
时间:2021-10-20 11:15:02 | 来源:互联网

1、Anyone can say he loves you, but not everyone can wait for you.谁都可以说爱你, 但不是人人都能等你。——《暮光之城》

2、I'm afraid so. You're crazy, out of your mind, out of your mind. But I want to tell you a secret. It's true of all people in high society.恐怕是的,你疯了,失去理智,神志不清。但我要告诉你一个秘密,所有上流社会的人都是这样。——《爱丽丝梦游仙境》

3、It doesn't matter if you jump wrong, then jump.如果你跳错了也没关系,接着跳下去。——《闻香识女人》

4、Don't hate your enemy, it will affect your judgment.不要憎恨你的敌人,那会影响你的判断力。——《教父》

5、What matters is not your ability, but your choice.重要的不是你的能力,而是你的选择。——《哈利·波特》

6、Many people don't know their talents because they can't find teachers who believe in them. So they were convinced that they were stupid.很多人都无从得知自己的天赋,因为找不到相信他们的老师。于是他们深信自己很笨。——《心灵捕手》

7、I miss you, I want to see you immediately, I want you to fill my eyes, miss you every minute.我想你,我想立刻见到你,我想你布满我的眼睛,想你分分秒秒。——《其实他没那么喜欢你》

8、A crazy man with sweaty teeth made my heart beat.一个牙齿流汗的疯子,瞪得我心怦怦直跳。——《死亡诗社》

9、I like you because you are more like myself than I am.我喜欢你,因为你比我更像我自己。——《呼啸山庄》

10、Being loved so deeply by someone will leave us an eternal amulet even though the person who loves us is dead.被一个人这样深深地爱过,尽管那个爱我们的人已经死了,也会给我们留下一个永远的护身符。——《哈利·波特》

11、Maybe I did a lot of stupid things, but I know that I will find the right person faster than you.也许,我做了许多很傻的事情,可是我知道,这样的我会比你更快找到那个对的人。——《其实他没那么喜欢你》

12、You read a lot and dress well, but you doze off in the street.你读书多,穿得也好,却在大街上打瞌睡。——《罗马假日》

13、We have evolved, but the essence is still wild.我们是进化了,可是本质还是有野性的。——《疯狂动物城》

14、It doesn't matter whether the young man is perfect or the girl is perfect, as long as they can match each other.那个小伙子是否完美,或者那个姑娘是否完美都不重要,只要他们能珠联璧合。——《心灵捕手》

15、I believe in friendship and would like to express my friendship first.我相信友谊,并且愿意首先表示出我的友谊。——《教父》

16、Tango is not like life. If you jump wrong one step, just keep jumping. Tango jump wrong, you can continue, but if you make a wrong decision and take the wrong step in life, it will be completely destroyed.跳探戈不像人生,一步跳错了,继续跳就行了。探戈跳错了,可以继续,但是人生做错一个决定,走错一步路,那就全毁了。——《闻香识女人》

17、I hope you can also find your own way, find your own pace, pace, any direction, anything, whether it's conceit, stupidity or anything.希望你们也找到自己的路,找到自己的步伐、步调,任何方向,任何东西都行,不管是自负也好,愚蠢也好,什么都行。——《死亡诗社》

18、When you say it from time to time, you should make it sound as good as it sounds.当你说不时,你要使不听上去像是一样好听。——《教父》

19、The best love can awaken the soul. It sows fire in our hearts, let us pursue more and bring peace to our hearts. What you give me is this kind of love, and I hope to give it to you all my life.最好的爱情能唤醒灵魂,它在我们心中播下火种,让我们追求更多,给我们的心灵带来平静,你给我的正是这种爱,我也希望一辈子给予你。——《恋恋笔记本》

20、A hero is not what we deserve, but what we need.一位英雄,不是我们应该得到,却是我们需要的英雄。——《蝙蝠侠:黑暗骑士》

21、I would like to die in the hands of the people I love so that hell can turn into heaven.我愿死在我所深爱的人手中,好让地狱化成天堂。——《暮光之城》

22、Never be angry, never threaten, and be reasonable.永远不要动怒,绝不要威胁,要讲道理。——《教父》

23、Love doesn't have so many excuses. If we can't be together in the end, it can only show that love is not enough.爱情没有那么多借口,如果最终没能在一起,只能说明爱的不够。——《恋恋笔记本》

24、I may be too sensitive and make a mountain out of a molehill, but at least it means that I still care. You may not be hurt again, but you will never feel that love again. You are not winning, but lonely.我也许是太敏感太小题大做,但至少意味着我还在乎,你也许不会再受伤,但你永远再也不会体会到那样的爱,你不是赢,而是孤独。——《其实他没那么喜欢你》

25、Only when you love something more than yourself can you realize what is real loss.只有当你爱一种东西胜于爱自己时,才可能体会什么是真正的失去。——《心灵捕手》

26、I want a woman to hold me. I bury myself in her hair and smell the fragrance. When I wake up the next day, she is still by my side.我想有个女人拥住我,我埋在她的秀发里闻香,而第二天醒来,她还在我身边。——《闻香识女人》

27、Be closer to your friend, but closer to your enemy, so that you can know him better.离你的朋友近些,但离你的敌人要更近,这样你才能更了解他。——《教父》

28、After all, a person is a lonely individual. Even if you already have the arms of others, perhaps the only difference between people is where you hide your loneliness.人终究是一个孤独的个体,纵使你已经拥有了他人的怀抱,这其中,也许人与人之间唯一不同的,只是你把孤独藏在哪里。——《心灵捕手》

29、It's impossible to return to the original. You've changed these things forever.已经不可能恢复原样了,你永远的改变了这些事情。——《蝙蝠侠:黑暗骑士》

30、We can't choose origin, but we can choose friends.我们无法选择出身,但可以选择朋友。——《绿皮书》

31、You accompany me all day doing what I want to do. I never knew there was such a good person.你整天都陪着我做我想做的事,我从不知道有这么好的人。——《罗马假日》

32、Once inaccessible, now within reach.从前遥不可得,如今触手可及。——《冰雪奇缘》

33、I love you not because of who you are, but because of who I can be in front of you.我爱你不是因为你是谁,而是我在你面前可以是谁。——《剪刀手爱德华》

34、Be a good girl, just like you used to be.做个好女孩,就像你从前一样。——《冰雪奇缘》

35、Tango is not like life, not afraid to step on the wrong step.探戈不像人生,不怕踩错步。——《闻香识女人》

36、Embrace the blade with kindness and defend the dream with courage.用善良拥抱利刃,以勇气捍卫梦想。——《疯狂动物城》

37、Little ones, raise your sails. I'm going to the distant horizon for a beautiful date.小的们,扬起风帆,我要去那遥远的天边,赴一场美丽的约会。——《加勒比海盗》

38、Every city has its own uniqueness and unforgettable. It's hard to say, Rome! Anyway, Rome. I will cherish the memories of my visit here forever.每一个城市都有其独特之处,令人难忘。这很难说,罗马!不管怎么说,就是罗马。我将会永生永世珍惜我访问此地留下的回忆。——《罗马假日》

39、There are all kinds of prosperous cities, but there is no end.繁华的城市应有尽有,唯独没有尽头。——《海上钢琴师》

40、Madness is like gravity. Sometimes all you need to do is push it.疯狂就像地心引力,有时候需要做的不过是轻轻一推。——《蝙蝠侠:黑暗骑士》

41、I don't open the window. I hate saying goodbye.我不开窗,我痛恨道别。——《闻香识女人》

42、Falling in love with you is the easiest thing for me.爱上你是我最容易的事。——《绿皮书》

43、When life gives you a dream far more than you expect, then when it's over, there's no reason to be sad.当生活给了你一个远远超过你期待的美梦,那么,当这一切结束时,也就没有理由再去伤心。——《暮光之城》

44、When I stepped on the springboard, I didn't find it difficult. I put on my coat and looked very good. I was self-conscious, talented, determined, confident and confident.当年,我踏上跳板,不觉得困难。我穿上大衣,很神气,自觉一表人才,有决心,有把握,有信心。——《海上钢琴师》

45、There is always something wrong with life. We all make mistakes. It doesn't matter what your nature is. What matters is that you start to change.生活总会有点不顺意,我们都会犯错。天性如何并不重要,重要的是你开始改变。——《疯狂动物城》

46、When we face death and darkness, we are afraid of the unknown, nothing else.当我们面对死亡和黑暗时,我们害怕的只是未知,除此之外没有别的。——《哈利·波特》

47、If you stay, I don't need any heaven.如果你留下来,我并不需要什么天堂。——《暮光之城》

48、The purpose is not to live forever, the key is to live yourself forever.目的不在于永远活着,要诀是永远活出自己。——《加勒比海盗》

49、I know the result. The reason why I hesitate is just looking for a path.我知道结果,之所以在犹豫,只是在找寻路径。——《疯狂动物城》

50、There will always be bad times in life, and we all make mistakes.生活中总会有不顺心的时候,我们都会犯错。——《疯狂动物城》

51、In order to remember your smile, I tried my best to press the shutter in my heart.为了记住你的笑容,我拼命按下心中的快门。——《美丽人生》

52、It is easy to forgive others' mistakes, but it is difficult to forgive others' correctness.人们容易原谅别人的错误,却很难原谅别人的正确。——《哈利·波特》

53、Better die than live.宁可死别,绝不生离。——《暮光之城》

54、Charlie faced the fire and George over there hid in his father's pocket.查理面对烈火,那边的乔治躲进老爹的口袋里。——《闻香识女人》

55、Don't be sorry. Those who don't know are innocent.别对不起了,不知者无罪。——《闻香识女人》

56、Anyway, no one in the world remembers me.反正,世间没人记得我。——《海上钢琴师》

57、Alice, you can't always live for others. The decision is in your own hands, because when you come out and face those monsters, you have to fight.爱丽丝,你不能总是为了别人而活着,决定权在你自己手里,因为当你走出来面对那些怪兽,你就得战斗!——《爱丽丝梦游仙境》

58、I have to leave you. Now I'll go to that corner and turn around. You must stay in the car and leave. Promise me not to look at me after the corner. Just drive away and leave me alone, just like I left you.我得离开你了,现在我会走到那个转角然后转过去。你必须留在车里然后离开,答应我,过了转角就不要再看我。只管开车离开,别管我,就像我离开你那样。——《罗马假日》

59、The world itself has no so-called innocence. It's self deception to admit that you've never lied.这个世界本身就没有所谓的清白而言,你能坦言自己从来就没说过谎,这是自欺欺人。——《教父》

60、Always use the right name for things. The fear of a name reinforces the fear of the thing itself.对事物永远使用正确的称呼。对一个名称的恐惧,会强化对这个事物本身的恐惧。——《哈利·波特》

61、But indifference and blindness often do much more harm than straightforward disgust.可是漠不关心,还有视而不见,往往会比直截了当的厌恶造成的伤害大得多。——《哈利·波特》

62、In my lifetime, I have never seen this way of collecting money.在我有生之年,从没看过这种收钱方式。——《加勒比海盗》

63、Please raise your head, my princess, or the crown will fall off.请抬起你的头,我的公主,不然皇冠会掉下来的。——《罗马假日》

64、In my life, he is my strongest miss. If everything else is destroyed and he stays, I can continue to live; If everything else stays and he is destroyed, the world will become a very strange place to me. I won't look like a part of it.在我的生活中,他是我最强的思念。如果别的一切都毁灭了,而他还留下来,我就能继续活下去;如果别的一切都留下来,而他却给消灭了,这个世界对于我就将成为一个极陌生的地方。我不会像是它的一部分。——《呼啸山庄》

65、Why do we fall, because it makes us learn to stand up again.我们为什么跌倒,因为那让我们学会再站起来。——《蝙蝠侠:黑暗骑士》

66、Forgive, forget. Life is full of misfortune.要宽恕,要遗忘。生命本来就充满了不幸。——《教父》

67、I never thought much about how I would die, but it would be a happy thing to die for the one I love.我从未多想我会怎样的死去,只是为心爱的人而死会是一件幸福的事。——《暮光之城》

68、Time will make people listen to fate and bring sweeter sadness than happiness.时间会让人听天由命,也会带来比快乐更甜美的忧伤。——《呼啸山庄》

69、Genius is far from enough. It takes courage to change people's hearts.天才还远远不够,要想改变人心需要的还有勇气。——《绿皮书》

70、A good decision may become a wrong decision if the reason for making the decision is wrong.一个好的决定,如果做决定的原因是错误的也可能变成一个错误的决定。——《加勒比海盗》

71、Things always get worse before they get better.事情在变好之前,总会变的更糟。——《蝙蝠侠:黑暗骑士》

72、Because Dad, the most terrible period has become my warmest time.因为爸爸,那最恐怖的时期,却成了我最温暖的时光。——《美丽人生》

73、The whole world has become a terrible Memorial, reminding me everywhere that she existed, but I lost her.整个世界成了一个可怕的纪念馆,处处提醒我她存在过,而我却失去了她!——《呼啸山庄》

74、Life is full of unknowns. Play all day.生活充满了未知数,玩个一整天吧!——《罗马假日》

75、Your heart is higher than heaven. See what you can do.心比天高,看看自己的能耐。——《疯狂动物城》

76、Don't come near me, I'll drive you away before you leave.别靠近我,我会在你离开之前把你赶走。——《心灵捕手》

77、If I'm not black enough, if I'm not white enough, if I'm not man enough, what am I!如果我不够黑,如果我不够白,不够男人,那我到底还算什么!——《绿皮书》

78、If you say you're in the press, you can avoid any trouble.要是你说自己是新闻界的,任何麻烦你都能躲过去的。——《罗马假日》

79、My lover is here, I will not leave her. Now this is my home, and your mother is my home.我的爱人在这里,我不会离开她的,现在这就是我的家,你们的母亲就是我的家。——《恋恋笔记本》

80、You must end a wrong relationship before you can find the right person for you.你必须先结束一段不对的感情,才能发现那个最适合你的人。——《冰雪奇缘》

81、I don't have the strength to leave you anymore.他们没有选择的机会,但你有。——《绿皮书》

82、The ship carries only 2000 passengers at a time, both people and dreams.这艘船每次只载客两千,既载人,又载梦想。——《海上钢琴师》


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  • 1、皎月桂香迎中秋,花儿月圆合家欢;喜逢佳节福相顾,心情快乐悠闲步;窗含明月思飞度,幸福频频不止步;祝你中秋节快乐,阖家欢乐万事兴!2、不求最早,不求最好,只求最真。中秋节到了,送你最真的祝福祝四面八方真情围绕你,十心十意真心缠着你,五湖四海真财来找你!祝你中秋行大运!3、剪一片快乐云裳,衬托你的微...

  • 网名大全励志微信名字
  • 1、自信的女孩最美丽2、内在3、愿梦想在六月绽放4、我要发光~5、坚强 ¥的路上6、逆风飞行更适合成长7、奋斗呐8、想要的未来、9、懦弱给谁看10、路一直都在11、再苦再累,不言放弃12、·坚强挺过、13、与你习惯14、任半生嚣狂15、欣欣向荣.16、过去的就过了17、信仰之名ヤ18、...

  • 秋天到了拟人句
  • 1、秋天到了,金黄的果子们在树枝上挤来挤去,好不热闹。2、秋天到了,高粱的脸变得红通通的,稻子慢慢地弯下身子。3、秋天到了,树上的果子成熟了,露出了微笑。4、秋天到了,果园里的果实红着脸都成熟了。5、秋天来了,果园里的果实一个个羞红了脸都成熟了。6、秋天到了,稻谷欢叫着:我们成熟了!7、秋天到了,苹...

  • 达叔台词
  • 1、不玩了,你们耍赖,两个打一个,等我的拍档来了,叫你们知道厉害。——《逃学威龙2》2、这是个香炉,你拿去也没用。——《武状元苏乞儿》3、听说最近海洋公园出了两个色魔,专换你这种年轻人来捅屁眼。——《百变星君》4、十三叔,还是看...

  • 交友诗句大全
  • 1、故人应念,杜鹃枝上残月。——文天祥《酹江月·和友驿中言别》2、莫愁前路无知己,天下谁人不识君。——高适《别董大二首》3、松江上,念故人老矣,甘卧闲云。——吴文英《沁园春·送翁宾旸游鄂渚》4、以文长...