
时间:2020-04-26 09:45:45 | 来源:互联网


Maybe I came back to bury a tear in my hometown so that I could have nostalgia in my life.


When you come from your hometown, you should know about your hometown. Is the plum blossom in front of the window tomorrow?


I come from far away, on an old tree, sitting in my hometown.


Before returning to music peak, the sand is like snow, and the moon outside the city is like frost. I don't know where to blow the reed pipe. I'll visit my hometown overnight.


At the foot of thousands of acres of good land, only love home an inch of land. Gold nest and silver nest are not as poor as their hometown.


Children walk thousands of miles and mothers worry, but may peace be what they ask for. Don't make your clothes cold, thin and beautiful. The dream of chaimen is full of soul at night.


I am the prodigal who always walk alone towards the distance. You are my woman in the vast sea of people.


After that, I will go far away and miss my hometown; when I am old, I will take my memories as my thoughts.


My itinerary is like a compass with home as its fulcrum, always drawing a circle. No matter how far my feet run, my heart always revolves around my hometown.


My home is in the far north, but I came back to my hometown but didn't bring back my beloved girl.


The returnees outside the former residence think of the long journey in their hometown.


The sea is full of days and nights, and the spring of the river is coming into the old year. Where to get the village book? Return to Luoyang.


Hometown is the warm embrace of mother and the biggest miss of people who live in a foreign country.


Ancient flying meaning, today out of Fengqiu. The whole country competed for the materialization of stratolite.


When you come from your hometown, you should know about your hometown. Is the plum blossom in front of the window tomorrow?


Loafers love freedom. Only in the Mid Autumn Festival can they miss their hometown. The moon is their hometown.


It's better to cultivate the land in your hometown than to love the gold in other places. When you are poor, you will never forget your hometown. When you are rich, you will never give up your hometown.


I will go back to the solar system, even if I die, I will die in my hometown.


In the next life, I would like to be a migratory bird, flying over the sky of my hometown every year, overlooking, circling and looking for it from afar.


Freezing rain as early as autumn is hard to stay, insects and birds are silent. I can't see the trees in my hometown when I climb high. Though I am in winter, my heart is in autumn.


In this small town of my hometown, I can see her change for more than ten years. In the end, I couldn't see her one day. I can't forget the way out.


There is no end to the spring return of the old country, and other people's homes are high in the small bars. Five more melancholy back to the pillow, still from the residual light falling flowers.


Shoulder backpack step in a hurry, put down luggage is home. If the Ping is rootless and floats everywhere, the heart of the washing guest's robe yearns for it.


They want to leave their hometown, set foot on the road far away, look for the beautiful scenery and see the prosperity, but the hometown is the most beautiful.


There is no scenic spot in my hometown, which is not as fairyland as the world, but the place I am always attached to.


The osmanthus here is very bright and fragrant. I don't know if it's the same in my hometown.


Now you in whose side, hometown moonlight, deeply branded in my heart, but not out of tears.


The root is fragrant with a lotus, which can hurt you all your life. Since the birth of solitary trees in the two places, Xianghun has returned to his hometown.


The bright moon in front of the bed is suspected to be frost on the ground. Raising my head, I see the moon so bright; withdrawing my eyes, my nostalgia comes around.


Cut constantly, the reason is still disordered, is the sorrow of separation. Don't be the general taste in my heart.


Without relatives and friends, hometown disappears; without love, family disappears; without impulse, soul disappears.


Hometown is a fragment of the memory of the wandering child. The more rational the wandering child is, the more unable he is to deal with his thoughts, and the more unable he is to cut out a complete picture.


In the dark night, there were no fears and worries with the rushing people. Just because, to my hometown, I have local feeling.


Where the sun shines, there is my sincere blessing. Where the moon shines, there is my deep yearning.


A braid of green lotus house is still climbing, and the road is full of dust. If you look at thousands of people's faces carefully, who will give you a look.


People in other countries, as long as the mention of hometown, like the taste of childhood memory, like chewing years of wind and frost.


In the light of the bright moon, in the light of the stars, my dream is spreading to my hometown and to you.


I don't want to go back as soon as I leave my hometown. I'm afraid it's the experience of many people when they were young.


Hotel cold light alone, why do you turn sad? Hometown tonight, I think thousands of miles, and worry about another year in the Ming Dynasty.


In an ordinary, quiet town, people and beauty, there is my lovely hometown.


Fill in poem materials in the form of smoke, and draw pictures in the form of clouds. Autumn flowers and fruits, the room with the Qing Zhen.


The hometown is beautiful, the scenery is blue and the sky is blue, the tiger spring is delicious, the forest of Steles is gorgeous and beautiful in the evening, can you remember the beautiful sister!


Children line thousands of miles mother worry, the wind dew frost moon. Even more, I can't rest at night in front of the window.


Little left home, old back, the country has not changed the sideburns. Attack children meet each other and don't know each other. Smile and ask where the guests come from.


Life in my hometown is like a bowl of well water. Although it's light and delicate, it's sweet!


There are hills in the distance and cattle and sheep under the mountains. The river is clear without ripples. Here is my hometown.


No matter in or out of my hometown, no matter whether there is a moon or not, as long as I follow big brother, I will be in full bloom at any time.


Hearing the news of the big earthquake in my hometown, I was in a state of confusion. I didn't know if everything was safe at home.


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