
时间:2021-09-27 10:39:45 | 来源:互联网

1、Not all goals can be achieved, but it can be used as an aiming point.目标不是都能达到的,但它可以作为瞄准点。

2、Half a pot of yarn, a pot of wine, floating and happy, years urge people to grow old!半壶纱,一壶酒,浮生且尽欢,岁月催人老!

3、Wisdom comes from knowledge, wealth from talent, and position from action.智从知来,财从才来,位从为来。

4、Undertake what cannot be improved, and put down what cannot be undertaken.不可改善的去承担,不可承担的即放下。

5、In fact, a man's dream will almost never come true.其实,一个男人的梦想几乎是从来不会实现的。

6、Complex love and care, simple heart is easy to be happy.复杂的心爱计较,简单的心易快乐。

7、Heaven's way, heaven's way, heaven's way, we fight heaven.天道,天道,天以失道,我等战天。

8、It is every man's bounden duty to protect an insulted woman.保护一个受侮辱的女人是每一个男人的天职。

9、I only remember those who have been doting on me?我只会记得那些一直宠着疼着我的人?

10、Life made me complicated and learned to sigh.生活让我变得复杂,学会了叹息。

11、Handwritten Yao paper was drenched by rain and blurred stippling.手写瑶笺被雨淋,模糊点画费探寻。

12、Time can prove whether your lover really loves you!时间能证明你的爱人是不是真的爱你!

13、The ideal of life is the ideal life.生活的理想,就是理想的生活。

14、Humble but feelings, the coldest but people's hearts.卑微的不过感情,最冷的不过人心。

15、Because of this, we will fail and get valuable things.正因如此,我们会失败也会得到宝贵的东西。

16、When people reach middle age, they are old at the top and small at the bottom, and life is hard and tired.人到中年,上有老,下有小,生活又苦又累。

17、We are tired of living because we can't afford to lose face.我们之所以活得累,是因为放不下面子。

18、When you feel anxious, you will feel nothing. After a long time, you will naturally feel positive.念动急觉,觉之即无,久久收摄,自然心正。

19、Don't be satisfied with the depth of knowledge and ignore the small mistakes.学问多深也别满足,过失多小也别忽略。

20、You can't change what others think and do.别人想什么做什么,你都无法改变。

21、If you're with me, I'll take you to eat all over the world.如果你和我在一起,我带你去吃遍世界。

22、To live by oneself is to make others live better.自己活着,就是为了使别人过得更美好。

23、This sadness will be connected to the strong side one day.这份悲伤,总有一天会连接到坚强的彼方。

24、Laugh and see falling flowers floating in the blue water, proud of the wind and rain to shake the heaven and earth.笑看落花飘碧水,傲视风雨撼乾坤。

25、Life between heaven and earth, if the white foal of the gap, suddenly.人生天地之间,若白驹之过隙,忽然而已。

26、Go your own way and be the best of yourself.走自己的路,做最好的自己。

27、Unless you like each other, all likes are sad.除非互相喜欢,否则所有喜欢都是心酸。

28、A busy and fulfilling life is the hope of happiness.忙碌充实的生活,才是幸福的希望。

29、A likes B, B likes C. love is like this.甲喜欢乙,乙喜欢丙,爱情本来就是这样。

30、If you step on a creature, your palm will die; The legend is immortal and the king is invincible.脚踩生灵,手掌生死;传说不朽,王者不败。

31、When you rest, others are still running!当你休息的时候,别人还在奔跑!

32、Never fail yourself at any time.无论何时,都不要辜负自己。

33、The world will make way for those who have goals and vision.世界会向那些有目标和远见的人让路。

34、Turn around and leave in a second, and forget in a lifetime.用一秒钟转身离开,用一辈子去忘记。

35、There are many kinds of fruits in the world, but there is no if!世界上有很多种水果,但是,没有如果!

36、I have one thing in life, that is to be honest with my feelings.我做人有一条,就是要对自己的情感诚实。

37、Open up Hongmeng, who is the love? It's all about romance.开辟鸿蒙,谁为情种?都只为风月情浓。

38、Yi, take my arms, except that I was frivolous in my previous life.伊,揽我之怀,除我前世轻浮。

39、Thinking of you in this square inch ignores thousands of rivers and mountains.在这方寸上遥想你,便忽略了万水千山。

40、If you can pay a green leaf, you can harvest the whole spring.如果你能付出一片绿叶,就能收获整个春天。

41、People find the meaning of life is happy.人找到生活的意义才是幸福的。

42、Don't be blinded by money, and don't be covered up by trouble.别被钱蒙蔽了心灵,别被烦恼掩盖了幸福。

43、After the summer heat, following the hot autumn, we must look forward to self treasure.盛暑之后,继以炎秋,务望尚自珍为盼。

44、Fame and wealth are hard to beat. I've got a wrong marriage.名利难抵绕指柔,我已姻缘错搭。

45、In the young gallop, you are the oncoming wind.在年轻的飞奔里,你是迎面而来的风。

46、I know that Aifei is a fox. I'd rather bear the world than you.我知道爱妃是狐狸,寡人宁负天下也绝不负你。

47、The heart is like flowers, and the body is like an ancient tree.心似繁花艳照,身如古树不惊。

48、No matter what you do, remember to do it for yourself, then you have no complaints.无论做什么,记得为自己而做,那就毫无怨言。

49、Acacia sorrow, meet pain, stay bitter, forget difficult.相思愁,相见痛,相守苦,相忘难。

50、If you are not indifferent, you can't express your ambition, and if you are not quiet, you can't go far.非淡泊无以明志,非宁静无以致远。

51、Whether people kiss or not depends on whether they are straightened out.不看人亲不亲,要看理顺不顺。

52、If you want to be open, many things are not worth keeping in mind.想开一点,很多事不值得总放在心间。

53、May your life be for yourself at least once.愿你的人生,至少有一次是为自己而活。

54、Only by working for the happiness of others can we achieve our own perfection.为他人的幸福而工作,才能达到自身的完善。

55、Spring flowers bloom and autumn leaves fall, leaving residual fragrance after prosperity.春花开,秋叶落,繁华过后留残香。

56、No one in the crowd will care about your fall.人海中没人,会在意你的跌倒。

57、Out of my inner compassion, I don't weigh myself today!出于内心的慈悲,我今天不称体重!

58、If you can't think of it, you don't want it. If you can't get it, you don't want it.想不开,就不想,得不到,就不要。

59、People worse than me are working hard. What qualifications do I have to stand still.比我差的人都在努力,我有什么资格原地踏步。

60、Unwilling to put down, is often not worth cherishing.不甘放下的,往往不是值得珍惜的。

61、It's rare that your movements and movements are pleasant, and your eyes can be chaotic.难得你动静皆宜人,对目可叫人乱性。

62、Hometown tonight thinking thousands of miles, frost temples, another year in the Ming Dynasty.故乡今夜思千里,霜鬓明朝又一年。

63、Only when you have your own heart can you keep warm with reading!拥有自己的倾心,才能以念取暖!

64、Meikui only wants to face the sun, and her heart is decadent.美葵一意只朝日,蓠下莴心尽败颓。

65、Never expect anyone to give you everything you want without asking for return.千万别指望谁,不求回报的给你想要的一切。

66、Breaking a promise helps lose weight, as long as it's not meat.食言有助减肥,只要不是荤话。

67、Three cups and two cups of light wine, how can we defeat him and come late?三杯两盏淡酒,怎敌他、晚来风急?

68、Those who understand me don't have to explain; If you don't understand me, why explain.懂我的人,不必解释;不懂我的,何必解释。

69、You are the crumpled sunlight, falling into the warmth of my dream.你是揉碎的日光,落入我梦境的一片温暖。

70、You don't have to be strong, but please try to be happy.你不必强大,但请尽量快乐。

71、Like may not be appropriate, or you don't deserve it.喜欢未必合适,或者你不配。

72、Ask you how much sorrow you can have. It is just a river of spring water flowing eastward.问君能有几多愁,恰是一江春水向东流。

73、I'm afraid that time passes too fast, but I expect it to go faster.害怕时间过得太快,但又期待它走的快一些。

74、We have been looking for, looking for, the ending we all have.我们一直在寻觅,寻觅,那个我们都有的结局。

75、Today's homesickness is a close relative under the same bright moon.如今的乡愁,是同一轮明月下的至亲。

76、It's troublesome to fall in love. I'll trouble you later.谈恋爱挺麻烦的,以后就麻烦你了。

77、Opportunity never comes again; Once an opportunity passes, it never comes again.机不可失,时不再来;机会一过,永不再来。

78、In the distant night, walking leisurely in the pavilion Gao, I have passed the Qingming Festival and gradually feel the injury of spring evening.遥夜亭皋闲信步,才过清明,渐觉伤春暮。

79、Things are different from people. Stop everything. If you want to talk, tears flow first.物是人非事事休,欲语泪先流。

80、Live a good self-discipline life, beauty will meet by chance on the road.过好自律的生活,美好才会在路上不期而遇。

81、The biggest driving force of learning is the interest in learning materials.学习的最大动力,是对学习材料的兴趣。

82、There's nothing wrong with living for yourself. It's no harm to be selfish.为自己活着没什么错,自私一点没什么坏处。


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