
时间:2020-07-27 06:45:43 | 来源:互联网


In a storybook, in addition to the protagonist, there are passers-by, I am a, B, C, D, but I don't want to admit my life.


No matter how warm the sunshine is, the coldness on the street will not be exhausted. No matter how beautiful the peach blossom will fall in the spring breeze.


Life in the world, like a white horse over the knee, suddenly just. However, I live a long life, but can remember every word you say.


Don't get drunk when you have wine, but worry more when you drink.


Unfortunately, Zhu Yingtai often does, but Liang Shanbo does not.


You are my dry age in a rain, you come to the hearty, I can't afford to get sick.


Now that you've chosen to let go, what's the point of holding on now. I hope you understand that after the injury, there is no forgiveness.


You are the world's most beautiful glass, inlaid in my eyes, I never shed tears, think you can always shine in my eyes.


It's good to drink wine, grow old with your son, and enjoy the music.


In this world, you can lose to anyone, but you can't lose to yourself.


I think love can fill the regret of life. However, making more regrets. But it's love.


Originally thought I have how affectionate, but also just a pain will decisively let go of the vulgar.


I first saw you, the crowd alone beautiful, just a glance, sink my heart.


Youth is a long journey, can not go back; youth is a meeting, can not forget; youth is a pain, too late.


In fact, we like to go to school, just don't like to go to school, miss those time when we used to make trouble together and laugh together.


8000 meters of deep sea, seven centimeters of blue, who will care about you, deep love.


Phoenix pair, fly to fly to the misty rain autumn. But now, the Phoenix has gone, the Phoenix has left.


Fenghua refers to quicksand, old is a period of time.


A leaf blooming a pursuit, a flower in full bloom, a world, a lifetime of Acacia for a person.


I'm just worried that anyone but me will scar you.


When the breeze is still, I shake hands with youth.


You're like a bus I missed, a snack I didn't taste, a dream I didn't finish, and a movie I didn't watch. It's a pity.


Xizi lake, you hold an oil paper umbrella, raise your eyebrows and smile very sweetly. The wind blows through your hair, and the scenery around you suddenly becomes dim.


May there be flowers here, and meet again as before.


Dance a peach blossom, the end of the song. Sing a song of departure, silent memories.


I used to personify loneliness, cast her, and then galloped the whole life with crazy horse.


Everyone will meet two people in their life, and finally, one in the heart, the other in the distance.


You let all the love words in the world have a point, you let me scattered pieces of the world are gathered again.


Always hiding in the depths of dreams and seasons, listening to the flowers and night singing all nightmares, singing all the prosperity, singing all the way to memory.


Later, ah, the heart did not know how to quiet down, no longer adhere to what you must.


In life, there is a person to miss, is fate; there is a person thinking about themselves, is happiness.


Perhaps love is not passion, nor miss, but years, years have become a part of life.


The limit you think is the starting point for others.


Advise you to make a glass of wine, West out of Yangguan no old friend.


Once in my life, I would like to talk about a love affair with the purpose of marriage, and then I would stay together like that. In the fleeting years of communication, the years are good.


Time is quiet and good, and you talk; thin water year, with you; prosperous fall, and you old.


Some people, once met, will look at ten thousand years; some heart, once started, it will be difficult to recover.


I don't want shoulders. If it happens to be dusk when those are not happy enough, please let me bump into every beautiful sunset.


Your hand is the warmth I can't touch, and my heart is the chaos you didn't know.


May you have someone to accompany you in the lonely years. I'd like to have someone listen to me for the rest of my life.


When, we like quiet, but very afraid of loneliness.


People, to a certain age, are with some worries, with some unspeakable pain, every day to live happily.


Life always makes us black and blue, but later, those injured places will become our strongest place.


This life is like a long night, only when I meet you is dawn.


The long lost heartache, indescribable touch of the heart, just like the love, makes people impulsive.


Human nature is very complex, is a template set a template, not separated from those familiar samples, but never repeat.


All the sufferings and the end of the burden are the time of this world.


I have no time to participate in your past. I will accompany you in the future.


Between time and reality, youth and beauty are as fragile as wind dried paper.


The best time is the courage to give everything for a person.


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