will surround you, and peace will cover you.


If you can't control your emotions, you will destroy everything sooner or later, even if you give you the whole world.


Don't always pour out all of it. It's better to leave some pride and love for yourself than to be humble in the dust.


It turns out that the dead of night is the time of Lonely carnival. Although full of worries, but also to live like their own appearance.


The vitality of life may be enviable, but like a gust of wind, the bottom of my heart can not leave any trace.


Gold is always shining, but when the ground is full of gold, I don't know which one I am.


Those who live yesterday lose the past, those who live tomorrow lose the future, and those who live today have the past and the future.


If you are not happy enough, don't lock your brows. Life is short, why should you cultivate bitterness.


You can't get entangled with the past, you can't indulge yourself in confusion, your goal should be to make money, save money, spend money.


A person's loneliness is not loneliness, a person looking for another person, a word to find another sentence, is the real loneliness.


You are only in your twenties, and you are worried that you will never meet the person you like in your life. The rest of your life is very long, why panic.


When we were young, we always thought that what we missed was a relationship. Later, we realized that what we missed was life!


Sometimes, you ask questions, the other side has been dodging, that is to tell you tactfully, the real answer is very cruel.


Time locked in a hurry, memory happy with the sad warmth, the love of love has been written into the melody of the heart.


In the world, there is no time that can't be squeezed out, only appointments that you don't want to go to. Every choice, in fact, is what the heart wants.


Strong, not in the face of sadness do not shed a tear, but dry the tears and smile to face the future of life.


Jealousy of others will not add any benefits to yourself. Jealousy of others can not reduce the achievements of others.


Sour, sweet, bitter and spicy are nutrition, success and failure are all experiences. Fear what truth infinite, into an inch of joy.


You must do what others don't want to do today, so that you can have what others can't have tomorrow.


No matter whether the world treats you gently or not, please keep your kindness, because good luck will meet you unexpectedly. Good night!


As long as people taste the sweetness, they will become greedy, just like you give me a smile, but I still want to have a hug.


Even when it rains, you can never be absent.


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