
时间:2020-07-27 06:44:10 | 来源:互联网


Life will read countless people, how many left, the rest is Yunyan.


The road is too long in my life. I can't tell who I met and who I failed.


The most taboo in love is: two people are dreaming of each other's future, but also always thinking about each other's past.


In an unnatural place, you can only indulge in the unnatural.


If I will never see you again, I wish you happiness. If there is a chance to meet in the future, I would like to be calm and calm.


Eccentric and stubborn like me, I don't want to be one of your favorite, even the one you cherish most.


You were next to me, only a face-to-face, may sunny day, flash electricity.


Poets like the distance and wandering, I prefer you and the world fireworks.


All blame me, just want to love, must wait, but fantasy I will be the exception, do not know good or bad.


After many years, I will not think of her deep love.


The flash of green outside the window was almost a necklace, which I put on gently.


The one who is loved will never know that his good night is comparable to the starlight of the whole night.


Time, will precipitate the most true feelings; wind and rain, will test the warmest company.


May there be wood in the mountains here. The stars were just like you last night.


It turns out that there is such a thing in the world, as long as a moment, the love of a person can reach the peak.


Hunan, Jiangxi, Chu Jiangxi, thousands of rivers and mountains, far away fans, meet eventually.


In early July. Meet with him, line degree slow forest, single shirt is not red.


Once people have a pursuit, Guanyin will be fleeting, time will be fleeting.


Once you start to cherish something, the risk of losing it increases.


I will never stop the wind, nor will I regret the falling leaves. Since there is no way to stop and change, why not forget each other.


I know that I missed a lot before, always a person sad.


Some people cheat all their lives, while others cheat one person all their lives.


If you have an unyielding soul, there will be a solid land under your feet.


At the beginning of the silver moon, the Buddha bell falls, step by step in this dream, leading edge and this life, can not be broken.


If you go back to the Castle Peak, you will go around the mountains and rivers, when will you meet me again.


No one can control your life, just a lot of times we need more courage, to firm their choice.


Love broke a pair of wings, the heart is no longer crazy for you, early know that love your heart will be fragmented, I do not have to be brave for love.


I love you, even if you are full of lies, there is still my infatuation.


May the sun grow in your eyes, and your smile is full of magnanimity.


Think of you when some happy, happy some sad.


Listen to me for the rest of my life.


Love this kind of thing, listen to good, do not take seriously, do not belong to my thing, I will not expect.


I like you, from night to dawn, from cold winter to warm spring, from a second to life, endless, reincarnation.


You are not happy, I will not be good where to go, this degree of telepathy, is not tacit understanding.


The scenery at the bottom and the top of the building is always different. No one should envy anyone.


If I were the day, you would be the mountain. I would rise and fall according to you. I would go through the ages.


I hope you have money. When you are sad, you will not cry with your pillow in your arms. Instead, you can book a ticket to the place you want to go immediately.


Please dry this cup of nothingness, from now on, when the soul returns, I will not recognize you.


Who has never been crazy in the green years, in the diary of young people, the yellow is persistent.


You let all the tiny sounds in my heart find their exact place in the outside world. So real, so determined.


Sometimes, forgetting is the best liberation; sometimes, silence is the best way to tell.


White tea Qinghuan nothing else, just waiting for the breeze to meet the flowers.


Always like the distant stars, so began the long-term revolution.


If you are willing to be my little train and never derail, then I will be your little mermaid and never split up.


Growth is an adventure. The brave go first. The price is to miss the scenery and not go back.


The sun and the moon are you, the stars are you, the mountains and rivers are you, and all the rest of life is you.


There is a withered soil in my heart, where you leave footprints, flowers bloom.


I have written a hundred stories. The protagonist of each story has a bad temper like you. Unfortunately, you never come into my life.


Life is a grand meeting, some people are just passers-by of your life after all.


The wood hairpin in the North has long hair, and the smoke in the South has dyed the fallen flowers. What they have in their eyes is neon and concern.


I know that sometimes love is to have, but sometimes, love is to let go, we can only, across the sea, silent to.


All the surprises and good luck in the world are your accumulated gentleness and kindness.


Feel this thing is very wonderful, very complex, wonderful to the first sight, complex to the confusion.


You are not reluctant, I am sorry to be sad.


If one day I say I miss you, it's not the day I miss you, but that day I can't hold back.


I'm afraid that's because I have many shortcomings in human nature. People with many shortcomings often sympathize with those with the same shortcomings.


If there is intoxicating feeling in the city, please let me know. I'll find it and wrap it around the tip of my finger.


Years of you are very clean, more than the wind, lighter than wine.


The time to get together is always so short, but the days to look forward to is so long.


At that time, you were in heaven for me. I'm here, to you, is to watch.


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