
时间:2021-10-27 12:40:34 | 来源:互联网


Those who try to do something but fail are much better than those who do nothing but succeed.


The heart is not big. Don't put everything in it. To tangle with yesterday is a blasphemy against today and tomorrow.


Close your eyes, clear your heart, and let the past pass. Live a happy life with a willing attitude.


Maybe in my whole life, I can't meet such a person engraved in my heart. He can treat me like this, I can treat him like this!


Leadership in good times, everyone can come out. Only in bad times is real leadership.


When you fall in love with two people at the same time, choose the second one. If you really love one person, you will never fall in love with others again.


People, at a certain age, live happily every day with some worries and unspeakable pain.


The reason why people are tired is that they can't be themselves more and more; You don't miss the past, you just don't live well now.


On the road of dreams, you are confused, stumbled, strong, bite your teeth and stick to it. Whether you win or lose, you are a strong man.


If I don't try to be better than others who like her, how can I stand in front of her and smile calmly and proudly and say that you are mine.


On the pillow, the night air returns, because I think about my life. It is prosperous and beautiful, and all eyes are empty. In the past 50 years, it has become a dream.


Lofty ideals are like flowers growing on high mountains. If you want to win it, diligence is the rope to climb.


Stability, patience and peace can bring you the best life experience and make your life happy and successful!


There are three ways to deal with your wife: don't say it casually; Don't say bad things casually; Don't ask her about it.


May you be gentle by the world, but the fear you can't escape is just a false alarm, and the joy you receive will never be empty.


Time is gone, and tomorrow is a new day. Don't make past mistakes and mistakes a burden for tomorrow.


Don't be demanding. There are good comments from all people. To please everyone means to completely offend yourself.


In real life, what you love most often doesn't choose you; The one who loves you most is often not the one you love most.


No matter how beautiful the oath is, it can't be compared with a heart integrated into life; No matter how much you promise, you can't compare with the person who always loves you.


If you think life is difficult, you lose at the beginning. If you think making things difficult is a kind of carving, you will win sooner or later.


I sometimes do things that others think have no hope, but I know that hope is given by myself, not by others.


When you tell jokes, the people around you don't laugh, but think of someone who said to you, I think you look funny when you tell jokes.


No one can control your life, but many times we need more courage to strengthen our choices.


Life always makes us black and blue, but later, those hurt will eventually grow into our strongest place.


Life is like duckweed. Gathering and parting are always in a hurry. What you get and what you lose are just a feeling at the bottom of your heart.


The happiest things for people: parents are alive, confidants are two or three, and lovers who can't be stolen. Others are illusions. Don't worry too much.


I believe in fate, not love. Love is just fireworks, bringing temporary warmth and comfort. Gorgeous only in an instant.


Love stays at the top of the mountain, above the valley of reason. Love is the sublimation of life, the top of life, it rarely appears.


When you meet a trustworthy friend: get along well with him, because it's really not easy to meet a confidant in one's life.


All troubles are self seeking, so we should solve them ourselves; Don't complain to your friends. Ask them to go shopping and play ball.


There is only one reason why you are confused. Think too much and do too little. Don't forget that only action can make a person.


People think they control everything, but they don't. What should happen will happen, and what should have passed will certainly pass.


There are a lot of people, you thought you could forget, but in fact, they are not at all. They are always in a corner of your heart.


Great undertakings are accomplished not by strength, speed and physical agility, but by the power of character, will and knowledge.


In love, nothing is the patent of one party. When love happens, you are equal.


Make life richer, more meaningful and more valuable. Experience the joy of success, which is everyone's most basic wish.


You must make friends with those who have the right way, and don't make unjust friends. Drink quiet tea and don't be greedy for fancy wine. Open the door of convenience and leisure the mouth of right and wrong.


Be honest with all people, live in harmony with the majority, come and go with a few people, and be close to only one.


Never stop smiling, not even when you're sad, someone might fall in love with your smile.


Your world has become a desolate city: countless people are passers-by. And you have become a passer-by of countless people.


Like the sun setting, the lamp on the telegraph pole and the moon shining slightly, my love for you is a gentle fall.


Stop muddling along, change from strict self-management, and don't let self-discipline ruin your life.


After a long life, the biggest problem is that you don't want to say a lot, don't want to be disturbed, but you are eager to be hugged.


True love is not necessarily a perfect match in the eyes of others, but the mutual fit of the hearts of the people who love each other.


Love is bitter and sweet. You eat all the sweets, but you want to avoid the bitterness. There is no such good thing in the world.


Just be satisfied with what you can reach for. Stand on tiptoe and you will find how broad your sky is.


One of the meanings of life is to learn to be humble to the world. Because the greatest artist is nature.


You are very backbone, you have ideas, and you are not willing to mediocre, but you are lazy. It's useless to say so much?


The three cheapest things in reality: the gentleness of nothing, the gentleman of the poor, and the sincerity of poverty!


Growth is the right of every child, and it is also the journey they must go through. It may be flat or rugged, with joys and sorrows and clutch.


What makes people lose their reason is often the temptation of the outside world; What makes people exhausted is often their own desire.


If you want to succeed, take persistence as your good friend, experience as your reference, caution as your brother and hope as your sentry.


The so-called good day, but eat well and sleep well, all the people you love are well, go to bed early and make more money when you have time.


Be a grounded person and warm the heart of living. No one's life is walking on the red carpet.


If I am allowed to live my life again, I am willing to repeat my life; Because I never regret the past.


Life is so short that we should always spend it with the people we love. Those who want to go can't stay, and those who want to stay won't go.


We always think that life owes us a "satisfaction". In fact, we owe life a "effort".


Why make friends with people who are different from Tao? Yangguan Road, single wooden bridge and strangers are enough.


We only live once in the world, so we should cherish time. We must live a real life and a valuable life.


Three things can't be robbed by others. Eat the food in your stomach, hide the dream in your heart, and read the book in your brain.


Life is full of disappointment, not all the waiting can be achieved. Just laugh right. Don't panic.


Falling is not a failure, but not getting up is a failure; Walking is not success, only perseverance is victory.


No matter what you do, some people will have different doubts. So be yourself and be happy.


Only one person can hear his voice when traveling. It will tell you that the world is wider than expected.


At home, you may become a princess. With a man, you may become a princess. But on your own, you can finally be queen.


There is no secret to the so-called growing old. It's just that when you love each other, you save a little touch and know some gratitude during the cold war.


When you long for love, you should believe that there are people waiting for you quietly in places you don't know.


Photography is more beautiful when it occasionally loses focus. Life is the same, occasionally lose focus, but not so tired.


If you keep love in your heart, you will only be lonely and rot. It's better to send out love and build a bridge to make others happy.


Some things are not hard work. No matter how beautiful the 50 yuan design is, there is no 100 yuan to be liked.


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