
时间:2020-07-29 10:38:54 | 来源:互联网


It is very important to choose what kind of people to associate with. They will influence your attitude towards life and the perspective of the world.


It doesn't matter if you are sad or sad. It doesn't matter if you want to cry. It doesn't matter if you are alone. Give time and everything will pass.


Life is like flowers, colorful; life is like singing, beautiful; life is like wine, fragrant and mellow; life is like a poem, with profound and colorful artistic conception.


The original years are not really gone, he just disappeared from our eyes, but turned to hide in our hearts, and then slowly change our face.


The happiness that married people get from each other is only the beginning of marriage, not the whole meaning. The whole meaning of marriage lies in family life.


I have to use how indifferent expression, in order to disguise care about you. I have to use what kind of insipid, in order to win back my self-esteem which was broken because of my love for you.


When we were young, we thought that love was care, possession and dependence; later we realized that there was another kind of love, which was to let go, to fulfill, and to let the other party free.


In fact, no matter how many people you love, no matter how happy or painful you love, in the end, you do not learn how to love, but how to love yourself.


You people are constantly running after something that is very vain, but what really makes you relaxed and happy is often the simple possession you had in your childhood.


Open the palm to the sky, the palm of the sun, that is when I miss you smile; palms have raindrops, it is the tears I miss you occasionally.


When you talk to people only, you can't throw all your heart away. "What's wrong" in most people is just to satisfy curiosity, not to help you.


Take on or break through, and the rest of the time is silence about what you're going through. One day, there will be a way and an answer in this silence.


There is no need to yearn for other people's understanding and recognition in life, because others do not have these obligations. Live your life quietly. If your heart doesn't move, what can the wind do.


Some people take out their heart to you, but you pretend not to see, because you don't like it. Some people take out your heart, you still pretend not to hurt, because you love.


True love is not to give everything, but to make yourself a better person. Love a person does not respond, rather than begging for love, it is better to walk away proud.


Fate is like the most precious silk. No matter how skillful it is, if you look at it in your hand, it will always reveal wisps of light.


When you fail, there will be a group of people who care about you, they will ask you what happened, listen to your failure experience, and then leave satisfied.


In the vast sea of people meet, know each other, no matter who will not be smooth sailing, only a willing to pay know how to appreciate the heart can have a lifetime of love and happiness.


You have to learn that no matter what happens, joy, sadness or near collapse, you can handle it by yourself. Distinguish right from wrong and grow up well.


Every sensible and calm now, there is a very naive past. Every warm and indifferent now, there is a sad and uneasy once.


You try to take care of everyone's feelings. You don't want people around you to be unhappy. You can always find subtle changes in their emotions, but you will always be left behind.


Time tells you what is aging, memory tells you what is childish. Do not always in the past memories lingering, yesterday's sun drying today's clothes.


It is said that the limit of people's grief is five days. Many troubles are not a big deal. It's just that you are in that situation and in that mood.


Perhaps years will disturb the passing rings and decorate the memories in a hurry, but the axis of time will become eternal in the first sight, under the shade of the trees and gazing affectionately.


In addition to birth, aging, disease and death, there are few really important things in life. There is no need to worry about small things, there is no need to argue with villains.


In your eyes, both love the heroic mountains and rivers, but also attached to the night song, I clearly do not surprise you, you are still so worried, I am not reconciled.


How excellent you are, how lazy you are when you have a lot of time with yourself!


What you want is very expensive. You want to go far away. Only by working hard, can you gather enough courage to cross every adventure in your life.


Want to know if a person has you in the heart, do not ask, to feel, in fact, the feelings are not so difficult to understand, only two words "care"!


When you are unhappy, you always want to do something, such as cutting your hair, running 10 kilometers, deleting all your circle of friends and Weibo. In fact, you can only have a good time.


You don't have to look at others. Everyone has his own scenery. You don't have natural beauty, but you can be inspirational; you don't look beautiful, but you can live beautiful!


Your good to others, just like a sugar, eat not. On the contrary, your bad, for others, like a scar, left on the permanent.


The most suitable two people, not necessarily at the beginning, but willing to become better two people for each other in the long years to come.


If you're not good enough, networking is not valuable, it's not to be pursued, but to attract. Only equivalent exchange can get reasonable help.


We should not live humbly and try to be what each other wants. If you change yourself, you will lose yourself. If you insist on yourself, you can live yourself.


Sleep is a kind of relief. If you fall asleep, you will not be sad or angry, you will not be worried or lonely. God will give you a short time to lose your memory. May the beautiful dream cure your sadness.


The significance of hard work is not to make you achieve much, but to make you live better than your original self in ordinary days.


There is no need to cherish the memory of yesterday or tomorrow. As long as you live a good life every day, say what you can say, do what you can do, take the road you should take and meet the people you want to see.


With a clean heart, to restore the essence of life. In my lifetime, I only talk about the warmth, not the pain, the flower flavor gradually strong, the tea flavor gradually mellow, the heart meets, the security warm accompanies.


You always like to ask, what do you love? But I always can't say why, just because everything is, I don't know what to do, love deeply, meet you, meet happiness.


We need a person, someone close enough to hand you towels and clothes in the bathroom. You were a parent when you were a child and a lover when you grew up.


Although the time is simple and the years are long, as long as you are grateful and compassionate, I believe that all your suffering is a false alarm; all the good things are as usual!


Procrastination is the most thorough refusal. It seems that there is still a trace of warmth. In fact, he does not love you, and he is too lazy to explain why he does not love you.


The real realization that you are not the person who has accompanied me through my life is probably the first time I think of you when I am in urgent need of help, but then I immediately give up the idea.


Like a person, start from appearance, fall into talent, loyal to character, infatuated with the body, infatuated with sound, intoxicated with deep feeling, finally, break down in material, lose in reality.


Either dare to love and hate happy life, or heartless to play a fool in the end, don't let yourself live into the kind of people who know a lot of truth, but also have a bad life.


People, with a dream of Red Mansions, live in the world of water margin. They want to make friends with Taoyuan brothers in the Three Kingdoms, but they always encounter some ghosts and ghosts in the journey to the West.


Encounter is always caught off guard, maybe today, maybe tomorrow. You'll meet the one who makes you amazing. Don't miss the beautiful scenery on a good day.


I envy the sun, he can see your brilliant smile, I envy the moon, she can gaze at you peacefully fall asleep, I envy myself, at least can always miss you.


All the flowers, there are warm reasons, all the leaves, are written with a strong concern, meet, only a start, cherish, can accompany life.


I really want to go back to that forest, hold that pair of slender jade hands no longer separate, I want to return to that late autumn, chasing the train carrying you in the rain.


We always say that if we love a person, we should protect him from being hurt. Yes, to protect him from being hurt by others, but also to protect him from being hurt by you.


If it's just friendship, if you can be a good friend, be a good friend, don't be too greedy. Love this kind of thing extreme, either life, or strange.


People who really like them can't be friends. Even if they look at them more, they still want to have them. I never give up love you, just from strong to silent.


In everyone's drawer, there was a letter written well, but did not have the courage to send it. In everyone's heart, there is a lover who yearns but never holds hands.


As I get older, the phone doesn't ring, no one talks on wechat, there are fewer and fewer friends, and the information is only 10086. My life is getting cleaner and cleaner.


I've had enough of slapping a candy, and I've tasted enough bitterness and grievances. Now I've learned that there's no need for a little care and guilt.


Lonely world of mortals, who has accompanied who to see fireworks gorgeous, has long been a thing of the past. Let the night rain, wet all miss, break the past, let tomorrow continue.


I was 21 years old that year. In the golden age of my life, I had a lot of extravagant hopes. I want to love, want to eat, but also want to become a half bright cloud in the sky in an instant.


Her manner was neither frivolous nor bashful; she did not lose the chuckle of Duanyi and sent out a deep invitation, which made people feel familiar.


There is no hopelessness in the road of life. As long as you look for it, there is always a way to go. Although the feelings of life, although difficult to keep, but there are always someone to accompany you, no longer feel bitter.


Love does not rise, go deep; hate does not follow, a smile and die. I will use my youth to love you, and then I will forget you with the rest of my life.


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