
时间:2020-07-28 06:13:27 | 来源:互联网


The night has wiped out the last ray of setting sun, and the night curtain is like the velvet curtain in the theater, slowly falling down.


I'd rather run and be knocked down countless times than walk a lifetime. Even if you fall down, you should smile bravely.


Things can't be said dead, some things are always worth trying. Never give up easily, there is always hope ahead.


Mouth long aftertaste of a sour and sweet taste, good to eat! This sweet juice flows to my heart.


When you feel that you are full of fighting spirit and confidence, others will think that you are trustworthy you.


Also impulsive, that you still have passion for life, always impulsive, that you do not understand life.


The tired moon hid in the clouds to rest, leaving only a few stars as if on guard.


To be a simple and pure person, keep your eyes on small and bright things, away from those chaos and arrogance.


The early morning light, and the mountain like a shy girl, looming, sunset, the rest of the light.


You never know how much you like someone unless you see him with someone else.


The melting ice water wakes up the stream, which is full of vitality and rushes forward with a loud voice to spread the news of spring to all directions.


As the night grew deeper, the sky became very deep, and the street lamps scattered on the ground seemed to be drowsy.


A bunch of lights on her, the long wall and beautiful turret reflected on the river, silver, very moving.


Make a difference in life will not end, like the torch burning generation after generation, always illuminate the world.


I want to give up every day, but I insist on it every day. Children without umbrellas must run hard.


Those things that we think we will never forget, in the process of our nostalgia, are forgotten by us.


Everyone has many dreams in their life, but if one of them keeps bothering you, all that remains is action.


The rudder of destiny is struggle. Do not have a trace of fantasy, do not give up a chance, do not stop a day of efforts.


A person's best state is that his eyes are full of stories, but his face is not full of wind and frost. Don't envy or laugh at anyone.


There is no reward in the world to encourage hard work. All rewards are only used to reward the results of work.


The sun was filtered by layers of leaves, leaking to him, and turned into a faint round light flickering halo.


The Milky moonlight poured down like water, gently sprinkled on my face, and slowly flowed to the ground.


If you give up the right you have for fear of losing it, then life will lose its meaning.


The rainbow reflects the clear blue sky, and the cool breeze blows. The beautiful Jialing River has a more moving scenery.


It is better to be quiet than to laugh against one's heart. It is better to manage one's dignity and beauty than to care about others' betrayal and bad.


In this world, some roads have to be faced by one person and trudge alone.


The river runs through the mountains and walls, and rushes down in a fierce manner; the rushing and clamorous river water is like a waterfall hanging in the air, slamming thousands of miles.


Take a risk! The whole life is an adventure. Those who go furthest are always willing to be willing to take risks.


Between the streetlights and me, who is whose passer-by, who is the ornament of whose life.


Life, need to have some time, slow down, quiet down, listen to the voice of flowers, look at the graceful leaves.


If a man eradicates a bad habit every year, he will soon be perfect.


Far away from familiar cities and people, the soul is no longer bound.


Time is always young, we slowly old, you will find, childlike innocence, is a matter of pride.


The feathers of the whole body of the Golden Rooster are gorgeous and shiny, just like putting on a grand dress.


Optimists see opportunities in difficulties; pessimists see suffering in opportunities. The ideal road is always ready for those who have confidence.


Experienced people read with two eyes, one eye to see the words on the paper, the other to see the back of the paper.


One summer night, the stars twinkle in the sky, and a gust of cool wind dissipates the waste heat of the day, and the earth is silent.


The moon at night is like an ice plate, clear and elegant; like a mirror, it is clear and noble; if ningtan is clear and pure, it is as beautiful as heaven.


Sometimes I miss my childhood, I don't know what to worry about. I don't have to bear the responsibility. I won't be heartbroken for others. I don't know about the hardships and tiredness of the world.


In the early winter, the green of the mountains and fields has not yet faded, and a little bit of grass has not been dyed yellow.


Brilliant sunshine through the gap between the leaves, through the early fog, one after another to sprinkle all over the campus.


Instead of reducing your expenses, try to increase your income. That's the reason for the effort.


Beautiful starry night, the sky does not have a floating cloud, dark blue sky, full of diamond like stars.


When he turned around, I saw an old man's back. I know that time is getting old.


The reason why you think time goes faster every year is that time is more important to you every year.


There is no sound in the loneliness of the night. The soul of the night stands thousands of miles away. There is no waiting in the vision of the night.


To make things change, first change yourself; to make things better, first make yourself stronger.


Spring is the season of high incidence of death, but the immortal soul can always swim through the tide of time and stand on the other side of eternal life.


The mottled shadow of the tree clearly cast on the path, like a thick and light appropriate paper-cut painting.


If it is always ignored, why do you humble yourself; if you don't cherish it, why do you have to work hard to maintain it.


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